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Cooking with my soul: Vinete umplute, sau Imam Bayildi (Stuffed Eggplants or Imam Bayildi)

Cooking with my soul

5 oct. 2011

Vinete umplute, sau Imam Bayildi (Stuffed Eggplants or Imam Bayildi)

Scroll down for English recipe

Aceasta mancare de origine turceasca se traduce "Imamul a lesinat".  Acum, sa va spun drept, nu se stie exact de ce: unii zic ca din cauza mirosurilor imbietoare emanate de vinete. Altii (si eu inclin sa cred aceasta varianta) spun ca imamul, auzind cat ulei de masline s-a folosit si cat de scump era acesta, era gata sa moara de inima rea :)

Fiind sezonul vinetelor, am tot vazut reteta aceasta pe la noi prin blogosfera si mi-a facut tare pofta. Si cum gradina mea de la tara inca mai produce legume (draguta de ea), m-am hotarat sa le fac si sa vi le prezint si eu. V-as ruga sa scuzati calitatea absolut execrabila a pozelor, dar a trebuit sa le fac seara la lumina becului, caci acesta era pranzul de a doua zi al baietilor mei :)

Umplutura se poate face in diverse moduri, cu sau fara ardei, prajita sau nu. Cate bordeie atatea obiceie, cum zice o vorba romaneasca. Iata varianta mea.

Ingrediente pentru 4 portii:
  • 8 vinete mici (sau 4 mari)
  • 3 cepe mari, tocate marunt
  • 1 capatana usturoi, curatat si tocat marunt
  • 2-3 ardei
  • 4 rosii, taiate cubulete
  • sare, piper
  • 200 ulei de masline 
  • patrunjel tocat 
Cum se face:
  • Cresteaza vinetele in 3, pe lungime, fara a separa insa fasiile de tot.
  • Ca sa le scoti amareala si sa le inmoi putin, opareste vinetele 5 minute in apa fiarta cu sare. Scoate-le, scurge-le si lasa-le la racit
  • Incalzeste bine uleiul, apoi soteaza ceapa si usturoiul pana se inmoaie. Adauga ardeiul si soteaza-l putin. Adauga rosiile, sare si piper si lasa pana ce sosul a scazut. 
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C
  • Pune din aceasta umplutura in fiecare crestatura din vinata. Pune vinetele intr-o tava si stropeste-le cu putin ulei de masline.Pune tava in cuptor pana ce vinetele s-au inmuiat bine ( cam 30 - 45 de minute)S
  • Se poate manca rece sau calda.

English version

This dish has a Turkish origin and can be translated "Imam fainted". Now, to tell the truth, nobody knows exactly why: Some say that because of the wonderful smell coming from the dish. Others (I think they are true) say that Imam heard that a lot of olive oil was used and knowing how expensive it was, fainted :)

As my garden still produces vegetables (I am so proud), I decided to make and present this dish to you. I would ask you to excuse the absolutely awful quality of the pictures, but I had to take them at night, using a light bulb, because this was the next day lunch of my boys:)

The filling can be done in various ways, with or without peppers, roasted or not. Here's my version.

Ingredients for 4 servings:
  •      8 small eggplants (or 4 large)
  •      3 large onions, finely chopped
  •      8 cloves of garlic, peeled and chopped
  •      2-3 bell peppers
  •      4 tomatoes, diced
  •      salt, pepper
  •      1 cup  olive oil 
  •      chopped parsley

How to:
  •      Cut the eggplant into 3 lengthwise strips without separating them.
  •      To remove their bitterness and to soften them, simmer eggplants 5 minutes in boiling water with salt. Drain them and leave them to cool
  •      Heat the oil well, then saute the onion and garlic until soft. Add pepper and a saute it. Add tomatoes, salt and pepper and leave until the sauce has thickened.
  •      Preheat the oven to 200 C
  •      Fill the eggplants with the stuffing. Put eggplant in a pan and sprinkle them with little olive oil. Roast the eggplants until they are soft (about 30-45 minutes)
  •      You can eat them cold or warm, sprinkled with parsley.

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