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Cooking with my soul: Mancare de praz cu pui si masline (Leek stew, with chicken and olives)

Cooking with my soul

28 oct. 2011

Mancare de praz cu pui si masline (Leek stew, with chicken and olives)

Scroll down for English recipe

Prazul face parte, din pacate, din categoria legumelor putin folosite de romani. Eu il folosesc destul de mult, de multe ori in loc de ceapa. De-a lungul timpului am facut supa de praz si chiar praz chinezesc, dar reteta cea mai iubita la noi in casa e prazul cu masline. Se face foarte simplu si rapid, asa ca in mai putin de jumatate de ora puteti sa va delectati cu o farfurie aburinda de mancare bine mirositoare. :)

  • 300 g piept de pui, taiat cuburi mai mari
  •  1 kg praz
  • 200 g masline
  • 100 ml vin alb
  • 2 linguri cu pasta de rosii
  • 6 linguri cu ulei de porumb
  • sare dupa gust
Cum se face:
  • Curata prazul de 1-2 foi exterioare pana ramane alb si fara pete. Taie frunzele verzi si arunca-le (sau fierbe-le in ciorba, ca sa dea gust bun). Taie prazul alb in felii nu foarte groae.
  • Incalzeste uleiul intr-o tigaie si soteaza carnea, pana ce devine putin aurie. Adauga prazul si soteaza-l si pe el.
  • Pune vinul si lasa la foc mic, pana ce se absoarbe. Adauga maslinele si pasta de rosii. Amesteca bine. Lasa la fiert 5 minute.
  • Potriveste mancarea de sare. 
  • Mananc-o cu mare pofta :)

English version
Leek is a vegetable that I like very much. I use it quite often instead of onions. Over time I made leek soup and even Chinese leek, but the recipes that we love the most is leek stew, with chicken and olives. It is very simple and fast, so in less than half an hour you can enjoy a steamy plate of flavorful  food. :)

  •      300 g chicken breast, diced 
  •      1 kg leek
  •      200 g olive
  •      100 ml white wine
  •      2 tablespoons tomato paste
  •      6 tablespoons corn oil
  •      salt to taste

How to:
  •  Clean the leeks and remove any damaged parts. Remove the green parts. Cut the white part into slices not too thick.
  •      Heat the oil in a pan and saute the meat until golden. Add the leek and saute it.
  •      Put the wine and let simmer, until absorbed. Add olives and tomato paste. Mix well. Let boil 5 minutes.
  • Add salt to taste.

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