Scroll down for English version

M-am hotarat sa particip la un fel de concurs pe Atasat invitatiei la concurs am primit si un chestionar pe care puteai sa-l completezi sau nu, dupa chef. La mine cheful a zis Da. Daca vreti sa-l cititi in original, il gasiti aici. Sau mai bine direct in acest post.
Cum ai inceput sa ai un blog gastronomic?
Ca sa-ti spun
adevarul, nici eu nu stiu. Cred ca a venit firesc. Din dorinta de a impartasi
cu ceilalti ideile mele. Si pentru a promova mancarea indiana, de care multa
lume se fereste fara rost.
Ai vreun bucatar favorit? Care
este acela?
Jamie Oliver. El mi-a schimbat viziunea asupra gatitului. Cand l-am vazut intr-o
emisiune culinara acum multi ani, m-am indragostit de entuziasmul si pasiunea
pe care o pune in bucatarie.
De unde te inspiri in arta
culinara: carti de bucate, reviste, emisiuni, bloguri, site-uri?
E greu de spus. Cred
ca in egala masura din carti – bloguri – siteuri. Mai putin din emisiuni si
aproape deloc din reviste.
Care a fost cel mai mare dezastru
culinar pe care l-ai avut?
Am mai fost intrebata
odata asta si aunci, ca si acum, n-am stiut ce sa zic. Nu am avut dezastre
majore, iar pe alea minore creierul meu refuza sa si le aduca aminte (lol)
Daca ai avea un restaurant, ce
profil ar avea, care ar fi specialitatea bucatarului si unde ai vrea sa se afle
din punct de vedere geografic?
Vise! Si ca sa intru
in joc, as spune ca mi-ar placea un restaurant indian in New York.
Care au fost cele mai pretentioase
retete gatite de tine vreodata?
Eu nu prea fac mancare pretentioasa, dar cred ca tortul Ciocolata pana la
moarte si Beef
Ce retete ai recomanda utilizatorilor incepatori de pe blogul tau? (simple si de efect)
Briosele cu ciocolata si lamaie si biscuitii Bulgari de zapada sunt foarte foarte usor de facut. Iar ca mancare un foarte gustos Curry de pui in lapte de cocos.
Care este reteta ta preferata
si/sau care este cea pe care o gatesti cel mai des?
Incerc sa fac mancare cat mai variata si de aceea nu prea repet retetele. Si cu toate astea, am in casa doi fani inraiti ai pizzei. De aceea saptamanal fac Pizza... italiana ( adica fara ketcup!)
Ai vreo reteta mostenita din
familie, o reteta a copilariei tale?
Am multe. Atat bunica, cat si mama au fost niste maestre in bucatarie. Am invatat multe de la ele. Acum imi vine in minte o reteta foarte simpla: Taietei cu varza
Ce meniu si ce pregatiri ai
recomanda pentru o masa cu prietenii?
Ce coincidenta intrebarea asta! Chiar acum ma preocupa petrecerea de ziua mea (peste cateva saptamani). Si pentru ca vom fi in jur de 20, va fi un bufet cu antreuri: Tortilla mexicana cu guacamole, Falafel cu salata tabouleh, poate niste Ochelari cu Sos Pesto. Apoi ca fel principal Piept de curcan umplut. Ca desert Inghetata perfecta (de cacao) si Inghetata de mango
Daca ai vrea sa salvezi in capsula
timpului cele mai tari cinci retete, care ar fi acelea?
Nu pot sa aleg,
pentru ca eu le iubesc in egala masura pe toate. Nu pentru ca ar fi cine stie
ce opere de arta, dar fiecare in parte a fost facuta cu suflet si poarta o
particica din mine.
Daca ai putea sa alegi o tara in
care sa te nasti din nou, pe care ai alege-o din punct de vedere culinar?
(cu toate ca nu-mi place ca tara, o apreciez in mod deosebit din punct de
vedere gastronomic)
Cat de mult experimentezi in
bucatarie? Respecti retetele cu stricteze?
99 % din cazuri nu respect retetele. In parte pentru ca nu gasesc exact
ingredientele cerute, in parte pentru ca mi se nazare mie ca ar merge si
altceva pus acolo.
Care este cel mai frumos
compliment pe care l-ai primit pentru mancarea pe care ai gatit-o?
cerut si a treia portie.
Alimentatia sanatoasa este o
chestiune tot mai importanta pentru zilele noastre, suntem inconjurati de
alimente nesanatoase. Ce sfaturi, recomandari le dai tinerelor mamici pentru
a-si hrani sanatos copiii?
sanatoasa ma preocupa si pe mine. De aceea eu nu folosesc niciodata prafuri de
budinci, adaosuri alimentare, creme la plic. Ba chiar si esenta de vanilie o
fac in casa. Nu stiu daca sunt in masura sa dau sfaturi, de aceea mai bine va
spun ce am facut eu pentru ca baiatul meu sa fie hranit sanatos. In primul rand
am inceput sa gatesc si sa mancam acasa, nu de la un fast- food in oras. In
fiecare dimineata ma scol mai devreme si ii pregatesc sandvisuri, ca sa nu fie
nevoit sa-si cumpere chipsuri. Fac paine, biscuiti, hamburgeri, suc de fructe,
ciocolata de casa. Si, pentru ca exemplul parintilor e foarte important, nici
noi nu mancam chipsuri si nici nu bem sucuri cu chimicale. Am discutat cu el
inca de la varsta mica si i-am explicat cum poate fi afectat de mancarea
nesanatoasa. Si se pare ca toate astea au dat roade.
Care este reteta de pe blogul tau
cu cel mai mare succes? (ca numar comentarii, vizualizari etc.)
Cel mai bine a fost primita Supa de sparanghel ca si numar de comentarii. Ca vizualizari Papricas de pui cu galuste de gris
Ai bloggeri culinari preferati?
Care sunt acestia?
Ii puteti vedea in
blogrollul de la mine de pe blog.
Intrebare deschisa: despre ce
altceva ai vrea sa ne mai vorbesti?
As vrea sa le
multumesc celor care imi citesc blogul si celor care au citit micul meu
„interviu”. Sa va urez tuturor sa aveti parte de un an mult mai bun decat cel
care a trecut si sa va transmit un sfat de la Julia Child, care a devenit
motto-ul meu : „Invatati sa gatiti, incercati retete noi, invatati din greseli,
fiti fara frica si mai presus de toate distrati-va” { „Learn how to cook- try new recipes, learn
from your mistakes, be fearless, and above all have fun!"}
English version
I decided to participate in a contest at the culinary site Attached to the invitation to the competition I received a questionnaire that you could fill it or not, as you wish. My wish said yes. You can read it in this post.
I decided to participate in a contest at the culinary site Attached to the invitation to the competition I received a questionnaire that you could fill it or not, as you wish. My wish said yes. You can read it in this post.
How did you start a culinary blog ?
To tell you the truth, I do not know. I think it came naturally. Wanting to share my ideas with others. And to promote Indian food, which many people don't cook here in Romania.
Do you have any favorite chef?
Definitely, Jamie Oliver. He changed my vision of cooking. When I saw his cooking show years ago, I became in love with the enthusiasm and passion he put into the kitchen.
Who inspires you: cookbooks, magazines, broadcasts, blogs, Web sites?
It's hard to say. I think equally from the books - blogs - sites. Less from shows, and magazines .
What was the biggest culinary disaster that you had?
I've been asked this once and than, as now, I didn't know what to say. I had no major disasters, and the minor stuff my brain refuses to remember (lol)
If you have a restaurant, what profile should be, which would cook's specialty and where geographically?
Dreams! And to get into the game, I'd say I'd love an Indian restaurant in New York.
What were the most exquisite recipes you ever cooked?
I do not cook fancy food, but I think the cake Death by chocolate and Beef Bourguignon.
What recipe would you recommend to novice users on your blog?
Chocolate cupcakes with lemon, Snowball cookies are very easily done. And as a very tasty meal Chicken curry in coconut milk.
What is your favorite recipe?
I try to make variate food and therefore I not really repeat recipes. And yet, I have two pizza fans at home. This is why weekly I bake Italian Pizza (no ketchup!)
Do you have inherited family recipe, a recipe of your childhood?
I have many. Both grandmother and mother were some masters in the kitchen. I learned a lot from them. Now I can think of a very simple recipe: Noodles with cabbage and black pepper
What menu would you recommend and what preparations for a meal with friends?
What a coincidence that question! Even now I am concerned about my birthday party (in several weeks). And we will be around 20, will be a buffet with appetizers: Mexican tortilla with guacamole, Falafel with tabouleh salad, maybe some Glasses with Pesto Sauce. The main dish Stuffed turkey breast. As dessert The perfect ice cream (cocoa) and Mango ice cream
If you want to save in the time capsule five recipes, which are them?
I can not choose, because I love them all equally. Not because they are some works of art, but each one was made with soul and carries a part of me.
If you could choose a country where you were born again, from the culinary point of view, which would it be?
France (although I do not like the country, I appreciate the gastronomic point of view)
What is the nicest compliment you've received for the food that you cooked ?
They asked for the third portion.
What is the recipe on the blog with the most successful? (The number of comments, views, etc..) Asparagus soup received the biggest number number of comments. As views, Paprika chicken with semolina dumplings
You prefer culinary bloggers? Who are them? You can see them in the blogroll on my blog.
What else do you want to tell us?
I would like to thank those who read my blog and those who have read my little "interview". And I want to give you an advice, directly from Julia Child (it became my motto): " Learn how to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, Be Fearless, and Above all have fun! "
To tell you the truth, I do not know. I think it came naturally. Wanting to share my ideas with others. And to promote Indian food, which many people don't cook here in Romania.
Do you have any favorite chef?
Definitely, Jamie Oliver. He changed my vision of cooking. When I saw his cooking show years ago, I became in love with the enthusiasm and passion he put into the kitchen.
Who inspires you: cookbooks, magazines, broadcasts, blogs, Web sites?
It's hard to say. I think equally from the books - blogs - sites. Less from shows, and magazines .
What was the biggest culinary disaster that you had?
I've been asked this once and than, as now, I didn't know what to say. I had no major disasters, and the minor stuff my brain refuses to remember (lol)
If you have a restaurant, what profile should be, which would cook's specialty and where geographically?
Dreams! And to get into the game, I'd say I'd love an Indian restaurant in New York.
What were the most exquisite recipes you ever cooked?
I do not cook fancy food, but I think the cake Death by chocolate and Beef Bourguignon.
What recipe would you recommend to novice users on your blog?
Chocolate cupcakes with lemon, Snowball cookies are very easily done. And as a very tasty meal Chicken curry in coconut milk.
What is your favorite recipe?
I try to make variate food and therefore I not really repeat recipes. And yet, I have two pizza fans at home. This is why weekly I bake Italian Pizza (no ketchup!)
Do you have inherited family recipe, a recipe of your childhood?
I have many. Both grandmother and mother were some masters in the kitchen. I learned a lot from them. Now I can think of a very simple recipe: Noodles with cabbage and black pepper
What menu would you recommend and what preparations for a meal with friends?
What a coincidence that question! Even now I am concerned about my birthday party (in several weeks). And we will be around 20, will be a buffet with appetizers: Mexican tortilla with guacamole, Falafel with tabouleh salad, maybe some Glasses with Pesto Sauce. The main dish Stuffed turkey breast. As dessert The perfect ice cream (cocoa) and Mango ice cream
If you want to save in the time capsule five recipes, which are them?
I can not choose, because I love them all equally. Not because they are some works of art, but each one was made with soul and carries a part of me.
If you could choose a country where you were born again, from the culinary point of view, which would it be?
France (although I do not like the country, I appreciate the gastronomic point of view)
What is the nicest compliment you've received for the food that you cooked ?
They asked for the third portion.
What is the recipe on the blog with the most successful? (The number of comments, views, etc..) Asparagus soup received the biggest number number of comments. As views, Paprika chicken with semolina dumplings
You prefer culinary bloggers? Who are them? You can see them in the blogroll on my blog.
What else do you want to tell us?
I would like to thank those who read my blog and those who have read my little "interview". And I want to give you an advice, directly from Julia Child (it became my motto): " Learn how to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, Be Fearless, and Above all have fun! "
Am primit si eu invitatia... nu am avut timp sa imi scriu interviul... De felul meu nu particip la concursuri... stiu ca nu am sanse sa castig... dar acum trebuind sa si inscriu retete pt invitatia la parada, mi-am zis ok... de ce nu...
Mersi, Felis. Bafta si tie.
RăspundețiȘtergereSo nice to get to know you a little better...looking forward to hearing about your birthday party :)
RăspundețiȘtergeregreat interview!! thanks for sharing so much about yourself, its always nice to get to know our online friends!
Lizzy, Chef D, yes sometimes you want to know who is behind the laptop's screen. :)
RăspundețiȘtergereFelicitari pentru interviu si bafta la concurs!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a fabulous interview post! I loved reading about you and learning a bit more about you. Thank you so much for sharing this with us!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for sharing your interview; I enjoyed getting to know you a bit better! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereuite asa aflam mai multe despre tine :)
RăspundețiȘtergeresucces la concurs
Si eu as vrea sa fiu invitata la ziua ta...delicios meniu, mi s-a facut pofta de inghetata!
RăspundețiȘtergereMult succes la concurs iti doresc!