Scroll down for English recipe
Chiar daca mancarea thai sau indiana contine multe condimente, nu este de loc greu sa pregatesti asa ceva. Ca sa-ti fie usor, scoate toate ingredientele si pregateste-le. Apoi pune-le langa tine cand gatesti. Asa o sa fie totul gata in cateva minute.
Ingrediente pentru 4 portii
- 3 linguri migdale macinate
- 2 linguri fulgi de nuca de cocos
- 200 - 250 ml lapte de cocos
- 1 lingurita cu coriandru praf
- 1/2 lingurita cu chili praf
- 2 lingurite usturoi ras pe razatoarea mica (cam 5 catei de usturoi)
- 2 lingurite ghimbir ras pe razatoarea mica (cam 7 cm de radacina de ghimbir)
- 500 g piept de pui dezosat si fara piele, taiat bucati mici
- 2 linguri ulei de porumb
- 5 pastai de cardamom verde
- 2 frunze de dafin
- 2 lingurite cu patrunjel verde tocat
- sare dupa gust
Cum se face
- Prajeste uscat nuca de cocos si migdalele macinate, pana au o culoare maronie
- Pune amestecul intr-un castron. Adauga laptele de cocos, praful de coriandru si chili, ghimbirul si usturoiul. Amesteca bine si lasa deoparte.
- Intr-o tigaie mare incalzeste uleiul. Pune in tigaie carnea, cardamomul si si foile de dafin. Stir fry cate 2 minute pe fiecare parte.
- Pune in tigaie sosul de cocos, amesteca si lasa sa fiarba incet, acoperit 10- 12 minute sau pana ce carnea e facuta. Daca sosul scade foarte mult adauga putina apa.
- Cu 2 minute inainte ca mancarea sa fie gata, pune coriandrul.
- Serveste cu orez basmati.
English version
Ingredients for 4 servings
* 3 tablespoons ground almonds
* 2 tablespoons flaked coconut
* 200 - 250 ml coconut milk
* 1 teaspoon coriander powder
* 1 / 2 teaspoon chili powder
* 2 tablespoons grated garlic (about 5 cloves of garlic)
* 2 teaspoons grated ginger (about 7 cm of ginger root)
* 500 g boneless and skinless chicken breast, cut into small pieces
* 2 tablespoons corn oil
* 5 green cardamom pods
* 2 bay leaves
* 2 tablespoons chopped parsley
* Salt to taste
How To
* Fry dried coconut and almonds until light brown
* Put the mixture into a bowl. Add coconut milk, coriander and chili powder, ginger and garlic. Mix well and leave aside.
* In a large skillet heat the oil. Put in skillet meat, bay leaves and cardamom. Stir fry 2 minutes on each side.
* Put the coconut sauce to skillet, stir and let simmer slowly, covered 10-12 minutes or until meat is done. If the sauce thickens too much, add a little water.
* Two minutes before to be ready, put the coriander.
* Serve with basmati rice.
It looks fantastic and I bet the smell in the kitchen as it's cooking is wonderful. Thanks for sharing the recipe.