Scroll down for English recipe
Salamul de biscuiti e poate cel mai des intalnit desert la noi. Mama mi-l facea de multe ori cand eram copil. Si totusi, (ori poate de aceea) eu nu l-am facut niciodata pana acum. E foarte simplu si contine ingrediente extrem de gustoase. Eu m-am jucat putin si, pe langa forma clasica de salam am facut si niste acadele.Am folosit forma de silicon de la Wilton.
Si, pentru ca la mine e musai ca reteta sa aibe ceva deosebit, am pus inauntru si melasa de curmale, gasita intr-un magazin arabesc.
- 300 g biscuiti simpli, rupti in bucatele
- 100 g rahat taiat mic
- 100 g alune,migdale, nuca taiate bucatele (in ce combinatie vrei)
- 100 g unt
- 50 g zahar
- 5 linguri melasa de curmale (daca nu ai, mai pune 50 g zahar)
- 100 g cacao neagra
- 100 ml lapte
- 2 fiole esenta de rom
Cum se face
- Pune zaharul, untul, laptele si cacaoa la fiert intr-o craticioara. La foc mic amesteca din cand in cand, sa se formeze un sos. Sosul nu trebuie sa fie foarte gros
- Lasa sosul sa se racoreasca putin. Amesteca in el esenta de rom.
- Pune biscuitii intr-un castron si amesteca-i cu rahat si alune. Toarna melasa, daca folosesti
- Toarna sosul de cacao si incepe sa framanti compozitia cu mana, pana ce toate se leaga.
- Daca e foarte subtire compozitia (ceea ce n-as crede) mai pune biscuiti. Daca e prea densa compozitia, pune putin lapte.
- Imparte compozitia in doua, pune o jumatate pe folie si formeaza un sul. Preseaza putin, ca sa nu fie gauri in salam.
- Infasoara salamul in folie.
- Fa acelasi lucru pentru a doua jumatate de compozitie. Pune-le la frigider pana a doua zi
- Taie feliute salamul si serveste-l ca desert.
English version
Biscuit Salami is perhaps the most common dessert in Romania. My mother made it many times when I was a kid. And yet, (or maybe that's why) I've never done it before. It contains very simple and very tasty ingredients. I played a little and, along with the classic form of sausage I made some lollipops. I used for this a Wilton mold.
And because my recipes must have something special, I put in it some dates molasses which I found in an Arabic shop.
* 300 g plain biscuits, broken into pieces
* 100 g turkish delight (lokum), chopped
* 100 g peanuts, almonds, walnut chopped (in what combination you want)
* 100 g butter
* 50 g sugar
* 5 tablespoons dates molasses (if you don't have, put 50 g sugar)
* 100 g dark cocoa
* 100 ml milk
* 2 tablespoons rum
How To
* Put sugar, butter, milk and cocoa to a boil in a saucepan. On low heat stir from time to time, to form a sauce. Sauce shouldn't be very thick
* Allow sauce to cool slightly. Mix the rum in it.
* Put the biscuits in a bowl and mix them with nuts and turkish delight. Pour the molasses, if you use
* Pour sauce and begin to knead the mixture by hand until the mixture is like a dough.
* If mixture is very thin add some biscuits. If mixture is too thick, add some milk.
* Divide the mixture into half . Put one half on a foil and form a roll, like a salami. Push a little, not to be holes in the salami.
* Wrap the salami in foil.
* Do the same for the second half. Put them in a refrigerator until the next day
* Cut salami slices and serve it as dessert.
* 300 g plain biscuits, broken into pieces
* 100 g turkish delight (lokum), chopped
* 100 g peanuts, almonds, walnut chopped (in what combination you want)
* 100 g butter
* 50 g sugar
* 5 tablespoons dates molasses (if you don't have, put 50 g sugar)
* 100 g dark cocoa
* 100 ml milk
* 2 tablespoons rum
How To
* Put sugar, butter, milk and cocoa to a boil in a saucepan. On low heat stir from time to time, to form a sauce. Sauce shouldn't be very thick
* Allow sauce to cool slightly. Mix the rum in it.
* Put the biscuits in a bowl and mix them with nuts and turkish delight. Pour the molasses, if you use
* Pour sauce and begin to knead the mixture by hand until the mixture is like a dough.
* If mixture is very thin add some biscuits. If mixture is too thick, add some milk.
* Divide the mixture into half . Put one half on a foil and form a roll, like a salami. Push a little, not to be holes in the salami.
* Wrap the salami in foil.
* Do the same for the second half. Put them in a refrigerator until the next day
* Cut salami slices and serve it as dessert.
Yum! Also, what is Turkish delight?
RăspundețiȘtergereOmg my mom makes this but she would make it in a dish. I never knew it was romanian. It tastes soooo soooo soooo good. I like how you made yours on those sticks. Very smart :)
RăspundețiȘtergereHow delightful!! I would love to try this.
RăspundețiȘtergere@Tiffany, it is a typical turkish sweet
RăspundețiȘtergere@Cakewhiz, wow.It is nice to hear that this recipe traveled so long distance.It is very good endeed.
@Belinda, It is so easy to be done.You should try doing it.
you're right, i think it is the most popular sweet in Romania. my mom used to make some every Sunday when I was a child. Sometimes she still makes some but I think over the years it lost its charm.
RăspundețiȘtergerehave a wonderful day Brandusa
See this American learned about a new chocolate dessert today so her day is complete. Thank you!
RăspundețiȘtergere:) Arata fantastic!
RăspundețiȘtergereMultumesc frumos :)