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Cooking with my soul: Piept de curcan umplut (Rolled turkey breast stuffed with bacon and mushrooms)

Cooking with my soul

30 apr. 2010

Piept de curcan umplut (Rolled turkey breast stuffed with bacon and mushrooms)

Scroll down for English recipe

  • 1200 g piept de curcan
  • 200 g sunca afumata, taiata marunt
  • 200 g ciuperci, taiate marunt
  • 1 ceapa, taiata marunt
  • 2 cepe verzi taiate marunt
  • 1/2 legatura patrunjel, tocata marunt
  • 1 ou, batut usor
  • 2 linguri de pesmet
  • sare, piper dupa gust
  • 100 ml ulei de masline
  • 1 pahar de vin alb

Taie pieptul transversal, ca sa devina mai subtire.  Pune o foaie de plastic deasupra si bate carnea usor, ca sa i se uniformizeze grosimea.

Prajeste sunca in 2 linguri ulei. Adauga ciupercile si prajeste-le. Adauga ceapa si caramelizeaz-o. Pune amestecul intr-un castron si adauga sare, piper , ceapa verde si patrunjelul. Adauga oul si pesmetul. Amesteca bine.

Pune amestecul pe mijlocul carnii si ruleaza. Leaga cu sfoara alimentara. Unge rulada cu putin ulei si freaca cu sare si piper. Pune intr-o tava, adauga tot uleiul si vinul si coace in cuptorul incalzit la 200 C pentru 1 ora.

Lasa sa se odihneasca 15 minute, dupa care taia felii. Serveste cu cartofi fierti si salata.

English version

    * 1200 g turkey breast
    * 200 g ham, chopped
    * 200 g mushrooms, finely chopped
    * 1 onion, chopped
    * 2 spring onions finely chopped
    * 1 / 2 cup parsley, chopped
    * 1 egg, slightly beaten
    * 2 tablespoons bread crumbs
    * Salt and pepper to taste
    * 100 ml olive oil
    * 1 cup white wine

  1. Butterfly the breast to become thinner. 
  2. Put a plastic sheet on top and beat the meat, to make it evenly thin. 
  3. Fry bacon in 2 tablespoons oil. Add mushrooms and fry them. Add onion and fry it. Put mixture into a bowl and add salt, pepper, green onions and parsley. Add egg and breadcrumbs. Mix well. 
  4. Put meat mixture in the middle of meat and roll. Tie with string. Brush rolls with oil and rub with a little salt and pepper. 
  5.  Put in a pan, add all the oil and wine and bake in oven heated to 200 C for one hour. 
  6. Let rest 15 minutes, then cut slices. Serve with boiled potatoes and salad.

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