
24 mai 2011

Supa de fasole neagra (Black beans soup)

Scroll down for English recipe

Azi am avut pofta de o mancare cu fasole boabe si mi-am adus aminte ca prin camara sta ratacita o punga cu fasole neagra, cumparata cu ceva vreme in urma. Am cautat o reteta pe internet  si, in final, am combinat mai multe ca sa obtin ceva pe gustul meu. Iata ce a iesit:

  • 500 g fasole neagra (sau 3 cutii mici, deja fierte)
  • 2 + 3 linguri ulei
  • 4 cepe verzi
  • 3 catei de usturoi
  • 1/2 lingurita chimion praf
  • 1 lingurita coriandru praf
  • 1 lingurita oregano uscat
  • chilli dupa gust
  • sare dupa gust
Cum se face:
  • Fierbe fasolea in apa cat sa o acopere (daca nu ai cumparat-o deja fiarta, la conserva). Scurge boabele si pastreaza apa in care au fiert.
  • Toaca 2 cepe si usturoiul.Incalzeste uleiul si pune in el coriandrul si chimionul. Prajeste-le putin. Adauga ceapa si usturoiul si prajeste la foc mic, pana ce se inmoaie. 
  • Acest amestec pune-l intr-o oala, impreuna cu 1/3 din boabele de fasole pasate si restul de fasole. Adauga din zeama in care a fiert fasolea, pana cand supa are consistenta pe care o doresti.
  • Adauga oregano, chili si sare. Fierbe 10 minute.
  • In acest timp soteaza cele 2 cepe ramase, tocate marunt, in cele 3 linguri de ulei
  • Serveste supa calda, cu putina ceapa prajita deasupra. Poti pune si putina ceapa verde. 

English version 

This is the first time I cook black beans. For this I searched on the internet, I took something from here, something from there and finally this is what I did:

     500 g black beans (or 3 small cans already cooked)
     2 + 3 tablespoons oil
     4 green onions
     3 cloves garlic
     1 / 2 teaspoon cumin powder
     1 tsp coriander powder
     1 teaspoon dried oregano
     chilli to taste
     salt to taste

How To:

     Boil beans in water enough to cover it (if you have not already bought cooked, canned beans). Drain the beans and reserve the boiled water.
    Heat 2 tablespoons of oil and add coriander and cumin. Fry them slightly. Add 2 chopped onions and garlic and fry them over low heat until softened.
     Put it in a pot with 1 / 3 of the beans mashed and remaining beans. Add the reserved liquid,  until the soup has the desired consistency.
     Add oregano, chili and salt. Simmer 10 minutes.
     Meanwhile fry the remaining 2 onions, finely minced, in 3 tablespoons oil
     Serve hot soup with some fried onions on top. You can garnish with green onion.


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