Dupa cum va spuneam, particip la concursul Bloggospodina. Conform regulamentului, fiecare concurent trebuie sa prezinte cate doua "creatii". Una dintre ele este o reteta la alegere de pe blogul Laurei Laurentiu, www.retetecalamama.ro
Si am inceput sa rasfoiesc retetele. Am gasit o multime de bunatati care mi-au facut cu ochiul. Pe care s-o fac? Grea alegere. Dar, pentru ca acesta este un concurs, iar eu m-am hotarat sa invat cate ceva din fiecare, am ales o reteta care sa ma scoata din zona mea de confort. Am ales ceva ce n-am mai facut pana acum: aluatul foietat. Adica, Placinta cu branza si urda. Cu o singura modificare. Pentru ca pe aici urda e cam... ciudata, am hotarat sa o elimin si sa folosesc branza putin sarata si branza framantata. In rest, am urmat pas cu pas indicatiile Laurei. Iata ce a iesit:
Ingrediente pentru doua foi (se pune una la baza si una desupra umpluturii):
- 2 galbenusuri
- 400 de grame de faina 000
- 1 praf de sare
- 100 ml apa minerala
- 125 ml iaurt gras (Cedra am folosit eu)
- 175 g unt + 30 g faina
- 500 g branza framantata, faramitata
- 500 g branza sarata, rasa pe razatoarea mare
- 1 legatura marar
- 5 oua
Cum se face:
- Amesteca faina, galbenusurile, iaurtul, apa si sarea. Framanta pana ce se formeaza o coca neteda si elastica. Imparte coca in doua parti egale
- Amesteca bine untul cu faina, cu ajutorul unui mixer. Faina se pune in unt pentru a mari aderenta lui la coca.
- Ia una dintre bucatile de coca si intinde-o sub forma de dreptunghi, pe masa unsa cu ulei. Unge-o cu 1/4 din cantitatea de unt. Taie foaia in 9 patratele, dupa urmatoarea forma (patratelele nu trebuie separate complet):
- Acum urmeaza impachetatul. Coltul dreapta- jos se aduce in centru
- Coltul opus: stanga - sus se aduce spre centru
- Acelasi lucru se face cu celelalte colturi
- Acum impachetam restul de coca: patratul de sus se aduce in mijloc, apoi patratul de jos.
- Patratul stanga se aduce in mijloc, apoi patratul dreapta. Rezulta un pachetel de coca :)
- Se repeta intinsul si impachetarea si pentru a doua bucata de coca. Cele doua pachetele se pun cu fata in jos pe o farfurie, se acopera cu folie de plastic si se pun in frigider 15 minute
- Cand se scot din frigider se pun pe masa unsa cu ulei, cu fata in sus si se intind foaie din nou. Lucrul asta se face apasand incetisor din mijloc spre exterior. Ai grija sa nu iasa untul
- Se ung fiecare cu cate 1/4 din untul ramas,
- se taie in acelasi mod si se impacheteaza. Pachetelele se pun in frigider 30 minute (sau chiar putin mai mult, daca uiti de ele )
- In timpul acesta pregateste umplutura, amestecand toate ingredientele bine cu mixerul. Daca branza a fost foarte uscata, poti adauga cateva linguri de smantana sau iaurt gras
- Inainte de a scoate coca din frigider, incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C. Unge cu unt o tava de aproximativ 30 cm x 40 cm
- Intinde una dintre foi (pe masa unsa cu ulei) de dimensiunea tavii. Ruleaz-o pe sucitor si pune-o in tava
- Toarna umplutura de branza si uniformizeaz-o
- Intinde cea de-a doua foaie si pune-o desupra. Cu o rotita de taiat pizza sau cu un cutit ascutit taie placinta in bucati. Unge-o cu galbenus
- Coace placinta la 180 C, pentru 30- 40 minute, pana ce se aureste
- Las-o sa se raceasca, apoi tai-o in bucati.
Si acum, reactia mea dupa ce am gustat prima bucata de placinta: Uaaau! Am reusit! Am facut foietaj! Si nici nu m-am chinuit. Iti multumesc, Laura!
English version:
Ingredients for two puff pastry sheets (one above and one under the filling):
2 yolks
400 grams AP flour
1 pinch salt
100 ml mineral water
125 ml greek yogurt
175 g flour + 30 g butter
For the filling
500 g goat cheese
500 g cow cheese, grated
1 bunch dill
5 eggs
For brushing: 1 egg yolk
How To:
Mix flour, egg yolks, yogurt, water and salt. Knead dough until it is smooth and elastic. Divide dough into two equal parts
2 yolks
400 grams AP flour
1 pinch salt
100 ml mineral water
125 ml greek yogurt
175 g flour + 30 g butter
For the filling
500 g goat cheese
500 g cow cheese, grated
1 bunch dill
5 eggs
For brushing: 1 egg yolk
How To:
Mix flour, egg yolks, yogurt, water and salt. Knead dough until it is smooth and elastic. Divide dough into two equal parts
Mix well butter and flour using a mixer.
Take one of the pieces of dough and stretch it as rectangles, on an oiled table. Brush it with 1 / 4 of the butter. Cut sheet into 9 squares (squares should not be completely separated). See the pictures above
Now comes the packing. Bring the lower right corner to the center. Bring the upper- left corner to the center.
The same is done with the other corners. Now fold the remaining dough: bring top square in the center, then the opposite square.
Bring the left square in the center, then the right square. Now we have a package of dough :)
Repeat for second piece of dough. Put the two packages face down on a plate, cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator 15 minutes
Oil the table, put a piece of dough face up and stretch gain. Do this by slowly pressing the middle outwards. Watch for the butter not to come out.
Brush each rectangle of dough with 1 / 4 of the remaining butter, cut and packed in the same way presented before. Place the packages in the fridge for 30 minutes (or slightly more if you forget about them)
During this time, prepare the filling by mixing all ingredients. If the cheese was very dry, add a few tablespoons of cream or yogurt
Before removing the dough from the refrigerator, heat oven to 200 C. Grease a 30 cm x 40 cm backing tray with butter.
Stretch one sheet of dough at the size of the tray. Put it in the tray.
Pour cheese filling and lay over it the second sheet of dough. With a pizza cutter or a sharp knife cut the pie into pieces. Brush it with egg yolk
Bake pie at 180 C for 30-40 minutes, until it is golden.
Leave to cool, then cut it into pieces.
Take one of the pieces of dough and stretch it as rectangles, on an oiled table. Brush it with 1 / 4 of the butter. Cut sheet into 9 squares (squares should not be completely separated). See the pictures above
Now comes the packing. Bring the lower right corner to the center. Bring the upper- left corner to the center.
The same is done with the other corners. Now fold the remaining dough: bring top square in the center, then the opposite square.
Bring the left square in the center, then the right square. Now we have a package of dough :)
Repeat for second piece of dough. Put the two packages face down on a plate, cover with plastic wrap and place in refrigerator 15 minutes
Oil the table, put a piece of dough face up and stretch gain. Do this by slowly pressing the middle outwards. Watch for the butter not to come out.
Brush each rectangle of dough with 1 / 4 of the remaining butter, cut and packed in the same way presented before. Place the packages in the fridge for 30 minutes (or slightly more if you forget about them)
During this time, prepare the filling by mixing all ingredients. If the cheese was very dry, add a few tablespoons of cream or yogurt
Before removing the dough from the refrigerator, heat oven to 200 C. Grease a 30 cm x 40 cm backing tray with butter.
Stretch one sheet of dough at the size of the tray. Put it in the tray.
Pour cheese filling and lay over it the second sheet of dough. With a pizza cutter or a sharp knife cut the pie into pieces. Brush it with egg yolk
Bake pie at 180 C for 30-40 minutes, until it is golden.
Leave to cool, then cut it into pieces.
Ce frumoasa e!!! Ce rumena!!
RăspundețiȘtergerechiar ca oauu! arata foarte, foarte bine! cu siguranta veti castiga! Bafta sa aveti!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis looks absolutely amazing.. everything about it screams savory deliciousness
RăspundețiȘtergereŞi unde te putem vota?
RăspundețiȘtergereNu pui un link, ceva?
Faină plăcinta. :)
This looks delicious! Fabulous job with the pastry!
RăspundețiȘtergereCu mare drag te invit sa raspunzi provocarii Dulce Romanie, pe care luna aceasta o gazduiesc pe blog-ul meu.. Ingredientele provocarii sunt menta si ciresele... 2 ingrediente pline de inspiratie, zic eu :). Multumesc anticipat.. O zi frumoasa.
RăspundețiȘtergereFelicitari pentru premiu! :*