
1 iun. 2011

Profiterol cu ciocolata (Chocolate Profiteroles)

Scroll down for English recipe

Aceste prajiturele se gasesc in cafenelele frantuzesti, umplute cu inghetata (asa cum le-am facut eu) sau cu frisca pufoasa. Indiferent ce au inauntru, sunt stropite din abundenta cu un sos gros de ciocolata.


Pentru profiterol:
  • 100 g faina
  • 80 g unt
  • 175 ml apa
  • 3 oua
  • un praf de sare
  • un praf de nucsoara

Pentru sosul de ciocolata:

  • 200 g ciocolata amaruie
  • 100 ml apa calduta
Inghetata de cacao/vanilie sau ce aroma iti place 

Cum se face:
  • Inghetata o poti cumpara, sau o poti face ca aici
  • Gogosile pentru profiterol se fac ca  aici
  • Pentru sosul de ciocolata, amesteca apa cu ciocolata taiata bucati mici si pune-le la baia de aburi. Cand totul s-a incalzit, omogenizeaza bine. Pastreaza sosul la cald, sau incalzeste-l inainte de a servi profiterolul
  • Taie gogosile in doua, umple una din jumatati cu inghetata si acoper-o cu cealalta jumatate. Pune profiterolul pe farfurie si toarna o portie generoasa de sos cald.
  • Se mananca imediat.

English version

This dessert is served in France almost in all cafes. They are filled sometimes with ice cream, sometimes with whipped cream, but always drizzled with hot thick chocolate sauce.

For profiteroles:
  •      100 g flour
  •      80 g butter
  •      175 ml water
  •      3 eggs
  •      Pinch of salt
  •      Pinch nutmeg
For chocolate sauce:

     200 g dark chocolate
     100 ml lukewarm water

Ice cream cocoa/ vanilla or any flavor you like

How To:

     You can buy ice cream or you can do that like here
     Profiteroles can be baked like here
     For chocolate sauce, mix water with chocolate cut into small pieces. Put them in a bowl over boiling water. When everything has been heated, mix well. Keep sauce hot or warm it before serving profiteroles
     Split profiteroles in half, fill one half with ice cream and cover it with the other half. Put profiteroles on a plate and pour a generous portion of hot sauce.
     Eat them immediately.

9 comentarii:

  1. wowwwwwww che meraviglia!!!complimenti!baci!

  2. Imi place profiterolul, i printre preferate! tare delicios arata!

  3. super! vreau si eu una cu inghetata, se poate?

  4. probably this is my first visit to your space...gorgeous blog you have..wonderful presentation..
    Am your happy follower now..:)
    do stop by mine sometime...

    Tasty Appetite
    Event: Letz Relishh Ice Creams

  5. Oh yum - I've never eaten profiteroles with ice-cream in before! What a decadently lovely ice-cream sandwich

  6. Drooling all over my computer! ALL OVER IT! :D

  7. These looks so delicious. Profiteroles is one of my favourite desserts although I don't make choux very often because of the butter and eggs used in the recipe as I have to watch my cholesterol levels.

  8. Lovely. Thank you for sharing and for making sure even us English readers can enjoy.

  9. noi avem o cafea in apropiere si mereu imi cumpar dar n-am incercat sa fac niciodata.ale tale arata foarte bine, am inghitit in sec


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