
31 ian. 2011

Muschiulet de porc cu sos de capere (Pork tenderloin with capers sauce)

Scroll down for English recipe

  In luna decembrie am castigat un concurs culinar. Ieri am primit cadoul, pe care mi l-am dorit de mult: un mojar de la Jamie Oliver. Prin urmare, azi a trebuit sa-l probez. Si a iesit sosul asta de capere.

Ingrediente pentru 3 persoane:
  • 600 g muschiulet de porc
  • 300 ml vin alb
  • 4 cm ghimbir, taiat bucati
  • 4 catei de usturoi
  • 5 boabe de piper negru
  • 4 linguri de capere

Cum se face:
  • Pune carnea la marinat in vin, ghimbir, usturoi si piper. Acoper-o cu folie de plastic si las-o minim 4 ore (sau peste noapte)
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C 
  • Scoate carnea din marinada si sareaz-o putin. Pune-o intr-o tavita si adauga 200 ml de zeama strecuarata de marinada
  • Coace in cuptor cam 1 ora, sau pana cand carnea e facuta
  • In timpul asta mixeaza caperele intr-un mojar sau cu furculita

  • Cand friptura e gata, toarna sosul format in tava, in piureul de capere si amesteca bine .
  • Serveste felii de carne cu sosul de capere
Si acum, daca tot am terminat cu reteta va invit sa vizitati blogul lui Nancy aka Spicy Foodie care a avut o initiativa foarte draguta, numita Your Best Recipe. Lunar, bloggeri de peste tot ii trimit retetele pe care ei le considera reprezentative pentru luna respectiva, iar Nancy le acorda un post special.

Intrati sa vedeti ce am ales eu, cat si alte minunate mancaruri de prin toata lumea.

English version

In December I won a cooking contest. Yesterday I received the gift, which I had long desired: a mortar from Jamie Oliver. Therefore, today I had to try it. And I made capers sauce.

Ingredients for 3 persons:

     * 600 g pork tenderloin
     * 300 ml white wine
     * 4 cm ginger, cut in pieces
     * 4 cloves garlic
     * 5 black peppercorns
     * 4 tablespoons capers

How To:

     * Put the meat to marinate in wine, ginger, garlic and pepper. Cover it with plastic wrap and leave at least 4 hours (or overnight)
     * Preheat oven to 200 C
     * Remove meat from marinade and add a little salt. Put it in a pan and add 200 ml of juice marinade
     * Bake in oven about 1 hour or until meat is done
     * During this mix capers in a mortar or with a fork
     * When the steak is ready, pour sauce formed in pan over puree of capers and mix well.
     * Serve sliced pork with caper sauce

Now that the recipe is finished, don't forget  to visit Nancy aka Spicy Foodie and her monthly event Your Best Recipe. You can find there my favorite for January and many other delicious dishes.See you.

4 comentarii:

  1. This sounds fabulous! I adore capers, but my family pushes them to the side of their plates. I'm thinking if I disguise them by crushing them, like you do in this recipe, they won't complain! THANKS!

  2. Congrats on your award! I love that you've used capers with pork. It needs strong flavours to cut the fattiness and this sounds like a perfect flavour combination. A very good use of your pestle and mortar - Jamie Oliver would be proud!

  3. Lizzy, like this they don't even smell like capers. But they taste so! I hope your family will like them.

  4. Hester, thanks. Capers really work with pork.


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