
28 ian. 2011

Friptura clasica din iepure de camp (Wild rabbit roasted in red wine)

Scroll down for English recipe

Am citit undeva ca primul lucru pe care trebuie sa-l faci cand vrei sa gatesti un iepure este ... sa il vanezi :))) Adevarat. Prin urmare barbatii familiei si-au scos din cufere tolbele si pustile si au plecat la vanatoare (organizata, bineinteles!). Dupa o zi intrega de alergat (a se citi distractie, shpritzuri si voie buna) au venit acasa cu prada. Asta se intampla acum o saptamana.

Vanatul, inainte de a fi gatit, are nevoie de putina pregatire. In linii mari ea arata asa:
  • Mai intai se scot toate intestinele imediat dupa ce a fost adus acasa, dar nu se scoate blana. Se lasa cam 3 zile afara, la rece, agatat cu capul in jos, la fezandat.
  • Se da jos blana si se taie in bucati - capul nu se foloseste
  • Se pune iepurila intr-un castron nu prea mare in bait si se tine 2 zile
  • Abia acum e bun de pus in cuptor
 Si acum pe larg


  • 1 morcov mare, taiat felii
  • 1 bucata telina taiata felii
  • 1 capatana de usturoi, taiata bucati
  • 1 crenguta de rozmarin
  • cateva boabe de piper
  • 1 ceapa taiata in patru
  • vin rosu cat sa cuprinda carnea (cam 750 ml)

  • 1 iepure, tinut la bait
  • 2 capatani usturoi, curatate
  • 150 g slaninuta, taiata bucatele
  • 1 pahar de apa
  • sare dupa gust
  • 500 ml zeama strecurata de bait

Cum se face:
  • Pune iepurele taiat in bucati intr-un castron si adauga toate ingredientele de bait. Acopera si lasa in frigider 2 zile
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C.
  • Strecoara baitul si pastreaza zeama.
  • Pune carnea intr-o tava si cresteaza fiecare bucata in cateva locuri. In fiecare crestatura pune o bucata de slaninuta si un catel de usturoi. Sareaza usor si pune un pahar de apa. 

  •  Pune la cuptor 60 minute, pana carnea se inmoaie 
  •  Pune in tava 300 ml din zeama de bait si lasa la cuptor pana ce carnea este moale cand o intepi cu furculita. 

  • Pastreaza restul de zeama de bait ca sa o folosesti cand reincalzesti friptura.
  • Serveste friptura cu garnitura de cartofi natur si sosul format in tava.

English version

I read somewhere that the first thing you should do when you want to cook a rabbit is ... to hunt it :))) True. Therefore our family men took their rifles and went to hunting (organized, of course!). After a day of running (read: fun and good wine) they came home with the catch: some rabbits. That was a week ago.

Wild rabbit, before being cooked, needs little preparation. Roughly it looks like this:

* First, remove all the intestines after being brought home, but do not remove the skin. Keep the rabbit  about three days outside in the cold, hanging upside down.
* Bring down the skin and cut it into pieces - the head is not used
* Place the meat in a bowl, and keep in a marinade for 2 days
* Only now it's good to put in the oven

And now the recipe



* 1 large carrot, sliced
* 1 piece of celery, sliced
* 1 garlic heads, cut pieces
* 1 sprig of rosemary
* A few peppercorns
* 1 onion, cut into four
*  red wine (about 750 ml) to just cover the meat

For the roast

* 1 rabbit, kept in marinade
* 2 garlic heads, peeled
* 150 g bacon, diced
* 1 cup water
* Salt to taste
* 500 ml of strained marinade

How To:

* Put the rabbit cut into pieces in a bowl and add all the ingredients of marinade. Cover and leave in refrigerator 2 days
* Preheat oven to 190 C.
* Strain the marinade and keep the broth.
* Put the meat in a pan and cut each piece in several places. In each cut put  one piece of bacon and a garlic clove. Salt slightly and put a glass of water.
* Put in oven 60 minutes, until meat is tender
* Pour over it 300 ml of reserved broth and leave in oven until meat is tender when pierced with a fork.
* Keep the rest of the broth to use when you reheat the steak.
* Serve steak with boiled potatoes and gravy formed in pan. 


3 comentarii:

  1. Cred ca e o nebunie friptura asta!
    Bine te-am gasit! :D

  2. My mom's family used to raise rabbits for food when she was a child and she said it was delcious. I've never made it, but your recipe looks fantastic. I just know that I wouldn't be able to skin and chop it up. :(

  3. Your recipe looks like one my husband would love and want 2 servings of:) Fantastic recipe! Thank you for participating in this months YBR!


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