Scroll down for English recipe
O supa numai buna pe vremea asta friguroasa.
Ingrediente pentru 10 portii:
- 500 g mazare uscata
- 300 g afumatura, taiata fasii subtiri
- 2 cepe
- 2 morcovi
- 4 linguri ulei de masline
- 5 l de apa
- sare, piper dupa gust
- paine prajita, pentru servit
Cum se face:
- Incalzeste bine uleiul intr-o oala de 6 l
- Prajeste afumatura pana ce devine aurie
- Scoate afumatura si pune-o pe o farfurie
- In ulei pune mazarea si amestec-o 2-3 minute la foc mediu.
- Adauga apa, ceapa si morcovii si fierbe la foc mic, pana ce mazarea e fiarta
- Strecoara mazarea si pastreaza zeama.
- Pune intr-un blender mazarea, morcovii, ceapa si putina zeama. Mixeaza foarte bine.
- Pune piureul de mazare si zeama in care a fiert la loc in oala si mai da 2-3 clocote.
- Cand servesti supa, pune in fiecare farfurie 1-2 linguri de afumatura. Se serveste cu paine prajita.
Tu ce reteta ai alege, postata in luna ianuarie?
English version
A very good soup for this cold weather .
Ingredients for 10 servings:
* 500 g dry peas
* 300 g smoked, cut into thin strips
* 1 large onion
* 2 carrots
* 4 tablespoons olive oil
* 5 l of water
* salt and pepper to taste
* toast, for serving
How To:
* Heat the oil in a 6 liter pot
* Fry the ham till it becomes golden
* Remove the smoked ham from oil and put it on a plate
* In the oil put peas and stir over medium heat 2-3 minutes.
* Add water, onion and carrots and simmer until the peas is cooked
* Strain the peas and reserve the broth.
* Put in a blender, peas, carrots, onions and a little broth. Mix well.
* Put the puree and the broth back into the pot and boil 2-3 minutes.
* When serving soup, put 1-2 tablespoons of smoked meat in each plate. Serve with toast.
I am thinking to submit this recipe in Spice Foodie's "Your Best Recipe"
What about you?
This looks so perfect for a cold day!
RăspundețiȘtergereLa multi ani, Brandusa!
RăspundețiȘtergereSa fii sanatoasa si fericita, sa ai parte de bucurii, liniste si impliniri! Te pup si te imbratisez cu drag!
Mersi si te pup Gaby.
RăspundețiȘtergereSi mie-mi plac supele creme, dar mazare uscata inca nu am folosit.Cu sunculita aia, taree buna trebuie sa fi fost...;-)