Scroll down for English recipe
Reteta asta vine via Bucatar Maniac. Pandispanul e putin mai altfel, pentru ca are si niste praf de copt, asa ca sa fim siguri ca nu se lasa.
Later edit: Reteta clasica de pandispan o puteti gasi aici: Pandispan cu mascarpone si crema de ciocolata
Dar, sa revenim la reteta deazi:
Eu am facut prajitura in tava de la aragaz si a iesit putin cam subtire. O tava 30 cm x 30 cm cred ca ar fi fost mai buna
- 7 oua, separate
- 7 linguri faina
- 7 linguri zahar
- 3 linguri ulei de floarea soarelui
- 1 lingurita praf de copt
- 2 lingurite esenta de vanilie
- visine congelate presarate cu putina faina
- zahar vanilat, pentru presarat
Cum se face:
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C (mediu)
- Pune foaie de copt in tava
- Bate bine albusurile cu un praf de sare, pana spuma devine tare
- Amesteca galbenusurile, zaharul, uleiul, esenta de vanilie cu mixerul pana devin o crema deschisa la culoare
- In galbenusuri pune praful de copt si amesteca
- Pune galbenusurile in albusuri si amesteca cu o spatula, de jos in sus ca sa nu se lase compozitia
- Adauga faina cernuta si amesteca in acelasi fel
- Toarna compozitia in tava si intinde-o uniform
- Presara 1 lingura de faina peste visine si amesteca
- Pune visinele in tava, uniform
- coace 25 minute sau pana ce pandispanul e copt
- Scoate pe un gratar si presara cu zahar vanilat. Asteapta sa se raceasca (daca poti)
English version
This recipe comes via Maniac Chef. This sponge cake is a little different, because it has some baking powder, so be sure not to flatten.
I made this cake in my oven tray and got a little thin. A tray 30 cm x 30 cm I think it would have been better
* 7 eggs, separated
* 7 tablespoons flour
* 7 tablespoons sugar
* 3 tablespoons sunflower oil (or any oil without flavor)
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* Frozen cherries sprinkled with a little flour
* Vanilla sugar, to sprinkle
How To:
* Preheat oven to 190 C (medium heat)
* Put the baking sheet in tray
* Beat the egg whites well, with a pinch of salt, until hard peaks are formed
* Mix the egg yolks, sugar, oil, vanilla with electric mixer until creamy
* Mix baking powder in yolks mixture
* Put the yolks into egg whites and fold with a spatula with care not to flatten the composition
* Add sifted flour and mix in the same way
* Pour batter in pan and spread it evenly
* Sprinkle a tablespoon of flour over cherries and stir
* Put the cherries in the pan, evenly
* Bake 25 minutes or until the sponge is cooked
* Remove to a rack and sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Wait until is cooled (if you can)
* 7 eggs, separated
* 7 tablespoons flour
* 7 tablespoons sugar
* 3 tablespoons sunflower oil (or any oil without flavor)
* 1 teaspoon baking powder
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
* Frozen cherries sprinkled with a little flour
* Vanilla sugar, to sprinkle
How To:
* Preheat oven to 190 C (medium heat)
* Put the baking sheet in tray
* Beat the egg whites well, with a pinch of salt, until hard peaks are formed
* Mix the egg yolks, sugar, oil, vanilla with electric mixer until creamy
* Mix baking powder in yolks mixture
* Put the yolks into egg whites and fold with a spatula with care not to flatten the composition
* Add sifted flour and mix in the same way
* Pour batter in pan and spread it evenly
* Sprinkle a tablespoon of flour over cherries and stir
* Put the cherries in the pan, evenly
* Bake 25 minutes or until the sponge is cooked
* Remove to a rack and sprinkle with vanilla sugar. Wait until is cooled (if you can)
These look divine! I love the sourness of the cherries with the sweetness of the sugar!
RăspundețiȘtergereLooks delicious!
RăspundețiȘtergerevai ce dor mi s-a facut de Romania, aici nu am gasit niciodata visine si ori de cate ori dau peste o reteta cu visine incepe sa-mi ploua in gura.
RăspundețiȘtergerefoarte bine arata pandispanul tau Brandusa
O zi faina
brandusa esti foarte talentata bv tie!!!
RăspundețiȘtergere@Anna: Multumesc frumos :)
RăspundețiȘtergeresa imi spui unde te mai sustin ca sa dau like pyr ca ti-ai castigat un fan pe viata:-*
RăspundețiȘtergereP.S: visinele dupa ce sunt decongelate trebuiesc scurse ?
Multumesc mult Jully. Cuvintele tale sunt tare dragute :)
ȘtergereVisinele le pui fara sa le decongelezi. Asa cum le scoti din congelator le presari cu putina faina si le pui in coca. Sau poti folosi visine proaspete.
Sa-mi spui cum ti-a iesit :) Hugs.
Multumesc pentru raspuns...astazi fac reteta ta..sper sa imi iasa...multumesc...succes in sunt cu ochii pe tine :*:*pupici