Scroll down for English recipe.
1. Pune la fiert apa cu sare sau supa. Oala trebuie sa fie destul de mare, pentru ca galustile se umfla cand sunt fierte. Cand lichidul a inceput sa fiarba da focul mic si fa galustile.
2. Bate foarte bine (cu mixerul sau cu telul) 2 oua
3. Adauga in jur de 8 linguri de gris. Amesteca. Daca compozitia e prea moale (curge) mai adauga gris. Ai grija sa nu fie o compozitie prea tare, dar nici sa nu curga. Ar trebui sa arate asa
4. Cu o lingurita ia din compozitie si pune in oala cu apa in fierbere. Continua pana ai terminat compozitia.
5. Cand incepe sa fiarba din nou, pune o cana mare de apa rece, pune capacul si lasa sa fiarba la foc mediu- mic, pana ce galustile s-au umflat si sunt moi.
English version
1. Boil salty water or soup. The pot should
be large enough, because the dumplings swell when cooked. When the liquid begins to boil lower heat and make
the dumplings.
2. Beat well (with mixer or whisk) 2 eggs
3. Add about 8 tablespoons of semolina. Mix. If composition is too soft (too fluid) add more semolina. Watch the composition not to be too hard but do not even run. It should look like in the picture.
4. With a teaspoon take the composition and put in pot with boiling water. Continue until you have finished composition.
5. When the liquid begins to boil again, pour a big jug of cold water, cover with a lid and let it simmer on medium-low heat, until the dumplings were swollen and soft.
2. Beat well (with mixer or whisk) 2 eggs
3. Add about 8 tablespoons of semolina. Mix. If composition is too soft (too fluid) add more semolina. Watch the composition not to be too hard but do not even run. It should look like in the picture.
4. With a teaspoon take the composition and put in pot with boiling water. Continue until you have finished composition.
5. When the liquid begins to boil again, pour a big jug of cold water, cover with a lid and let it simmer on medium-low heat, until the dumplings were swollen and soft.
le faci separat si apoi le transferi in oala cu supa?
RăspundețiȘtergereeu am gasit o metoda super de facut galuste.. nu mai sunt tare ca piatra la mijloc :))
o sa incerc si metoda ta!