Scroll down for English recipe
Zmeura proaspata in octombrie = I'm in heaven. Si acum urmeaza dilema: tarta am facut, inghetata am facut, tort am facut, ce sa mai gatesc din ea? Cum in timpul saptamanii timpul a inceput sa se contracte din ce in ce mai mult, trebuie neaparat sa fie si rapida. rrrrrrrrrr (astea sunt rotitele creierului meu care se invart). Gata, am gasit! O crema de zmeura e exact ce-mi trebuie.
- 500 g smantana grasa (varsata, nu la cutie)
- 500 g zmeura, spalata si scursa
- 10 g gelatina + 3 linguri cu lapte
- 100 - 150 g zahar pudra
Cum se face:
- Amesteca gelatina cu laptele si las-o sa se hidrateze
- 400 g de zmeura fa-le piure cu blenderul, apoi da-le printr-o sita deasa, ca sa scoti samburii. Incalzeste sucul de zmeura pana aproape de fierbere. Inchide focul, adauga gelatina cu lapte si amesteca bine sa se omogenizeze gelatina.
- Pune zaharul pudra si amesteca bine pana se topeste.
- Adauga smantana si amesteca bine. Adauga restul de zmeura si amesteca usor.
- Pune crema de zmeura in pahare de servire unica si pune totul la frigider pana a doua zi.
English version
Fresh raspberries in October = I'm in heaven. And now my dilemma: tart I baked, I made ice cream, cake I made, what to cook with them?And, as during the week time began to shrink more and more, I really need it to be fast. rrrrrrrrrr (this are my brain wheels spinning). Okay, I found!
- 500 g cream
- 500 g raspberries, washed and drained
- 10 g gelatin + 3 tablespoons milk
- 100-150 g powdered sugar
How to:
- Mix gelatin with milk and leave to hydrate
- Puree 400 g raspberry with blender, then strain them to remove those little pits. Warm raspberry juice until almost boiling. Turn off the heat, add gelatin with milk and stir well to incorporate it.
- Put powdered sugar and mix well until melted.
- Add cream and mix well. Add remaining berries and mix gently.
- Put cream into serving glasses and put everythin
- g in the refrigerator until the next day.
O! ce bunatate!
RăspundețiȘtergereMpai, daca e de zmeura nu pot sa refuz:)
RăspundețiȘtergereDa' cine crezi ca are atata rabdare?Arata super.Pupici!
RăspundețiȘtergerecata aroma in acel paharel !!!
RăspundețiȘtergereBrindusa....what a beautiful, luscious, cream! I am looking forward to trying this!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis cream looks delicious! I love raspberry so much!
RăspundețiȘtergereIt looks delicious, I love the color.
RăspundețiȘtergeremamaaaaa cum arataaaaaa.vreau si eu!!pupici