
31 aug. 2011

Ardei iute in otet (Pickled chili peppers)

Scroll down for English recipe

La iarna sunt foarte buni cu o ciorba de porc sau niste sarmale in foi de varza.

  • 1/2 litru otet
  • 1 litru apa
  • 1,5 linguri sare pentru muraturi (nu sare cu iod)
  • 2 linguri de miere (sau 3 linguri zahar)
  • 2 linguri piper negru boabe
  • 1 lingurita boabe mustar
  • 2 foi dafin
  • 1 kg ardei iuti

Mod de preparare
  • Spala ardeii si pune-i in borcane, in pozitie verticala.
  • Fierbe toate celelalte ingrediente, pentru 2-3 minute.
  • Pune borcanele pe o tava metalica (ca sa nu se sparga) si toarna lichidul fiert, pana ce le umpli. Inchide bine borcanele cu capace. Lasa borcanele sa se raceasca, apoi pune-le in camara pentru la iarna.  

English version

If you like to eat hot and sour, you will for sure like this way of pickling chilies. You can use other peppers, if they are small and hot. Here, in Romania, we like to eat them in winter with "sarmaludze" which is sour cabbage leafs stuffed with grounded pork meat.

  •      1 / 2 liter wine vinegar
  •      1 liter water
  •      1.5 tablespoons pickling salt (not with iodine)
  •      2 tablespoons honey (or 3 tablespoons sugar)
  •      2 tablespoons whole black pepper 
  •      1 teaspoon mustard seeds
  •      2 bay leaves
  •      1 kg chili  pepper

  •      Wash peppers and put them in jars in an upright position.
  •      Boil all other ingredients, for 2-3 minutes.
  •      Place the jars on a metal tray (not to break) and pour the hot liquid, until filled. Close the jars with lids. Allow jars to cool, then put them in the pantry for the winter.

6 comentarii:

  1. asa e! la iarena sunt f buni....ce-mi plac la un bors(ciorba) de vita cu multa smantyina si la varza cu porc afumat...yummyyy...
    aoleu...mi s-a facut brusc foame :)))

  2. O da!! am facut si eu... buni la ciorba de fasole si nu numai ..rau de buni! pupici

  3. cei mai buni prieteni ai mei din capitolul conserve si lipsesc niciodata din casa.pur si simplu ii ador.

  4. I'm canning some peppers today, in a tomatoey hot sauce, a recipe my neighbor gave me. We love to put them on anything, a hot dog, a grilled cheese sandwich, on a cracker, a good hunk of bread. If I can get a good picture, I just might post about it!

  5. I want to try canning...these look so wonderful!

  6. I love these, and you did fantastic job! I need to start pickling/canning again:))


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