
20 iul. 2011

Pesto cu rosii uscate la soare si fistic (Pesto with sundried tomatoes and pistachio)

Scroll down for English recipe

 Pesto este un sos originar din Italia. Cea mai cunoscuta varianta a sa contine busuioc, muguri de pin, usturoi si parmezan. Sunt, insa, multe alte variatii, in functie de regiunile Italiei si de ce se se gaseste acolo.
Eu azi m-am hotarat sa ma abat de la calea batatorita si sa fac un pesto mai putin intalnit pe la noi, cu rosii si fistic. Am folosit rosii uscate pentru ca am cumparat cateva dintr-o sursa noua (In Bucuresti, P-ta Crangasi, la etaj) si vroiam sa vad cum sunt (btw, sunt super!). La fel de bine se pot folosi acum, vara, rosii proaspete. De asemenea busuiocul si patrunjelul trebuie sa fie cat mai proaspete (daca se poate, abia rupte din gradina)

Acest pesto se potriveste foarte bine cu pastele de casa pe care vi le-am prezentat in postarea anterioara.

  • 6 fire de busuioc, frunzele
  • 1/2 legatura patrunjel, frunzele
  • 3 catei de usturoi
  • 6 rosii uscate la soare (sau 2 rosii proaspete)
  • 30 g fistic crud
  • 30 g parmezan
  • ulei de masline extravergine
  • sare dupa gust

Mod de preparare:
  • Fierbe putina apa si pune peste rosii, cat sa le acopere. Lasa 30 minute ca sa le hidratezi.
  • Spala frunzele de patrunjel si rade parmezanul pe razatoarea fina.
  • Pune intr-un blender frunzele de busuioc si patrunjel, usturoiul, fisticul, rosiile, putin din apa in care au stat si o lingura de ulei. Mixeaza bine. Daca nu se formeaza o pasta, mai pune 1 lingura de ulei si putina apa de rosii.

  •  Adauga ulei/apa pana cand consistenta iti place. Adauga 2/3din parmezan. Amesteca si gusta. Poate ii mai trebuie sare, sau mai vrei usturoi. Poti adauga dupa gust. 
  • In final serveste sosul pesto presarat cu parmezan.
Am facut acest pesto cu gandul la Provocarea lunii iulie "Dulce Romanie", care luna aceasta e gazduita de Flory pe blogul ei Retete fel de fel.

English version

Pesto is an Italian salsa. The most known contains basil, pine nuts, garlic and parmesan. There are, however, many other variations, depending on the regions of Italy and what ingredients are found there.
Today I decided to be a bit adventurous :P, so my pesto contains tomatoes and pistachio. I used dried tomatoes because I bought some from a new source and wanted to see how they are. As well you can use fresh tomatoes. Basil and parsley also need to be very fresh, if possible just taken from your  garden.
This pesto goes well with the homemade pasta that I've presented in previous posting.

  •     1/2 cup basil leaves
  •     1 cup parsley leaves
  •     3 cloves garlic
  •     6 sun-dried tomatoes (or 2 fresh tomatoes)
  •     30 g raw pistachios
  •     30 g Parmesan
  •     olive oil
  •     salt to taste


Boil some water and put it over the tomatoes, enough to cover. Allow 30 minutes to hydrate them.
Wash the parsley leaves and finely grate the Parmesan.
Put in a blender the basil
and parsley leaves, garlic, pistachios, tomatoes, a bit of tomato water and a tablespoon of oil. Mix well. Add oil / water until the pesto has the desired consistency. Add 2/3 Parmesan. Mix with a spoon and taste. Maybe it needs salt or more garlic. You can add to taste.
Finally serve the pesto sprinkled with Parmesan.

12 comentarii:

  1. This sounds delightful! I've never made a pesto with pistachio and I've just bought some tomatoes to sun dry myself. Might as well make the most of this scorching heat!!

  2. de unde ai rosii uscate? si eu vreauuuuuuu ... super bine arata

  3. Lovely and interesting pesto. Sounds delicious.

  4. What a unique pesto!! This looks great!

  5. Next time I will make mine with pistachios. They are much cheaper than pine nuts.

  6. I love all the different ways you can make pesto. This sounds fantastic.

  7. Mmmmm....what a yummy, flavorful variation of pesto! It sounds fabulous~

  8. Sounds delicious! I love sun-dried tomatoes and pistachios, so I can just imagine that this would be an incredible combination. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Looks great! So many possibilities with it

  10. Super combinatie,felicitari!pupici!


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