Scroll down for English recipe
Am auzit de panna cotta de multe ori. Ba chiar am citit reteta. Am pus-o prin bookmarks de ceva vreme, dar uitasem de ea. Nu mi se parea deloc spectaculoasa: niste smantana cu zahar si gelatina, ce mare lucru? Asta pana cand, saptamana trecuta am avut ocazia sa gust. Si, deodata, am inteles-o pe Carmen de ce e desertul ei favorit. La mine a trecut in Top 10 direct pe locul 2, dupa inghetata (pe care nu cred c-o s-o detroneze ceva vreodata). Panna cotta e un desert care provine din Italia si este extrem de usor de facut si foarte racoritor. Numele se traduce: smantana gatita, pentru ca ingredientul principal e smantana care se incalzeste pana la punctul de fierbere. Consistenta ei poate sa difere de la cea a unei budinci la una mai "batzoasa" in functie de proportia smantana/lapte. Panna cotta mea este, asa cum spun italienii" solida e gommosa".
Dar, sa vedem cum se face.
- 900 ml smantana grasa
- 200 ml lapte
- 200 g zahar tos
- 20 g gelatina
- 90 g ciocolata amaruie
- 1 pastaie de vanilie
- 100 g fructe de padure
- Amesteca gelatina cu 10 linguri de apa rece si lasa deoparte, pana ce aceasta e absorbita.
- Pregateste cateva recipiente individuale, in care sa pui panna cotta
- Mai intai se face panna cotta cu ciocolata, din jumatate din ingrediente. Incalzeste 100 ml de lapte cu 100 g zahar, pana acesta se topeste. Laptele nu trebuie sa fiarba. Adauga 450 ml smantana, amestec-o bine si incalzeste-o pana da un clocot mic, apoi inchide aragazul. Adauga ciocolata rupta bucati mici si amesteca bine pana ce se topeste si se omogenizeaza (poti folosi mixerul ca sa mearga mai repede). Pune 1/2 din cantitatea de gelatina si amesteca pana ce s-a incorporat toata. Raceste putin crema pe gheata sau apa rece. Umple recipientele pe jumatate si pune-le la frigider pentru 3 ore, sau pana ce panna cotta s-a intarit.
- Acum e randul pentru panna cotta de vanilie. Incalzeste laptele ramas cu semintele de la pastaia de vanilie si zaharul, pana acesta se topeste. Amesteca bine cu restul de smantana si incalzeste-o pana da un clocot mic. Lasa putin sa se raceasca si amesteca in crema gelatina, pana ce s-a incorporat toata. Raceste crema pe gheata. Umple recipientele, lasand un gol de 2-3 cm. Pune panna cotta la frigider minim 3 ore.
- Toppingul: pune fructele de padure (zmeura, afine) pe foc mic si lasa-le pana formeaza o pasta mai groasa. Raceste toppingul si umple cu el recipientele. Pune-le in frigider pentru minim 10 ore.
- Pentru o panna cotta cu o consistenta de budinca, foloseste in loc de toata smantana, 450 ml lapte si 450 ml smantana.
English version
I've heard many times about panna cotta. I even read its recipe. I bookmarked it, but never used, because i thought is nothing special in it: some cream with sugar and gelatin, what the big deal? That was until last week when I had the opportunity to taste some panna cotta. And suddenly I understood why is Carmen's favorite dessert. It directly went on 2nd place in my Top 10, after ice cream (which I do not think anything will dethrone). Panna cotta is a dessert that originates from Italy and is very easy to make and very refreshing. The name translates: cooked heavy cream, because the main ingredient is heavy cream that heats up to boiling point. Its consistency may vary from that of a pudding to a gummy one, according to the proportion of cream / milk. My panna cotta is, as the Italians say "solida e gommosa".
:) meaning solid and chewy
- 900 ml heavy cream
- 200 ml milk
- 200 g granulated sugar
- 20 g gelatin
- 90 g dark chocolate
- 1 vanilla bean, cut lengthwise
- 100 g wild berries
Mix gelatin with 10 tablespoons of cold water and set aside until it is absorbed.
Prepare several individual containers in which to put panna cotta
We make first the chocolate panna cotta: Heat 100 ml milk with 100 g sugar until it melts. Milk should not boil. Add 450 ml cream, mix well and heat it a little to the boiling point, then close the heat. Add chocolate broken into small pieces and mix well until it melts and is smooth (you can use the mixer to go faster). Put half of the amount of gelatin and stir until it has incorporated all. Cool the mixture on ice. Fill containers half and put them in the refrigerator for 3 hours or until the panna cotta has hardened.
Now we make vanilla panna cotta: Heat the remaining milk with the vanilla seeds from the bean and sugar until it melts. Mix well with remaining cream and heat it up to a boil. Let cool slightly and stir in gelatin. Cool over ice. Fill containers, leaving a gap of 2-3 cm. Put in the refrigerator at least 3 hours.
Topping: put the berries (raspberries, blueberries) on low heat until they become a thick paste (about 5-7 minutes). Cool and spread it over the panna cotta. Put the containers in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours.
If you like panna cotta with a pudding consistency, use instead of all cream, 450 ml milk and 450 ml cream.
Mix gelatin with 10 tablespoons of cold water and set aside until it is absorbed.
Prepare several individual containers in which to put panna cotta
We make first the chocolate panna cotta: Heat 100 ml milk with 100 g sugar until it melts. Milk should not boil. Add 450 ml cream, mix well and heat it a little to the boiling point, then close the heat. Add chocolate broken into small pieces and mix well until it melts and is smooth (you can use the mixer to go faster). Put half of the amount of gelatin and stir until it has incorporated all. Cool the mixture on ice. Fill containers half and put them in the refrigerator for 3 hours or until the panna cotta has hardened.
Now we make vanilla panna cotta: Heat the remaining milk with the vanilla seeds from the bean and sugar until it melts. Mix well with remaining cream and heat it up to a boil. Let cool slightly and stir in gelatin. Cool over ice. Fill containers, leaving a gap of 2-3 cm. Put in the refrigerator at least 3 hours.
Topping: put the berries (raspberries, blueberries) on low heat until they become a thick paste (about 5-7 minutes). Cool and spread it over the panna cotta. Put the containers in the refrigerator for at least 10 hours.
If you like panna cotta with a pudding consistency, use instead of all cream, 450 ml milk and 450 ml cream.
Wow,asa cred si eu despre ea,ce mare lucru poate fi cu smantana si gelatina...
RăspundețiȘtergereA ta arata foarte bine,pana la urma v-a trebui sa o incerc si eu !
foarte faina prezentarea.o zi minunata!
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte buna cu siguranta.
RăspundețiȘtergereArata excelent!!
RăspundețiȘtergerelove panna cotta and this looks lovely with all the colors.
RăspundețiȘtergereI am yet to try panna cotta and heard from my friends that it taste too good! This looks lovely and may be it's time I just give it a try :)
RăspundețiȘtergereThe panna cotta looks great.
RăspundețiȘtergereHi, wow sounds great and I am always looking out for new recipes to try, thanks, you've been buzzed!
RăspundețiȘtergereOh my goodness, this looks absolutely delicious! Perfect layers, it looks mouthwatering, I LOVE pannacotta, I can't wait to try this recipe, I'm bookmarking it right now. Thanks so much for sharing! =]
RăspundețiȘtergereLooks fabulous!
RăspundețiȘtergereI'm glad you finally tried panna cotta - it is so good! Beautiful photos!
RăspundețiȘtergeredaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa,daaaaaaaada!!!!asta e done .. a disparut foarte repede din frigiderul meu :))) . ai mei m-au pus sa promit ca o voi face din nou :)) .