
30 iul. 2011

Pentru cei 200 de prieteni ai blogului ~ Biscuiti fragezi spiralati (For my 200 followers- Spiral sugar cookies)

Scroll down for English recipe

Iata ca bloguletul meu a ajuns la 200 de persoane care il urmaresc. Sunt foarte, foarte bucuroasa si va multumesc mult prieteni. Fara ajutorul si suportul vostru n-as fi ajuns aici. Va imbratisez si va trimit acesti biscuiti sa va insenineze ziua.

De fapt sunt mai mult niste fursecuri, facute fara ou, dar cu vanile si cacao. Sunt fragezi si ti se topesc in gura.

I-am vazut saptamana trecuta pe un blog foarte dragut, The curvy carrot si m-am indragostit de ei.  Arata atat de bine si sunt foarte usor de facut, dar e bine sa fie o zi cat mai racoroasa si in care aveti mult timp liber. Asta pentru ca trebuie sa stea prin frigider cateva ore. Haide sa vedem de ce avem nevoie.

  • 300 g faina pentru prajituri
  • 150 g zahar pudra
  • 50 g zahar tos
  • un praf de sare
  • 150 g unt rece
  • 1/2 lingurita praf de copt
  • 2 linguri cacao neagra
  • 1 lingura esenta de vanilie naturala
  • cateva linguri de lapte rece
  • 2 pachete ornamente mici colorate, pentru ornat

Mod de preparare:
  • Amesteca foarte bine faina, zaharul pudra, zaharul tos, sarea, praful de copt.
  • Adauga untul si amesteca cu varful degetelor, pana ce se formeaza un amestec asemanator firimiturilor de paine. Poti face acest lucru si cu ajutorul robotului de bucatarie.
  • Adauga esenta de vanilie si o lingura de lapte. Amesteca usor. Daca nu se formeaza o coca, mai adauga cate o lingura de lapte, pana ce aluatul se leaga. 
  • Imparte aluatul in doua. O jumatate inveleste-o in folie de plastic si pune-o in frigider 1 ora. Cealalta jumatate amestec-o cu cacaoa. Daca e necesar sa se lege, poti sa mai adaugi cate o lingura de lapte. Inveleste coca in folie de plastic si pune-o in frigider 1 ora.

  • Scoate coca alba din frigider si intinde-o sub forma unui dreptunghi, intre doua bucati de hartie de pergament. Asta ca sa nu se lipeasca de sucitor. Foaia trebuie sa fie destul de subtire. Pune cu grija aluatul in frigider 20 minute.
  • Scoate coca neagra din frigider si repeta ce ai facut cu coca alba. Incearca s-o intinzi la aceleasi dimensiuni. Pune si acest aluat in frigider

  •  Scoate cele doua foi din frigider, cu grija sa nu se rupa. (le poti pune pe o tava mai mare). Scoate foile de copt de deasupra ambelor. Unge foaia alba cu putina apa (cu ajutorul unei pensule). Cu mare grija pune foaia neagra desupra foii albe, deasupra pune o foaie de copt si niveleaza usor cu sucitorul.   **** Aici eu am avut MARI probleme. Asta pentru ca am pus foaia neagra in diagonala peste cea alba, iar cand am incercat sa remediez problema, foaia alba mi s-a cam rupt. Dar, m-am descurcat: Am lipit bucati din coca alba peste cea neagra, apoi am pus desupra foaia de copt si am nivelat usor cu sucitorul. In final nici nu se vede unde am facut lipiturile :P
  • Pune coca in frigider cam 20 minute. Cand o scoti din frigider pune-o cu foaia alba pe masa (ca sa nu te murdaresti cand o rulezi). Ruleaza coca cat de strans poti, de-a lungul latimii.  

  • Imprastie  ornamentele colorate pe foaia ce copt si invarte ruloul pe ele, apasand usor. 

  • Inveleste ruloul in folie de plastic si pune-l in frigider 30 minute. Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C. Pune foaie de copt intr-o tava.
  • Scoate cilindrul din frigider si, cu un cutit bine ascutit, taie felii de 1/2 cm latime. Pune-le in tava si coace-le cam 10- 15 minute. 

  • Nu trebuie sa fie tari cand le scoti din cuptor, pentru ca ele se intaresc cand se racesc

Sper sa va placa. Va multumesc ca imi cititi blogul. Cu drag, 
Brindusa :)

English version 

I am so happy! My little blog has 200 followers now! Thank you very much my friends, without your support I couldn't be here.  I am sending back to you all my warm feelings and gratitude. Hugs and kisses <3

I didn't believe in love at first sight until now. When I saw these cuties at The curvy carrot , I knew that they are meant for me :))) They are so sweet and easy to make! But I advise to bake them in a cold day, or with the AC turned on. Otherwise the dough will melt and rip apart. 

  •     300 g cake flour
  •     150 g powdered sugar
  •     50 g granulated sugar
  •     a pinch of salt
  •     150 g cold butter
  •     1 / 2 teaspoon baking powder
  •     2 tablespoons dark Dutch cocoa
  •     1 tablespoon natural vanilla
  •     a few tablespoons of cold milk
  •     2 cups colored sprinkles, to garnish

Mix well flour, powdered sugar, granulated sugar, salt, baking powder.
Add butter and mix with your fingertips until the dough looks like breadcrumbs. You can do this with the help of a food processor.
Add vanilla and a tablespoon of milk. Mix gently. If it doesn't form a dough, add one tablespoon of milk at a time, until you obtain a soft ball.
Divide dough in two equal parts. Wrap one half in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. Mix the other half with cocoa. You can add a tablespoon of milk if the soft ball is not obtained. Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 1 hour. 
    Remove the white dough from fridge and, using a rolling pin, roll it between two pieces of parchment paper. That's not to stick the dough to the rolling pin. The dough sheet must be quite thin. Put the dough in refrigerator for 20 minutes.
Remove the black dough from refrigerator and repeat what you've done with the white one. Try to roll it to the same dimensions. Put the dough in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
     Take the two sheets of dough from the refrigerator, carefully not to break. (You can put them over a larger tray). Remove the top piece of parchment paper from both. Brush the white sheet with some water. With a lot of care flip the black dough over the white one.  Press slightly with the rolling pin, to remove all air bubbles.
Here I had problems. That's because I put the black dough in diagonal over the white dough (not straight), and when I tried to fix the problem, the white sheet was ripped. But I finally did it: I pasted pieces of white dough over the black one, then put a baking sheet on top, I slightly pressed with the rolling pin. Finally the dough looked perfect :)
Put the dough in refrigerator about 20 minutes. Put the dough on a clean table, with the white part facing down. Roll it as tight as possible.
Spread  some colored sprinkles on the table and roll the dough into them, pressing gently.
Wrap the roll in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 180 C. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
Remove the roll from the fridge and, with a sharp knife, cut 1 / 4 inches thick slices. Put them on the baking sheet and bake them about 10-15 minutes. They should not be hard when you remove from the oven, because they harden when cooled.

I hope you will like them.  
Thanks for reading my post. Sending all my love, Brindusa :)

17 comentarii:

  1. First of all: Congratulations on 200 followers!! You deserve it, as your blog is so lovely and your recipes wonderful!

    These spiral sugar cookies are real beauties, I totally agree :) They must taste delicious too, mmmh!

    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Felicitari..frumoase fursecuri ai cat mai multi prieteni virtualii...!

  3. Tare apetisanti biscuiteii! Pupici si la cat mai muti fani! :) (eu sunt unul dintre ei)

  4. Sper sa ai cat mai multi cititori,blogul tau este plin de bunatati!Pupici!

  5. Felicitari, ai un blogulet superb, cum sa nu vina lumea :) Pupici si weekend placut!

  6. congrats on reaching 200! Really tasty looking sugar cookies, nice tribute. Yum!

  7. Wow, that looks delicious, will have to try this soon,you've been buzzed!

  8. Congrats on 200 followers! That's awesome. Love the cookies. Yum!

  9. Congratulations and well deserved to have so many followers. This is a lovely blog and you should be really proud of yourself. I adore these cookies. So bright and yummy. Total hit on this one!

  10. Foarte veseli biscuiteii. La cat mai multi prieteni pe blog.

  11. Va multumesc mult pentru urari!

    Thank you very much for your warm words and congrats!

  12. Brindusa! These are such beautiful cookies! I can imagine they would melt in your mouth! You have such a wonderful wonder you have so many loyal followers! Congrats! : )

  13. Sunt asa colorati si de mult ii am in plan!

  14. Ce dragalase sunt! :)


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