
6 iun. 2011

Quatre Quarts cu sos de capsuni (Quatre Quarts with strawberry sauce)

Scroll down for English recipe

Sfarsitul asta de saptamana n-a fost tare placut pentru mine.  Ceva probleme de sanatate. Prin urmare nu mi-a stat capul la facut mancare. Ieri, insa, nu mi-a rezistat inima sa-mi las baietii fara ceva dulce, asa ca am facut ceva rapid. Recunosc, m-a ajutat si fimiu :)

Quatre quarts e un chec frantuzesc, care se numeste asa "patru sferturi", pentru ca are 4 ingrediente principale, in cantitati egale. E bun de mancat cu o cafeluta, dar eu l-am imbunatatit putin cu un sos rosu si aromat. Si uite asa am avut si desert la masa de pranz.

Ingrediente pentru o tava de chec
  • 175 g faina
  • 175 g zahar
  • 175 g unt, moale
  • 3 oua
  • esenta de vanilie
  • 10 g praf de copt
Pentru sosul de capsuni:
  • 400 g capsuni
  • 3 linguri de zahar pudra

Cum se face: 
  • Mai intai se face sosul de capsuni. Se lasa cateva intregi, pentru ornat, iar pe celelalte le pasezi cu un blender si le dai printr-o sita groasa ca sa nu ramana samburi. Amesteca bine cu zaharul pudra si pune sosul in frigider
  • Unge tava de chec cu unt si tapeteaz-o cu zahar pudra
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C.
  • Bate untul si zaharul cu mixerul, pana cand se formeaza o crema.
  • Adauga ouale, unul cate unul. Bate bine dupa fiecare.
  • Adauga esenta de vanilie si praful de copt. Amesteca bine.
  • Adauga faina si amesteca repede. Toarna compozitia in tava de chec
  • Coace checul 35 - 40 de minute la 180 C, pana ce o scobitoare infipta in el iese curata.
  • Scoate checul pe un gratar si lasa-; sa se raceasca.
  • Serveste o felie calduta de chec cu cateva linguri de sos de capsuni si cateva capsuni intregi.

 English version: 

This weekend wasn't the best one for me. Some not very big, but annoying health problems kept me away from my kitchen. Only yesterday I was able (with a lot of help from my petite chef) to bake this easy and tasty cake. Quatre quarts is literally translated "four quarters". This is because it contains equal amounts from the four main ingredients: flour, sugar, butter, eggs. By itself is very good with a cup of coffee or tea. With this strawberry sauce becomes a tasteful dessert for Sunday lunch.

Ingredients for a cake pan

  •     175 g flour
  •     175 g sugar
  •     175g butter, softened
  •     3 eggs
  •     vanilla
  •     10 g baking powder
For strawberry sauce:
  •     400 g strawberries
  •     3 tablespoons powdered sugar
How To:
  •     First make the strawberry sauce. Leave a few whole strawberry for garnish, and blend the others. Pass the sauce through a sieve, to remove the seeds. Mix well with sugar and put the sauce in the fridge
  •     Grease the cake pan with butter and sprinkle some powdered sugar
  •     Preheat oven to 180 C.
  •     Beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until  creamy.
  •     Add eggs, one by one. Beat well after each.
  •     Add vanilla and baking powder. Mix well.
  •     Add flour and stir quickly. Pour the mixture into the cake pan
  •     Bake the cake 35-40 minutes at 180 C, until the top is golden and springs back when touched.
  •     Remove cake to a rack and leave, to cool.
  •     Serve a warm slice of cake with a few tablespoons of strawberry sauce and a few whole strawberries.

8 comentarii:

  1. simplu si delicios! Parca acum i simt gustul si aroma!;) O zi minunata!

  2. Sosul de capsuni m-a cam dat gata, recunosc :)) Sper ca te simti mai bine acum! Pupici si o saptamana placuta iti doresc!

  3. I like the fact that the strawberry sauce isn't cooked but is just left fresh tasting. The cake looks delicious. It's what we would call pound cake; very rich, very good.

  4. This looks so beautiful and delicious!

  5. Beautiful cake...the colours are glorious!

    I do so hope you are doing better health wise this week.

  6. Sper ca esti mult mai bine acum si ca nu-i vorba de nimic grav.
    Checul tau patru sferturi arata bine, m-ai dat gata cu sosul de capsuni.
    O zi faina Brandusa

  7. This sounds like the perfect treat! And i just love that strawberry sauce on top =)

  8. What a beautiful, dense, moist cake...perfect with berries! Hope you're feeling better, my friend.


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