
11 apr. 2011

My petit-chef and I: Quiche cu leurda si branza de burduf (Wild garlic quiche with salty cheese)

Scroll down for English recipe

A venit vremea ca bucataria mea sa primeasca un ajutor. Sous- chef- ul meu e antrenat la cele mai inalte scoli  si are o pregatire de elita. Foarte greu l-am convins sa mi se alature, dar in cele din urma am reusit. Sa vi-l prezint:

Aici isi folosea talentele ca sa masoare faina :))))
Prima reteta facuta in cooperare cu sous- chef R (care are 13 ani) este un Quiche de primavara. Adica o tarta sarata, cu leurda.
Am ales sa-l implic si pe R in proiect, pentru ca eu consider ca nu numai fetele trebuie sa stie sa se descurce in bucatarie. Chiar daca la inceput a fost putin mai neindemanatic, a reusit pana sa si intinda foaia de tarta. Sunt mandra de el!

Ingrediente (pentru o tava de 24 cm):

Pentru blat
  • 150 g faina
  • 60 g unt
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 3-4 linguri de apa rece
Pentru umplutura
  • 2 oua
  • 200 g branza de burduf
  • 200 ml smantana
  • 4 legaturi de leurda
  • 50 g unt
  • piper cu lamaie de la Kotany, dupa gust
  • 1 lingurita maghiran, de la Kotany

Cum se face:
  • Eu am folosit robotul de bucatarie, dar se poate face totul cu mana la fel de bine
  • In cuva robotului pune faina, untul, sarea si 3 linguri de apa rece.

  • Amesteca putin. Daca nu se formeaza o bila de coca mai adauga cate o lingura de apa. Nu amesteca mult, ci numai pana ce coca s-a format.
  • Scoate coca din cuva.
  •  Inveleste-o in folie de plastic si pune-o in frigider minim 30 minute

  • Cand ai scos coca din frigider, incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C
  • Pe masa data putin cu faina intinde coca cu sucitorul, pana cand e destul de mare sa acopere tava de tarta

  •  Pune coca in tava, apasand bine pe curbele de pe margine. Inteapa-i fundul din loc in loc cu o furculita. Pune hartie de copt pe  fundul tartei si umple-o cu boabe de fasole. Modul acesta de a coace tarta se numeste "in orb" si se face asa pentru ca fundul tartei sa nu se umfle si sa se deformeze.

  • Coace tarta 15 minute, nu total
  • In acest timp prepara umplutura: incalzeste untul intr-o tigaie si soteaza putin leurda taiata bucati, pana se inmoaie ( cam 3-4 minute)
  • Bate ouale, apoi amesteca smantana, branza, maghiranul si putin piper.
  • Scoate coaja de tarta din cuptor, si cu grija scoate boabele de fasole si foaia de copt. Pune in ea leurda

  • Toarna deasupra amestecul cu oua 

  • Baga la cuptor pentru 15 minute, la 180 C, sau pana ce umplutura este facuta (nu mai e moale).
  • Cand o scoti din cuptor mai presara putin piper

  • Tarta se poate manca rece sau calda

Pofta buna din partea mea si a  ajutorului de bucatar

English version

It's time for me to have a help in my kitchen. My sous-chef is trained at the most distinguished schools. It was very hard to convince him to join me, but eventually I succeeded. I present to you: sous chef R. You can see him in one of the pictures using his talents to measure flour :)))) 

The first recipe made in cooperation with sous-chef R (which is 13 years old, by the way) is a spring quiche. That is a salt crust with wild garlic filling. 

In the filling I used a special cheese from Romania, called " Brinza de burduf", which according to Wikipedia: "is a salty type of cheese, with sheep's-milk cheese, has a strong flavour and slightly soft in texture. To obtain it, sweet caş is cut into small pieces, salted and then hand-mixed in a large wooden bowl. The mixture is then placed in a sheep’s stomach, or into a sheep’s skin that has been carefully cleaned and sawed on the edges, or in a tube made of pine bark. The cheese can be consumed even if kept for a long time in a sheep’s stomach or in a sheep’s skin. If kept in pine bark, the cheese gets a specific pine resin flavour. The cheese is specific to southeastern Transylvania, Romania" 
Instead of this you can use goat cheese or any salty, soft cheese.

I chose to involve R in this project, because I believe that not only girls should know how to cope in the kitchen. Although at first it was a little clumsy, finally managed even  to stretch the dough. I'm proud of him! 

Ingredients (for a 24 cm tart tray)

 For the dough
  •     150 g flour
  •     60 g butter
  •     1 teaspoon salt
  •     3-4 tablespoons cold water

For the filling
  •     2 eggs
  •     200 g Romanian "brinza de burduf" or goat cheese
  •     200 ml cream
  •     4 bundles of wild garlic
  •     50 g butter
  •     black pepper, to taste
  •     1 teaspoon marjoram

How To:
  • I used my food processor, but can do everything by hand as well
  • In the food processor put flour, butter, salt and 3 tablespoons of cold water.
  •  Mix slightly. If it does not form a ball of dough add one tablespoon of water. Do not mix much, but only until the dough has formed.
  •  Remove dough from bowl.
  • Wrap it in plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator at least 30 minutes
  • When you remove the dough from the refrigerator, heat oven to 190 C
  • Sprinkle a little flour on the table and stretch the dough until it's big enough to cover the tart tray
  • Place dough in pan, pressing well on the curved edges. Pierce the dough from place to place with a fork. Put parchment paper on the bottom of the tarts and fill it with beans.
  • Bake tart 15 minutes, not total
  • Meanwhile prepare the filling: Heat butter in skillet and saute a little the chopped wild garlic until soft (about 3-4 minutes)
  • Beat eggs, then whisk in the cream, cheese, marjoram and a little pepper.
  • Remove tart from oven and carefully remove the beans and baking sheet. Pour the wild garlic in it
  •  Pour egg mixture over
  •  Bake in oven for 15 minutes at 180 C, or until the stuffing is done (no soft).
  • Sprinkle some black pepper over it
  • You can eat it cold or hot
  Bon apetite from me and my sous chef!

11 comentarii:

  1. Ce frumos....spor si mult noroc in noua formula. Ce mama norocoasa :D.

  2. Tia iesit minunata ..chiar ca ar trebui sa incerc si eu !

  3. Jocuri, chiar sa incerci. E foarte gustoasa si usor de facut.

  4. Foarte frumoasa a iesit, ai un ajutor pe cinste!

  5. I wouldn't mind having such a handsom sous-chef either! And quiche looks amazing :)

  6. nu stiu ce e leurda dar arata foarte bine si e frumos prezentata,cred ca e buna

  7. Mateja, is handsome, isn't he? :))) Of course I see him so :)))

  8. Ina, leurda e o planta care apare doar primavara timpuriu si are un usor gust de usturoi. E foarte buna,

  9. Wild garlic is also called ramps and are a common ingredient in Korean cuisine too.


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