
25 mar. 2011

Prajitura cu mure (Blackberries cake)

Scroll down for English recipe

In lipsa fructelor proaspete, eu am folosit mure congelate. Prajitura pe care am facut-o este dulce - acrisoara si frageda, cu fina aroma de mure. Se poate manca foarte bine si ca desert la masa de pranz, cat si alaturi de o cafea.

Ingrediente pentru o tava mica:
  • 2 oua mari
  • 200 g faina
  • 100 g zahar brun
  • 100 g zahar tos
  • 100 g unt moale
  • 2 linguri esenta de vanilie naturala
  • 50 g mure 
  • 6 linguri cu lapte
  • 3 linguri zahar pudra vanilat
  • cateva mure, pentru ornat

Cum se face:

  • Incalzeste aragazul la 180 C.
  • Unge o tava de tarta cu unt si presar-o cu faina
  • Pune cele 50 g de mure (din care pastreaza vreo 10) si laptele intr-un blender si mixeaza bine
  • Trece sucul de mure printr-o sita fina.
  • Bate ouale cu mixerul, pana ce devin ca o spuma (cam 3 minute) 
  • Bate in oua zaharul, apoi untul pana ce e amestecat foarte bine
  • Adauga vanilia si jumatate din faina
  • Pune 4 linguri din sucul de mure, apoi restul de faina, amestecand dupa fiecare 
  • Toarna compozitia in tava. Presara cele 10 mure. 
  • Coace 35- 40 min, sau pana ce scobitoarea iese curata.
  • Lasa prajitura 10 minute in tava, apoi scoate-o si pune-o pe un gratar
  • Amesteca sucul de zmeura ramas cu zaharul pudra. Pune totul pe foc mic si lasa pana ce se leaga ca o glazura.
  • Toarna peste prajitura. Orneaza cu murele ramase

English version
In the absence of fresh fruit, I used frozen blackberries. This cake ​​is sweet and sour, with fine aroma of blackberries. You can eat it very well as a dessert or with your coffee .

Ingredients for a tart mold:

     * 2 large eggs
     * 200 g flour
     * 100 g brown sugar
     * 100 g granulated sugar
     * 100 g soft butter
     * 2 tablespoons natural vanilla
     * 50 g blackberries
     * 6 tablespoons milk
     * 3 tablespoons powdered sugar and vanilla
     * a few berries for garnish

How To:

     * Heat the oven at 180 C.
     * Grease a tart pan with butter and sprinkle it with flour
     * Put the 50 g of blackberries (reserve about 10) and milk in a blender and mix well
     * Pass blackberry juice through a fine sieve.
     * Beat eggs with electric mixer until they become as a foam (about 3 minutes)
     * Beat in sugar and butter until well blended
     * Add vanilla and half of flour
     * Put 4 teaspoons of blackberry juice, then remaining flour, stirring after each
     * Pour batter in pan.Sprinkle the reserved blueberries.
     * Bake 35-40 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean.
     * Leave cake in pan 10 minutes, then remove it and put it on a rack
     * Mix the remaining raspberry juice with powdered sugar. Put everything on low heat and leave until it becomes a glaze.
     * Pour over cake. Garnish with remaining berries

12 comentarii:

  1. Wow that looks incredible! I really enjoy blackberries!

  2. That is incredible! Not only does the cake sound delicious, but it looks seriously beautiful!

  3. This looks so moist and delicious!!! Really truly gorgeous!!
    Take care,

  4. Thanks for posting that scrumptious looking cake. I absolutely love blackberries which grow wild here.

  5. am niste zmeura in congelator, deja ma visez scotand-o din cuptor

  6. buna!pot sa inlocuiesc murele cu zmeura?

    1. Sigur ca da! Poti folosi orice fructe de padure. Numai sa lasi zmeura sa se scurga dupa ce o decongelezi, pentru ca lasa cam mult suc.

    2. multumesc mult!maine o fac!


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