Scroll down for English recipe
De data asta, fara ciocolata. :)
Ingrediente pentru 26 muffins
- 300 g unt moale
- 100 g zahar brun
- 100 g zahar tos
- 5 oua
- 100 ml lapte
- 400 g faina
- semintele de la un baton de vanilie
- 4 linguri de gem de capsuni
- Inmoaie putin gemul de capsuni daca e prea tare, pe foc. Poti adauga putin lapte ca sa-l inmoi.
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C
- Cu un mixer bate untul 2-3 minute
- Adauga zaharul si bate 3 minute
- Adauga ouale unul cate unul, amestecand dupa fiecare.
- Adauga vanilia si jumatate din faina. Amesteca
- Adauga laptele, apoi restul de faina. Amesteca dupa fiecare.
- Pune cate 1 lingura de coca in fiecare forma de muffin. Deasupra pune cate o lingurita de gem. Umple formele cu coca.
- Coace 15- 20 minute.
English version
This time, no chocolate. :)
Ingredients for 26 muffins
* 300 g soft butter
* 100 g brown sugar
* 100 g granulated sugar
* 5 eggs
* 100 ml milk
* 400 g flour
* seeds from a vanilla bean
* 4 tablespoons strawberry jam
How To:
* Melt the strawberry jam if it's too hard. You can add a little milk to soften it.
* Preheat oven to 180 C
* With a mixer beat the butter for 2-3 minutes
* Add sugar and beat 3 minutes
* Add eggs one at a time, stirring after each.
* Add vanilla and half the flour. Mix
* Add milk, then remaining flour. Mix after each.
* Put 1 teaspoon of dough in each muffin mold. On top put a teaspoon of jam. Fill the form with dough.
* Bake 15-20 minutes.
Ingredients for 26 muffins
* 300 g soft butter
* 100 g brown sugar
* 100 g granulated sugar
* 5 eggs
* 100 ml milk
* 400 g flour
* seeds from a vanilla bean
* 4 tablespoons strawberry jam
How To:
* Melt the strawberry jam if it's too hard. You can add a little milk to soften it.
* Preheat oven to 180 C
* With a mixer beat the butter for 2-3 minutes
* Add sugar and beat 3 minutes
* Add eggs one at a time, stirring after each.
* Add vanilla and half the flour. Mix
* Add milk, then remaining flour. Mix after each.
* Put 1 teaspoon of dough in each muffin mold. On top put a teaspoon of jam. Fill the form with dough.
* Bake 15-20 minutes.
Hai maaa...nici macar putina putina ciocolata? :)))
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RăspundețiȘtergereMiha, :))))))) Nici un strop de data asta. Da sunt bune si asa
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