Scroll down for English version
Zilele trecute a fost ziua unei colege dragi mie, L. M-am tot gandit ce cadou sa-i iau si, in final, am hotarat ca sa fac ceea ce stiu eu mai bine: un tort. Pentru asta m-am inspirat mult din ceea ce a facut Roxana . Am schimbat putin crema, dar blatul e identic. N-a iesit asa frumos ca originalul, dar L mi-a spus ca a fost delicios.
Fiind prea adancita in procesul creatiei, n-am avut timp sa fac poze, asa ca mai bine intrati pe blogul Roxanei, care are multe fotografii din timpul executiei.
Singura diferenta este ca eu nu am folosit crema de branza in crema cu ciocolata neagra, ci smantana grasa (cumparata varsata) si putina gelatina vegetala ca sa fiu sigura ca nu se lasa.
Voi scrie cum se face exact intr-o postare viitoare. Acum sunt prea stoarsa de puteri de la concursul acesta la care particip. Mai vorbim.
English version
A few days ago one of my dearest colleagues L, celebrated her birthday. I've been thinking what present to get her and, finally, I decided to do what I know best: a cake. For this I used a lot of Roxana's recipe. I changed a little the cream, but the joconde sponge is identical. It didn't come out so nicely as the original, but L told me it was delicious. (what I wrote on the top of the cake means Happy B-day)
Being too deep in the creative process, I had no time to take pictures, so you better go on Roxana's blog, which has many photos from the execution.
The only difference is I did not use cream cheese in cream with dark chocolate, but sour cream and some vegetable gelatin to be sure it would not collapse.
I will write exactly how to do in future post. Now I'm too drained of powers from this contest I attended. See you.
Being too deep in the creative process, I had no time to take pictures, so you better go on Roxana's blog, which has many photos from the execution.
The only difference is I did not use cream cheese in cream with dark chocolate, but sour cream and some vegetable gelatin to be sure it would not collapse.
I will write exactly how to do in future post. Now I'm too drained of powers from this contest I attended. See you.
Beautiful cake...and I love the ribbon around the base :)
RăspundețiȘtergereThis cake is so beautiful, Roxana will be so proud of you for using and making it so tasty and stunning!
RăspundețiȘtergereHow pretty is that! Happy Birthday to lucky Roxana.
RăspundețiȘtergerevai Brandusa, ce surpriza placuta.
RăspundețiȘtergereimi place la nebunie cum ti-a iesit. La multi ani prietenei tale.
foarte frumos,apetisant,felicitari