Scroll down for English recipe
La serviciu am un coleg mult mai tanar decat mine. Daca m-as fi chinuit putin, i-as fi putut fi mama. Cand ma uit la el ma vad pe mine la varsta lui. Tot ce ma interesa era ce noutati au mai aparut prin magazine si ce e la moda anul acesta. Nu ma intelegeti gresit, si acum ma intereseaza ce e la moda, dar prioritatile au devenit altele.
La fel si cu gatitul. La 24 de ani nici nu ma gandeam ca peste ...... ani (si aici va las pe voi sa completati :D) o sa imi placa atat de mult sa-mi bag mainile in coca si sa framant paine. Dupa mine e o legatura atavica intre femei si coptul painii. De aceea caut noi retete pentru paine. Astazi a venit randul baghetei frantuzesti.
Aceasta paine frantuzeasca are o coaja crocanta si miez pufos. Nu se framanta prea mult, dar are o durata de crestere de minim 24 de ore, la rece. De aceea daca vreti sa o mancati proaspata la micul dejun, trebuie sa incepeti cu minim o zi inainte. In rest e foarte simplu. Am remarcat ca iese foarte buna in cuptoarele ce dezvolta temperaturi foarte inalte. De aceea e bine sa incalziti bine bine cuptorul inainte de a o coace.
- 700 g faina pentru paine (sau faina simpla, nu pentru cozonaci)
- 4 g drojdie proaspata (sau 7 g drojdie uscata)
- 1 lingurita sare
- 500 g apa la temperatura corpului (nu calda)
In prima zi
- Amesteca drojdia cu putina apa, ca sa se dizolve bine.
- Intr-un castron amesteca toate ingredientele, cu o lingura.
- Cand nu mai poti amesteca cu lingura, amesteca cu mana pana ce se omogenizeaza, in total cam 1 minut.
- Lasa coca sa stea descoperita 5 minute
- Scoate coca din castron si framant-o cam 3 minute. Nu mai adauga prea multa faina. In final coca trebuie sa fie elastica si sa nu se lipeasaca tare de mana.
- Pune coca intr-un castron curat uns cu ulei, acoper-o cu folie de plastic si pune-o in frigider pentru maxim 4 zile
- Eu am impartit coca in doua castroane, pentru ca vreau s-o coc in doua zile diferite
- Scoate coca din frigider. Ea va arata asa (este jumatate din coca initiala)
- Lasa coca 1 ora la temperatura camerei.
- Cu ajutorul unei palete scoate-o cu grija din castron. Nu apasa prea tare, ca sa nu iasa gazele acumulate in ea.
- Imparte coca in 3 parti egale si formeaza baghetele.
- Pune-le intr-o tava, pe foaie de copt. Fa cate 3 taieturi usoare, in diagonala, pe fiecare bagheta.
- Lasa coca la crescut pentru o ora
- Inainte cu 45 de minute de a coace painea, incalzeste cuptorul le maximul (in jur de 290 C)
- Pune coca in cuptor si redu temperatura la 230 C
- Coace 25 minute, pana ce coaja devine aurie.
- Scoate baghetele si raceste-le pe un gratar, minim1 ora.
English version
At work I have a friend much younger than me. If I have struggled a bit, I would have been his mother. When I look at him I see myself at his age. All that interested me was what is new in stores and what is trendy this year. Do not get me wrong, I still care what is trendy, but I have other priorities now.
Same with cooking. At 24 I didn't think that after ...... years (and here you have to to fill in: D) I will love to put my hand in dough and knead bread. After me is an atavistic connection between women and baking bread. So I always look for new recipes for bread. Today came the turn of the French brad.
This French bread has a crispy crust and soft middle. You don't knead it too much, but the increasing lasts at least 24 hours in a cool place. So if you want to eat it fresh at breakfast, you should begin at least a day before. The rest is very simple. The recipe is adapted after Peter Reinhart.
* 700 g bread flour
* 4 g fresh yeast (or 7 g dry yeast)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 500 g body temperature water (not hot)
How To:
On the first day
* Mix the yeast with a little water to dissolve thoroughly.
* In a bowl mix all ingredients with a spoon.
* When you can not mix with spoon, mix by hand until smooth, about 1 minute total.
* Let dough uncovered 5 minutes
* Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it about 3 minutes. Do not add too much flour. In the final dough should be elastic and not very sticky to your hand.
* Put the dough in an oiled clean bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for up to 4 days
* I divided the dough into two bowls, because I bake it in two different days
The day you bake bread
* Remove the dough from the refrigerator.
Same with cooking. At 24 I didn't think that after ...... years (and here you have to to fill in: D) I will love to put my hand in dough and knead bread. After me is an atavistic connection between women and baking bread. So I always look for new recipes for bread. Today came the turn of the French brad.
This French bread has a crispy crust and soft middle. You don't knead it too much, but the increasing lasts at least 24 hours in a cool place. So if you want to eat it fresh at breakfast, you should begin at least a day before. The rest is very simple. The recipe is adapted after Peter Reinhart.
* 700 g bread flour
* 4 g fresh yeast (or 7 g dry yeast)
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 500 g body temperature water (not hot)
How To:
On the first day
* Mix the yeast with a little water to dissolve thoroughly.
* In a bowl mix all ingredients with a spoon.
* When you can not mix with spoon, mix by hand until smooth, about 1 minute total.
* Let dough uncovered 5 minutes
* Remove the dough from the bowl and knead it about 3 minutes. Do not add too much flour. In the final dough should be elastic and not very sticky to your hand.
* Put the dough in an oiled clean bowl, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for up to 4 days
* I divided the dough into two bowls, because I bake it in two different days
The day you bake bread
* Remove the dough from the refrigerator.
* Let dough 1 hour at room temperature.
* With the help of a spatula carefully remove the dough from the bowl. Do not press too hard, not to degas the dough.
* Divide dough into three equal parts and form baguettes.
* Put them in a pan on baking sheet. Make three cuts, diagonally on each.
* Leave the dough to rise for an hour
* Before 45 minutes to bake bread, heat oven to maximum (about 290 C)
* Put the dough in the oven and reduce temperature to 230 C
* Bake 25 minutes, until crust is golden.
* Remove the baguettes from oven and cool them on a wire rack, minimum1 hour.
* With the help of a spatula carefully remove the dough from the bowl. Do not press too hard, not to degas the dough.
* Divide dough into three equal parts and form baguettes.
* Put them in a pan on baking sheet. Make three cuts, diagonally on each.
* Leave the dough to rise for an hour
* Before 45 minutes to bake bread, heat oven to maximum (about 290 C)
* Put the dough in the oven and reduce temperature to 230 C
* Bake 25 minutes, until crust is golden.
* Remove the baguettes from oven and cool them on a wire rack, minimum1 hour.
:)))hahaha, eu care-am zis: ioi, a pus reteta, o fac:)), am ramas dezamagita ca iar e din categoria "retete rabdatoare":)))
RăspundețiȘtergereasta ar insemna sa coc painea maine:P
pupici, Branduso, grozava reteta dar..ramane pe data viitoare:)))
Your french bread looks wonderful! I love baking breads too.
RăspundețiȘtergereYummy! We love this! I love that you also write in two languages. So now I have a nice recipe to make baguettes from! Will bookmark!!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat perfect French bread...brava!
RăspundețiȘtergereYour bread looks wonderful.I can almost hear the crust crackle. You did a fantastic job with this. Have a great day. Blessings...Mary
RăspundețiȘtergereThis bread looks sooooo good!!! I love the smell of fresh bread cooking:)
RăspundețiȘtergereTake care,
Perfection! Love French bread and this one look fantastic!
RăspundețiȘtergereI have a real weakness for french bread. The commerically produced baguettes just aren't the same so if you want anything approaching authentic, you have to make your own. My husband is the bread maker of the family so I shall be passing this recipe on to him.
RăspundețiȘtergereThe bread looks great.
RăspundețiȘtergereYour bread looks really amazing! I have diffculties with yeast, it never does it's thing for me but I am tempted with this recipe!!
RăspundețiȘtergeresalvez si eu reteta...tare am manca si eu o bagheta de asta...multumesc!!
RăspundețiȘtergereLili, e fffff buna. O sa vezi.
Ștergerefff buna ...the best recipe I have ever done ... and I tried it twice and every time was just amazingly good !!!
RăspundețiȘtergereThanks for sharing :)