Scroll down for English recipe
Crocante si sarate (mai mult sau mai putin, dupa preferinta) sunt tocmai bune langa o bere, cu prietenii sau chiar ca mic dejun.
Ingrediente (pentru 4 tavi)
- 200 g unt, moale
- 300 g branza sarata, data pe razatoare
- 500 g faina
- 4 oua
- optional: 1 lingurita piper, sare
- pentru pus deasupra: 1 ou, susan, mac
- Amesteca untul si branza.
- Adauga faina si amesteca.
- Pune ouale, piperul si restul de sare si amesteca bine pana ce se formeaza o coca omogena.
- Inveleste coca intr-o foaie de plastic si lasa la frigider 5 - 6 ore (sau peste noapte)
- Scoate coca din frigider si imparte-o in 4 parti egale. Ce nu folosesti pune in frigider.
- Bate bine oul folosit pentru uns
- Presara faina sub coca si deasupra ei. Intinde o foaie subtire (daca e prea groasa, saratelele sunt mai moi, nu crocante)
- Pune foaia in tava, pe hartie de copt. Taie fasii sau bucati. Unge cu oul batut si presara cu susan sau mac
- Coace in cuptorul preincalzit la 190 C (mediu) cam 15 minute, sau pana devin aurii
- Lasa la racit pe un gratar
- Repeta cu celelalte bucati de coca.
English version
Crunchy and salty (more or less, as you prefer) are very good near a beer with friends or even as abreakfast.
Ingredients (for 4 trays)
* 200 g butter, softened
* 300 g salty cheese, grated
* 500 g flour
* 4 eggs
* Optional: 1 teaspoon black pepper, salt
* to brush: 1 egg, sesame seeds, poppy seeds
How To
* Mix the butter and cheese.
* Add flour and mix.
* Put the eggs, remaining salt and pepper and mix well until a smooth dough forms.
* Wrap the dough in a plastic sheet and leave in refrigerator 5-6 hours (or overnight)
* Remove dough from refrigerator and divide it into four equal parts. What don't use, put in the fridge.
* Beat the egg well
* Sprinkle flour under the dough and on top of it. Roll out the dough in a thin sheet (if too thick, crackers are soft, not crunchy)
* Put the sheet into the tray on parchment paper. Cut strips or chunks. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds
* Bake in preheated oven at 190 C (average) about 15 minutes, or until golden brown
* Let cool on a rack
Ingredients (for 4 trays)
* 200 g butter, softened
* 300 g salty cheese, grated
* 500 g flour
* 4 eggs
* Optional: 1 teaspoon black pepper, salt
* to brush: 1 egg, sesame seeds, poppy seeds
How To
* Mix the butter and cheese.
* Add flour and mix.
* Put the eggs, remaining salt and pepper and mix well until a smooth dough forms.
* Wrap the dough in a plastic sheet and leave in refrigerator 5-6 hours (or overnight)
* Remove dough from refrigerator and divide it into four equal parts. What don't use, put in the fridge.
* Beat the egg well
* Sprinkle flour under the dough and on top of it. Roll out the dough in a thin sheet (if too thick, crackers are soft, not crunchy)
* Put the sheet into the tray on parchment paper. Cut strips or chunks. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with sesame or poppy seeds
* Bake in preheated oven at 190 C (average) about 15 minutes, or until golden brown
* Let cool on a rack
* Repeat for the other three pieces of dough.
arata foarte bine,parca ar fi de cumparat,dar sunt sigura ca gustul nu se poate compara cu nimic din comert:)
RăspundețiȘtergereThese look lovely, really thin & crispy!! I've always made these with bought puff pastry before, maybe I should try this pastry it sounds quite easy, thanks!!
RăspundețiȘtergereCraita, sunt bune bune si foarte usor de facut. Mersic.
RăspundețiȘtergerefoodblogandthedog, You should try this. It's sooo easy.
RăspundețiȘtergereLooks really good! My family would love them!
RăspundețiȘtergereWow, what a delicious looking the looks of the long strips. So crispy!
RăspundețiȘtergereWonderful!! What a wonderful snack!
RăspundețiȘtergereThese look delicious - perfect snack for the weekend, I can't wait to try them :-)
RăspundețiȘtergereLooks really crispy cheese sticks,
RăspundețiȘtergereI might give it a try, thanks for sharing.
These look delicious! Yum!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a great idea! And they are so pretty!