
3 feb. 2011

Paine cu sofran si maghiran (Bread with saffron and marjoram)

Scroll down for English recipe

O paine foarte pufoasa si aromata, numai buna sa intinzi niste unt pe ea

  • 500 g faina pentru paine + 2 linguri + faina pentru framantat
  • 250 ml lapte caldut
  • 25 g drojdie proaspata
  • 50 g unt topit si racorit
  • 1 lingurita zahar
  • 1 lingurita sare
  • 1/2 plic sofran de la Kotanyi
  • 1/2 lingurita maghiran uscat

Cum se face:

  • Intr-o canuta amesteca sofranul cu 2 linguri de lapte. Lasa deoparte
  • Amesteca laptele cu zaharul si drojdia. Amesteca si lasa cam 5 minute, pana ce incepe sa se umfle
  • Pune intr-un castron mare: faina, sarea, untul si drojdia. Amesteca cu o lingura pana ce nu se mai poate amesteca.
  • Pune coca pe o suprafata curata si incepe sa framanti. Te poti ajuta de putina faina ca sa nu se lipeasca de maini. Framanta pana ce coca devine elastica si matasoasa.
  • Pune coca in castronul presarat cu faina si acopera cu un prosop curat.  Lasa sa creasca 45 minute, sau pana ce coca se dubleaza
  • Scoate coca din castron si imparte-o in doua. 
  • Intr-o jumatate de coca pune laptele cu sofran. Adauga cele 2 linguri de faina si amesteca pana ce coca e omogena. Formeaza din ea un sul lung cat tava de copt.
  • In a doua jumatate de coca pune maghiranul si framanta incet, pana ce acesta e incorporat bine. 
  •  Fa din coca un sul lung cat tava.
  • Impleteste cele doua suluri de coca si pune-le in tava presarata cu putina faina

  • Acopera tava cu un prosop curat si lasa sa creasca 45 minute.
  • In timpul acesta incalzeste cuptorul la temperatura foarte mare.
  • Pune tava in cuptor, da focul mai mic si coace 30 - 45 minute. 
  • Scoate painea pe un gratar si unge coaja cu apa rece (cu o pensula)
  • Acopera painea cu un prosop si lasa sa se raceasca.

English version
A very fluffy and flavorful bread, good to spread some butter on it


* 500 g flour for bread + 2 tablespoons + flour for kneading
* 250 ml warm milk
* 25 g fresh yeast
* 50 g butter, melted and cooled
* 1 teaspoon sugar
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1 / 2 sachet of saffron
* 1 / 2 teaspoon dried marjoram
How To:

* In a cup mix saffron with 2 tablespoons  milk. Leave aside
* Mix the milk with sugar and yeast. Mix and leave for about 5 minutes, until it begins to swell
* Put in a large bowl: flour, salt, butter and yeast. Mix with a spoon until you can not mix anymore.
* Put the dough on a clean surface and begin to knead. You can help with a little flour, not to stick to hands. Knead until dough becomes elastic and silky.
* Place dough in floured bowl and cover with a clean towel. Let it rise 45 minutes or until dough doubles in volume
* Remove dough from bowl and divide it in two.
* One half of the dough mix the saffron milk. Add the 2 tablespoons of flour and mix until dough is smooth. Form a roll long as the baking tray.
* In the second half put marjoram and knead dough gently until it is well incorporated.
Form a roll long as the baking tray
    * Interweaves the rolls of dough and put them in the pan sprinkled with some flour.
* Cover the pan with a clean towel and let rise 45 minutes.
* During this preheat oven to very high temperature.
* Put the pan in the oven, lower heat and bake 30-45 minutes.
* Remove the bread on a rack and brush it with cold water
* Cover bread with a towel and let cool.

5 comentarii:

  1. This is so interesting! I love any kind of bread, but never tried this one...Looks Awesome!!!

  2. I love the fact that it's woven bread. It's so beautiful when cut into. Thanks for sharing your recipe.

  3. Vate gramde sofran eu nu am pliculete


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