
17 feb. 2011

Ciocanele de pui cu miere (Honey glazed drumsticks)

Scroll down for English recipe

Toata lumea stie. Ce e bun ingrasa. Adevarul e ca mancarica asta e prea buna ca sa ne pese.O data merge, nu-i asa? Nu va fie teama s-o incercati, chiar daca e facuta cu miere. Celelalte ingrediente echilibreaza asa bine gustul dulce al mierii, incat acesta nu se simte. 

Ingrediente pentru 4 portii:
  • 2 linguri miere lichida
  • 1 lamaie, sucul
  • 2 linguri sos de soia
  • 1 lingura susan seminte
  • 12 ciocanele (pulpe inferioare) de pui, crestate putin
  • 4 linguri faina
  • 50 g unt
  • 100 ml ulei
  • 300 ml vin alb
  • sare, piper dupa gust

Cum se face:
  • Amesteca intr-un castron mierea, lamaia, soia si susanul. 
  • Pune pulpele de pui si amesteca bine, astfel incat sa fie acoperite peste tot de marinada
  • Lasa in frigider 2 ore. Din cand in cand mai invarteste ciocanelele in marinada.
  • Scoate carnea din marinada (pe care o pastrezi) si scurge-le putin.
  • Pe o farfurie amesteca faina cu sare si piper. Da carnea prin acest amestec.
  • Intr-o tigaie mare in care sa incapa toata carnea, incalzeste untul si uleiul. Prajeste ciocanelele la foc mare 3-4 minute, sa se aureasca pe toate partile.
  • Daca nu ai o tigaie asa de mare, pune doar 1/2 din unt si ulei si prajeste jumatete din carne. Apoi curata tigaia si prajeste si cealalta jumatate. Nu folosi uleiul anterior, pentru ca va arde carnea.
  • Pune toata carnea in tigaie, da focul mic, pune un capac si lasa 15 minute ca sa se patrunda carnea. Aceasta e gata daca, atunci cand o intepi cu furculita sucul care iese e clar si nu mai are urme de sange.
  • Scoate carnea din tigaie si pastreaz-o la cald. 
  • Scurge aproape tot uleiul din tigaie. Adauga marinada si vinul. Amesteca. Lasa la fiert pana cand sosul se reduce la jumatate si se ingroasa.
  • Daca uleiul este prea ars, pune marinada si vinul intr-o craticioara. Adauga 2 linguri din ulei (fara arsuri) si fierbe pana ce scade la jumatate.
  • Serveste ciocanelele de pui cu sosul de vin. Garniseste cu patrunjel proaspat tocat.

English version
Everybody knows. What's good makes you fat. The truth is that this food is too good to care about getting fat. Only once, OK?
Do not be afraid to try it, even if made with honey. The other ingredients balance the sweetness of honey, so you will not taste it.

Ingredients for 4 servings:

* 2 tablespoons liquid honey
* 1 lemon, juice
* 2 tablespoons soy sauce
* 1 tablespoon sesame seeds
* 12 drumsticks, slightly cut
* 4 tablespoons flour
* 50 g butter
* 100 ml oil
* 300 ml white wine
* Salt and pepper to taste

How To:

* Mix in a bowl honey, lemon, soy sauce and sesame.
* Put the
drumsticks and mix well so they are coated with marinade
* Leave in refrigerator 2 hours, turning occasionally
* Remove meat from marinade (which you reserve) and drain them a bit.
* In a bowl mix flour with salt and black pepper. Roll
drumsticks in the seasoned flour to coat all over.
* In a large skillet (that will fit all the meat), heat the butter and oil. Fry
drumsticks over high heat 3-4 minutes to brown all sides.
* If you don't have a big skillet, just put half the butter and oil and fry half of meat. Then clean the pan and fry the other half. Do not use previously oil because it will burn the meat.
* Put all the meat in the pan, reduce fire, put a lid and leave for 15 minutes to cook the meat. This is done if, when pierced with a fork, the juice that come out is clear and has no traces of blood.
* Remove meat from pan and keep it warm.
* Drain almost all the oil from the pan. Add marinade and wine. Mix. Let boil until the sauce is reduced by half and thickened.
* If oil is too burned, put the marinade and wine in a saucepan. Add 2 tablespoons of oil (without burning pieces) and boil until reduced by half.
* Serve chicken with sauce. Garnish with chopped parsley.

11 comentarii:

  1. This chicken looks so delicious and your photo of it is wonderful. This is my first visit to your blog, so I've spent some time browsing through your earlier entries. I really like the food and recipes you feature here and I'll definitely be back to see what else you have been doing. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

  2. Hallo Brindusa,

    Mincare bunä pe Gustul meu..Imi place.

    PS: te-ai fäcut cam rarä..
    Ceva Motive , eu poate ???

  3. Jack, am multe de facut in perioada asta si si de aia m-am facut asa rara. Nu din cauza ta. Imi plac mult discutiile noastre culinare.

  4. Ţi-am lăsat un premiu pe pagina mea. Pupăcesc!

  5. Sesame, honey, chicken drumsticks, soy sauce. I'm sold! ANd I'm sure it will be good for me because I'll like it!

  6. cred ca este f. f.f. bun o sa fac si eu saptamana aceasta multumim ca imparti aceste delicioase retete cu noi :))


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