
8 ian. 2011

Paine pentru sandwichuri (Sandwich bread)

Scroll down for English recipe

  • 1 kg faina pentru paine (sau o faina care nu e pentru cozonac sau prajituri)
  • 25 g drojdie proaspata
  • 400 ml lapte caldut
  • 200 ml apa calduta
  • 4 linguri de unt topit, dar nu fierbinte
  • 2 lingurite miere
  • 2 lingurite sare
  • 2 tavi de cozonac (sau chec) lungi
  • putina faina pentru presarat suprafata de lucru 
  Cum se face:
  • Amesteca laptele, apa, drojdia si mierea. Lasa 5 minute (ai grija ca drojdia sa fie dizolvata bine)
  • Intr-un castron mare pune faina si sarea. Fa o gaura in mijloc.
  • Pune in gaura amestecul lichid si untul.Cu o lingura amesteca bine compozitia. Cand devine greu de amestecat cu lingura, e timpul sa pui coca pe suprafata de lucru presarata cu faina.
  • Framanta coca pana ce devine matasoasa si nu se mai lipeste de maini (cam 7- 10 minute)

  •  Fa din coca o bila si pune-o in castronul mare, pe care l-ai presarat cu faina. Cu un cutit ascutit fa o cruce (ca sa paoata creste mai bine). Acopera castronul cu un prosop curat de bucatarie si pune-l la un loc calduros si ferit de curenti (de ex in cuptor)
  • lasa la crescut cam o ora

  • scoate coca din castron si apas-o incet ca sa scoti aerul din ea (cam 2-3 minute)
  • taie coca in doua bucati egale. Din fiecare fa un sul care sa se potriveasca in tava.
  • Presara tavile cu faina (sau malai) si pune coca in ele. Acopera tavile cu prosop de bucatarie. Lasa la crescut 40 - 50 minute.
  • In timpul asta incalzeste cuptorul la maxim (al meu merge pana la 275 C)
  • Dupa timpul de crestere, da cuptorul la 200 C (mediu) si coace painea 45 minute
  • Scoate painea pe un gratar, si cu o pensula unge-o bine cu apa rece. Acoper-o bine cu un servet de bucatarie gros.
  • Lasa pana ce se raceste bine. Asta se face pentru ca coaja sa nu fie foarte crocanta si sa se poata taia felii frumoase pentru sendvisuri.

English version


     * 1 kg flour for bread
     * 25 g fresh yeast
     * 400 ml warm milk
     * 200 ml lukewarm water
     * 4 tablespoons melted butter, but not hot
     * 2 tablespoons honey
     * 2 tablespoons salt
     * 2 long thin trays for cake
     * a little flour to dust the work surface

   How To:

     * Mix milk, water, yeast and honey. Leave five minutes (make sure the yeast is dissolved well)
     * In a large bowl put flour and salt. Make a hole in the middle.
     * Put the liquid mixture and melted butter into the hole and mix well with a spoon. When it becomes difficult to mix with a spoon, it's time to put the dough on floured work surface.
     * Knead dough until it becomes silky and no longer sticks to hands (about 7-10 minutes)
     * Make a ball of dough and put it in large bowl, which you sprinkle with flour. With a sharp knife make a cross (so it can rise better). Cover bowl with clean kitchen towel and put it in a warm place and away from streams (eg in the oven)
     * Let rise for about an hour
     * Remove dough from bowl and press it gently to remove trapped air (about 2-3 minutes)
     * Cut the dough into two equal pieces. From each make a roll to fit in the tray.
     * Sprinkle with flour the trays and put the dough in them. Cover trays with kitchen towel. Let rise for 40-50 minutes.
     * During this heat up the oven (mine goes up to 275 C)
     * After growing time, dcrease to 200 C (average) and bake the bread 45 minutes
     * Remove the bread on a rack, and brush it well with cold water. Cover it well with a thick kitchen towel.
     * Bring to cool thoroughly. This is done in order to obtain a not very crispy crust and to be able to cut slices for sandwiches.

7 comentarii:

  1. Thank you for linking my book to your website. I shall add a link of your blog to my blogroll and follow your posts as well. The bread looks delicious, I can almost smell it.

  2. Milk is makes for such a tender bread. This sounds lovely. Homemade bread is my favorite comfort food.

  3. Ooo yum. Going to make bread today and this is a great recipe!

  4. Wow, what a moist, delicious-looking bread! Good bread is definitely the secret to a good sandwich, and this one sounds great. Thanks for sharing!

  5. arata foarte bine painea ta. imi place ca ai folosit miere si nu zahar, din punctul meu de vedere mierea ii da o aroma speciala

    O zi cat mai frumoasa

  6. I have yet to conquer bread-making. It's one of my New Year resolutions. You've just inspired me. Thanks!

  7. lovely recipe and homemade bread is better than any kind of dessert for me!


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