
7 ian. 2011


Scroll down for English recipe

In engleza cuvantul crinkle inseamna (printre altele)a produce un sunet ca atunci cand se crapa ceva. Asta se intampla cand musti din biscuitii astia: sunt moi la interior, dar crocanti la exterior . Si arata si foarte dragut  contrastul cacao - zahar pudra. Un deliciu.

  • 150 g unt moale, taiat cuburi
  • 150 g zahar tos
  • 2 oua
  • 200 g faina
  • 1 lingura cacao neagra
  • 3/4 lingurita praf de copt
  • 135 g (o tableta si jumatate) ciocolata Kandia amaruie, taiata marunt
  • 1 fiola esenta de rom
  • 100 g zahar pudra

Cum se face:
  • Amesteca untul si zaharul pentru cateva minute.
  • Adauga ouale unul cate unul si amesteca bine dupa fiecare.
  • Adauga esenta si amesteca.
  • Amesteca bine faina cu cacao si praf de copt. Adauga in compozitie si amesteca sa se incorporeze bine.
  • Cu o lingura amesteca si ciocolata in compozitie.
  • Pune la frigider 1-2 ore
  • In timpul asta pune hartie de copt pe 2 tavi mari.
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 190 C
  • Din compozitie fa bilute si da-le prin zahar pudra. Pune-le in tava, cu 2-3 cm intre ele

  • Coace 10- 12 minute.

  • Scoate biscuitii pe un gratar si lasa-i la racit.

English version

The word crinkle means (among others) to make a soft crackling sound. This happens when you bite these biscuits: they are soft on the inside but crispy on the outside. And the contrast cocoa - powder sugar looks very nice. A delight.


     * 150 g soft butter, diced
     * 150 g granulated sugar
     * 2 eggs
     * 200 g flour
     * 1 tablespoon dark cocoa
     * 3 / 4 teaspoon baking powder
     * 135 g bittersweet chocolate, chopped
     * 1 tablespoon rum essence
     * 100 g caster sugar

How To:

     * Mix the butter and sugar for a few minutes.
     * Add eggs one by one and mix well after each.
     * Add essence and mix.
     * Mix well the flour with cocoa and baking powder. Add to composition and mix well to incorporate.
     * With a spoon stir in the chocolate.
     * Put in refrigerator 1-2 hours
     * During this place parchment paper on two large trays.
     * Preheat oven to 190 C
     *  Make small balls and roll them in caster sugar. Put them in the tray, 2-3 cm apart
     * Bake 10-12 minutes.
     * Remove cookies to a rack and let cool.

10 comentarii:

  1. My mother used to make these, but without the rum. I like the grown-up version!

  2. @ Norah: you are right. I think these are the top - models of the biscuits :))))

    @ gigabiting: The alcohol from rum evaporates during cooking. Only the taste remains (unfortunately)

    @ Suchitra: Thanks.

  3. Foarte apetisante. Trebuie incercate.

  4. ghiocel, sa-mi spui cumti-au iesit daca le incerci. Mersic.

  5. Mmmmm...these look great!! :)

  6. These are great! Love the crack on top...

  7. I've only tried this type of cookie once and it was from a truly horrid cookbook. I've been too afraid to try it again. But yours look great.

  8. Sunt un fan al fursecurilor, biscuitilor..Pacat ca aclor mei le plac mai putin, doar sa fie foarte moi in rest mai crocanti nu le place, dar mie daaaa...


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