
8 dec. 2010

Clatitele sotului meu (My husband's pancakes)

Scroll down for English recipe

Din cand in cand sotul meu ne rasfata cu un desert peste care este stapan: CLATITE. Pentru ca el le face cu mare dragoste am hotarat sa le postez pe blog, chiar daca toata lumea stie cum se fac.

Ingrediente pentru 12 clatite
  • 2 oua
  • 800 ml lapte
  • 300 g faina, in functie de cat de groase vrei sa iasa
  • pentru umplutura: crema de ciocolata, gem, dulceata (dupa preferinta)
  • 4 linguri de ulei 

  1. Intr-un castron se pun faina, ouale si 200 ml lapte. Se amesteca cu un mixer, la inceput cu viteza mica.
  2. Se mai adauga din lapte si se amesteca. Continua asa pana ce ai ajuns la consistenta dorita. E posibil sa nu folosesti tot laptele, daca vrei ca clatitele sa fie mai groase.
  3. Incalzeste bine o tigaie de teflon la foc mare. 
  4. Da focul la mediu si pune cateva picaturi de ulei. Cu un polonic pune compozitia in tigaie in centru. Aplecand tigaia stanga- dreapta intinde compozitia in toata tigaia. 
  5. Lasa pana ce clatita se poate desprinde si intoarce-o cu o spatula mai lunga sau prin aruncare.
  6. Cand e facuta si pe cealalta parte pune-o pe o farfurie.
  7. Repeta  etapele 4-6 pana ce termini compozitia.
  8. Umple-le cum vrei.

English version
From time to time my husband indulges us with a dessert: PANCAKES. Because he makes them with great love, I decided to post them on the blog, even if everyone knows how to do it.
Ingredients for 12 pancakes

     * 2 eggs
     * 800 ml milk
     * 300 g flour, depending on how thick you want to be
     * For filling: chocolate cream, jam, honey (according to preference)
     * 4 tablespoons oil

    1. In a bowl put flour, eggs and 200 ml of milk. Mix with a mixer at low speed first.
    2. Add more milk and mix. Continue until you get desired consistency. You may not use all the milk, if you want to have thinner pancakes.
    3. Heat a skillet on high heat.
    4. Put heat to medium and put a few drops of oil. With a ladle put the mixture into the pan in the center. Incline the pan left and right , so composition spreads throughout it.
    5. Leave until the pancake is dry and flip it on the over side with a spatula or throwing it in air.
    6. When it's done on the other side put it on a plate.
    7. Repeat steps 4-6 until you finish the composition.
    8. Fill them as you wish.

10 comentarii:

  1. These look delicious! It is good to let the men do the cooking sometimes. We deserve to be treated to the break.

  2. vai, Brandusa, ce pofta mi-ai facut.
    Nici nu mai tin minte cand am mancat ultima data clatite facute in casa, aici se gasesc de cumparat gata facute.
    Eu am amintiri foarte neplacute si nu fac :))
    O seara placuta in continuare,


  3. Roxana, eu zic sa-ti invingi teama :) si sa le faci. Te pup.

  4. That's one talented, these are delectable...wish oh wish I had these!

  5. Beautiful pancakes. I love my husband, but I have to say he doesn't make pancakes like this! He can grill up a storm though, so that makes it all good.


  6. Those look wonderful with the chocolate oozing out! Beautiful!

  7. Oh your husband's crêpes looks absolutely heavenly... nice photo!!

  8. Sunt foarte bune clatitele:*:*le-am incercat.minunate!!!


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