Scroll down for English recipe
Preferatele mele. De cand ma stiu. Imi aduc aminte de copilaria mea, cand aveam voie sa mananc cu portia. Mama le ascundea (ca sa nu mananc toata tava), dar eu tot le gaseam.
Sunt foarte usor de facut, dintr-o coca frageda si cu multe calorii :D.Arata cam asa
Ce se pune in ele:
- 1 borcan de 400 ml smantana
- acelasi borcan cu ulei (de floarea soarelui, sau alt ulei fara aroma)
- 1 pachetel praf de copt
- 1 praf de sare
- 1lingura esenta de vanilie facuta in casa (sau 2 pachetele de zahar vanilinat)
- 750 g faina 000
- 400 g rahat, taiat cubulete mic
- zahar pudra pentru pus pe deasupra
Cum se fac prajiturile:
- Amesteca smantana cu uleiul intr-un castron incapator.
- Adauga praful de copt, sarea si vanilia.Amesteca.
- Cerne faina si adauga cam 500g. Amesteca. Mai adauga faina, pana cand coca prinde consistenta, e moale, dar se poate intinde.
- Pune coca in frigider cam 4-5 ore. Daca te grabesti pune-o in congelator 30 minute.
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C.
- Presara masa cu faina si intinde 1/2 din coca intr-o foaie mai mult lunga decat lata si nu foarte groasa.
- Langa una din laturi presara rahat.
7. Ruleaza foaia incet, ca sa nu se rupa.
8. Taie sulul in felii de 4-5 cm
9. Pune feliile in tava neunsa, lasand putin loc intre ele. Coace cam 20 minute, pana se intaresc si se rosesc putin.
10. Cat sunt calde presara-le cu zahar pudra.
Se mananca reci.
English version
My favorite. Since I know. I remember my childhood when I was allowed to eat only few. My mother hid them (not to eat the whole tray), but she couldn't keep me away.
They are very easy to make, a tender dough and calories: D. looks like
* 400 ml sour cream
* 400 ml vegetable oil (sunflower or other oil with no flavor)
* 1 sachet baking powder (1 1/2 teaspoon)
* 1 pinch salt
* 1tbsp homemade vanilla extract
* 750 g AP flour
* 400 g turkish delight (lokum) , cut small cubes
* powdered sugar, to sprinkle over
How to make cookies:
1. Mix the cream with the oil in a roomy bowl.
2. Add baking powder, salt and vanilla. Mix.
3. Sift flour and add about 500g. Mix. Add more flour until the dough is soft, but it can be rolled.
4. Put dough in refrigerator 4-5 hours. If you hurry put it in freezer 30 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 180 C.
6. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll half the dough in a sheet longer than wider, and not very thick.
7. Next sprinkle turkish delight along one long side.
8. Roll the sheet slowly so as not to break.
9. Cut roll into 4 cm slices
10. Put slices in ungreased pan, leaving little room between them. Bake about 20 minutes to harden and brown a bit. 11. While warm, sprinkle them with powdered sugar. 12. Eat cold.
They are very easy to make, a tender dough and calories: D. looks like
* 400 ml sour cream
* 400 ml vegetable oil (sunflower or other oil with no flavor)
* 1 sachet baking powder (1 1/2 teaspoon)
* 1 pinch salt
* 1tbsp homemade vanilla extract
* 750 g AP flour
* 400 g turkish delight (lokum) , cut small cubes
* powdered sugar, to sprinkle over
How to make cookies:
1. Mix the cream with the oil in a roomy bowl.
2. Add baking powder, salt and vanilla. Mix.
3. Sift flour and add about 500g. Mix. Add more flour until the dough is soft, but it can be rolled.
4. Put dough in refrigerator 4-5 hours. If you hurry put it in freezer 30 minutes.
5. Preheat oven to 180 C.
6. Sprinkle the table with flour and roll half the dough in a sheet longer than wider, and not very thick.
7. Next sprinkle turkish delight along one long side.
8. Roll the sheet slowly so as not to break.
9. Cut roll into 4 cm slices
10. Put slices in ungreased pan, leaving little room between them. Bake about 20 minutes to harden and brown a bit. 11. While warm, sprinkle them with powdered sugar. 12. Eat cold.
cred ca sunt bune rau,dar un borcan de ulei?!!!!suna malefic:)))
RăspundețiȘtergereAsta este,asa mananca romanul,implicit si eu :d
ai mare dreptate.malefice rau :))))) De aia si eu le fac o data pe an.
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat an interesting treat! I was wondering where you were. Glad you're back.
RăspundețiȘtergereThey look absolutely gorgeous. No wonder your mom hid them!