
23 iul. 2010

Turta dulce a bunicii / My grandma's gingerbread

Scroll down for English recipe

Am cazut in butoiul cu melancolie. Cred ca mi se trage de la discutia avuta cu mama aseara, tarziu in noapte. Mi-a (re)povestit intamplari de cand era mica si ne-am adus aminte de bunatatile facute de bunica. Si ce gospodina era bunica! In fiecare zi avea ceva bun si dulce in camara. Pacat (pentru mine) ca imi dadea desertul cu portia. Iar eu (ca orice copil) vroiam toata tava cu prajituri deodata. Trebuia sa o ascunda bunica ba in cuptor, ba in aragaz, ba prin diferite dulapuri, dar tot degeaba. Nasul meu descoperea urgent comoara inmiresmata. Turta dulce o facea bunica in orice anotimp, nu numai de Craciun. De obicei punea nuci si rahat. Eu am decis sa incerc cu ciocolata si migdale. A iesit putin diferita de a bunicii, dar foarte buna.

Prajitura se pote coace intr-o forma patrata, dar eu am vrut sa incerc  formele de minibriose primite de la Judy. Nu-i asa ca sunt dragalase? Micute si colorate. Delicioase.

Ingrediente pentru o tava 40 cm x 40 cm

  • 500g zahar tos
  • 2 linguri miere
  • 250 ml lapte fierbinte
  • 4 oua
  • 450 g faina 000
  • 5 linguri ulei de floarea soarelui
  • 2 lingurite praf de copt
  • Arome dupa preferinta (vanilie, lamiae, scortisoara, cuisoare, nucsoara)
  • 100 g ciocolata 75% , taiata marunt
  • 100 g migdale decojite, aurite in cuptor

Mod de pregatire:
  1. Intr-o cratita caramelizeaza zaharul. Adauga laptele si mierea si lasa pe foc, amestecand, ca sa se topeasca zaharul caramel. Lasa la racit.
  2. Omogenizeaza ouale si adauga-le in sosul de zahar ars. Amesteca bine. Adauga uleiul.
  3. Cerne faina cu praful de copt si pune-le in amestecul de zahar ars. Compozitia care rezulta e destul de fluida. Adauga aromele , ciocolata si migdalele.
  4. Pune compozitia intr-o tava patrata, sau in forme de briose. Coace 30 minute la 180C. 

English version

I'm feeling blue. I think this came from the discussion I had with my mother last night, late in night. She was (re)telling stories since she was little and we remembered my grandmother's goodies. And what a grandmother I had! Every day was something good and sweet in her oven. Too bad (for me) that she gave me the desert with portion. And I (as a child) wanted cake pan all at once. Grandmother had to hide it in the oven, or in the stove, or in various cabinets, but all in vain. My nose immediately discovered fragrant treasure. Grandmother used to bake gingerbread in any season, not just for Christmas. Usually she put walnuts and turkish delight inside. I decided to try with chocolate and almonds. It was slightly different but very good. 

You can bake the cake in a square shape, but I wanted to try the mini cupcakes molds received from Judy. Aren't them so cute? Tiny and colorful. Delicious.

Ingredients for a 16 inch x 16 inch (40 cm x 40 cm) tray

* 2 1/4 cup (500g) granulated sugar
* 2 tablespoons honey
* 1 cup (250 ml) hot milk
* 4 eggs
* 3 cups (450 g) flour 000
* 5 tablespoons sunflower oil
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* Flavors by preference (vanilla, lemon, cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg)
* 1 cup (100g)
75% chocolate, chopped
* 1 cup (100 g) blenched almonds, golden in the oven

1. In a skillet caramelize the sugar. Add milk and honey and cook, stirring, to melt the sugar. Allow to cool.
2. Homogenized eggs and add them to caramel sauce . Mix well. Add oil. Mix well.
3. Sieve flour with baking powder and put it in the caramel mixture. The resulting composition is quite fluid. Add flavorings, chocolate and almonds.
4. Put the composition in a pan, or in the form of muffins. Bake 30 minutes at 350F (180C).

Un comentariu:

  1. that is beautiful gingerbread and a much better recipe than I have used...thanks so much for sharing it with us!


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