Scroll down for English recipe
Next winter they will remind me of this spectacular summer.
La iarna o sa-mi aduca o farama din vara asta minunata.
Eu nu folosesc la conservare nici un fel de chimicale. In reteta aceasta fasolea se pastreaza foarte bine, chiar si 2 ani. Atat fasolea, cat si rosiile le am din gradina. Asa sunt sigura ca sunt BIO.
Ingrediente pentru 6 borcane mari (cantitatile sunt destul de aproximative)
- 4 kg fasole
- 2 l suc de rosii proaspat facut
- Curata fasolea de capete si eventuala "ata". Daca e prea lunga, rupe-o in bucati
- Pune o oala cu multa apa (cam 8 l) la fiert
- Cand apa fierbe, pune fasolea si fierbe-o putin, pana devine mai moale si flexibila
- Strecoara bine fasolea si las-o sa se raceasca putin
- Pune fasolea in borcane, indesand cat poti de multa
- Umple borcanele cu suc de rosii si insurubeaza bine capacul
- Pe fundul unei cratite foarte mari pune un strat de ziare. Pune borcanele inauntru, unul langa altul. Toarna apa cat sa acopere 2/3 din borcane. Acopera borcanele cu un capac mare sau un strat de ziare.
- Pune cratita la fiert. Fierbe 1 ora din momentul in care apa a inceput sa fierba
- Lasa borcanele la racit in cratita pana a doua zi.
English version
Ingredients for 6 large jars (amounts are
quite approximate)
* 4 kg green beans
* 2 fresh tomato sauce
1. Clean beans and if it's too long, break it into pieces
2. Put a pot with plenty of water (about 8 liters) to boil
3. When water boils, put the beans and boil it not for a long time, but until it becomes soft and flexible
4. Strain the beans well and let her cool
5. Put beans in a jar, pressing to enter more
6. Fill jars with tomato juice and screw the lids well
7. On the bottom of a large pan put a layer of newspapers. Put jars in there, side by side. Pour water as to cover two thirds of the jars. Cover jars with a large lid or a layer of newspapers.
8. Put the saucepan to a boil. Simmer 1 hour from the time the water began to boil
9. Allow jars to cool in the pan until the next day.
* 4 kg green beans
* 2 fresh tomato sauce
1. Clean beans and if it's too long, break it into pieces
2. Put a pot with plenty of water (about 8 liters) to boil
3. When water boils, put the beans and boil it not for a long time, but until it becomes soft and flexible
4. Strain the beans well and let her cool
5. Put beans in a jar, pressing to enter more
6. Fill jars with tomato juice and screw the lids well
7. On the bottom of a large pan put a layer of newspapers. Put jars in there, side by side. Pour water as to cover two thirds of the jars. Cover jars with a large lid or a layer of newspapers.
8. Put the saucepan to a boil. Simmer 1 hour from the time the water began to boil
9. Allow jars to cool in the pan until the next day.
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