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V-am mai spus ce mult imi place primavara si inceputul verii? Acum ai tot felul de verdeturi abia aparute, legume tinere si... sparanghel. Asta pentru ca sparanghelul nu creste in tot timpul anului, ci numai primavara, din a doua jumatate a lunii mai pana in prima jumatate a lunii iunie. N-am putut rezista si am vizitat iarasi taraba cu sparangel romanesc. De data asta am luat mai mult, ca sa pun si la congelator pentru mai tarziu.
Si am facut si un risotto cu aroma fina de sparanghel
- 1 ceapa, tocata marunt
- 30 g unt (sau 3 linguri ulei de masline)
- 500 ml supa clara de vita sau legume in post (facuta in casa, nu din cub!)
- 500 ml zeama in care a fiert sparanghelul
- 300 g orez cu bob mare rotund (eu am luat de la Scotti, Colosal)
- 150 ml vin alb sec
- 50 g parmezan de buna calitate (Garan Padano de la Galbani am folosit eu) In post se poate renunta la el
- 5 fire de sparangel, fierte in prealabil
- sare, piper dupa gust
- coaja rasa de la o lamaie
1. Fierbe cele 5 fire de sparanghel, impreuna cu cozile mai groase care nu se folosesc la mancare in cca 600 ml apa, cam 10 minute. Strecoara zeama, arunca cozile si taie firele folositoare in bucatele potrivite.
2. Incalzeste supa. Amestec-o cu zeama de la sparanghel, astfel incat in total sa ai cam 1litru
3. Intr-o tigaie incapatoare topeste untul. Da focul mic, adauga ceapa si lasa sa se inmoaie cam 5-7 minute. Da focul la mediu si adauga orezul. Prajeste-l amestecand continuu cateva minute. Potriveste in asa fel taria focului incat orezul sa nu se rumeneasca, ci doar sa devina translucid.
4. Adauga vinul si coace la foc mic- mediu, pana s-a absorbit tot, amestecand continuu.
5. Adauga cate un polonic de supa. Amesteca in orez pana ce tot lichidul s-a absorbit. Continua acest procedeu pana ce orezul este moale, dar cumva al dente.
6. Adauga sparanghelul si mai lasa putin sa fiarba.
7. Potriveste de sare si piper. Adauga parmezanul si coja de lamaie. Amesteca, lasa 5 minute sa se racoreasca putin si serveste risotto cald ca fel principal (la cina) sau ca garnitura la alte feluri de mancare.
Ingredients for 3
* 1 onion, chopped
* 30 g butter (or 3 tablespoons olive oil)
* 500 ml of clear beef broth (homemade!)
* 500 ml of soup from boiled asparagus
* 300 g large round grain rice
* 150 ml dry white wine
* 50 grams of good quality Parmesan cheese (the Yellow Warranty Padano I've used)
* 5 asparagus, previously boiled
* Salt and pepper to taste
* Zest from one lemon
1. Boil the asparagus, with thicker parts that are not used in food, in about 600 ml of water, about 10 minutes. Strain broth, discard thick parts and cut into pieces the parts that you use.
2. Heat soup. Mix it with soup from asparagus, so it's about 1liter.
3. In a big pan melt butter. Over low heat, add onion and let it fry about 5-7 minutes. Rise heat to medium and add rice. Fry stirring it a few minutes. The fire must not brown the rice, only to become translucent.
4. Add wine and cook on medium-low heat until all is absorbed, stirring constantly.
5. Add one ladle of soup. Mix in the rice until all liquid is absorbed. Continue this procedure until rice is soft, but somewhat al dente.
6. Add asparagus and let it simmer a bit.
7. Add salt and pepper. Add Parmesan cheese and lemon zest. Mix, allow 5 minutes to cool slightly and serve warm risotto as a main course (dinner) or as a garnish to other dishes.
It looks so fresh!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis looks delicious. I've always wanted to try to learn how to make a risotto!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis looks so creamy and delicious! I love asparagus. It adds wonderful color to the dish!
RăspundețiȘtergere@Tania: Thanks
RăspundețiȘtergere@Sevgi: I starde to make risotto only a couple of months ago. It is very easy. Try it.
@Mother Rimmy: I love it too.
frumos! Love this, asparagus is one of my favorites...
RăspundețiȘtergereYum! I love risotto! I'm a big fan of asparagus as well. This looks delightful. Thanks for sharing!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis looks amazing. gonna try that.
RăspundețiȘtergereMagic of spice, thanks for your nice comment.
RăspundețiȘtergereJulie, thanks.
RăspundețiȘtergereLior, try it. You will love it.Thanks for sharing my post.
What a great risotto. I love the touch of lemon zest to give the dish a bright flavor.
RăspundețiȘtergereMy asparagus risotto is very close to your recipe and of course, I also use lemon. Thanks for posting! :-)
RăspundețiȘtergereI am a huge risotto fan and this looks wonderful!
RăspundețiȘtergereAsparagus and risotto...yum! I tried risotto once, not sure it came out "exactly" right, but it was delicious. Nice blog! You can visit mine at