Scroll down for English recipe
In summer I like to eat vegetable sour soups. Depending on what I find in the garden (if I am in the country) or in my refrigerator, my soups contain a variety
of vegetables. But there is something they have in common: lovage. That's because
it seems to me the best flavor for a sour soup. Here, in Romania we give the sour taste of the soup using bortsch. It is made from bran and water left a couple of days until it becomes sour, than the liquid is filtrated and used. If you don't have bortsch, use lemon juice.
Ingrediente pentru o oala de 5-6 litri
- 2 cepe medii, tocate
- 2 morcovi medii, tocati
- 1 radacina patrunjel, tocat
- 1 radacina telina, tocata
- 1 ardei, tocat
- 1 dovlecel, tocat
- 3 l apa (sau 2 l apa + 1 l supa de pui)
- 3 linguri de ulei
- 1 cutie rosii decojite in bulion
- 1 legatura patrunjel, tocata marunt
- 1 l bors
- sare dupa gust
- Incalzeste uleiul in oala si caleste putin ceapa.
- Adauga celelalte legume (fara dovlecel) si caleste-le putin.
- Pune apa (sau apa + supa) si fierbe la foc mic pana ce legumele sunt putin moi.
- Adauga dovlecelul si rosiile si lasa pana ce legumele sunt fierte
- Pune borsul fierbinte si fierbe 3 minute.
- Potriveste de sare.
- Ia de pe foc si pune leusteanul.
- Serveste cald cu smantana sau rece.
English version
for a 5-6 liter pot
* 2 medium onions, chopped
* 2 medium carrots, chopped
* 1 parsley root, chopped
* 1 celery root, chopped
* 1 green pepper, chopped
* 1 zucchini, chopped
* 3 l water (or 1 l water + 2 l chicken broth)
* 3 tablespoons oil
* 1 can peeled tomatoes in tomato sauce
* 1 bundle lovage, finely chopped
* 1 liter bortsch (or lemon juice to taste)
* Salt to taste
1. Heat oil in the pot and fry the onion until it is soft.
2. Add other vegetables (not zucchini) and fry them a bit.
3. Put water (or water + soup) and boil until vegetables are slightly soft.
4. Add zucchini and tomatoes and leave until the vegetables are cooked
5. Puts hot borsch and boil 3 minutes.
6. Add salt.
7. Take the pot from het and add the chopped lovage. Stir. Cover.
8. Serve warm with cream or cold.
* 2 medium onions, chopped
* 2 medium carrots, chopped
* 1 parsley root, chopped
* 1 celery root, chopped
* 1 green pepper, chopped
* 1 zucchini, chopped
* 3 l water (or 1 l water + 2 l chicken broth)
* 3 tablespoons oil
* 1 can peeled tomatoes in tomato sauce
* 1 bundle lovage, finely chopped
* 1 liter bortsch (or lemon juice to taste)
* Salt to taste
1. Heat oil in the pot and fry the onion until it is soft.
2. Add other vegetables (not zucchini) and fry them a bit.
3. Put water (or water + soup) and boil until vegetables are slightly soft.
4. Add zucchini and tomatoes and leave until the vegetables are cooked
5. Puts hot borsch and boil 3 minutes.
6. Add salt.
7. Take the pot from het and add the chopped lovage. Stir. Cover.
8. Serve warm with cream or cold.
Pai mai de unde sa iau bors? :-) Am incercat sa facem aici si nu a iesit prea bine din pacate. Imi lipseste foarte mult mai ales vara!
RăspundețiȘtergereI like the look of this.
RăspundețiȘtergereAndra, daca as putea ti-as trimite cativa litri. Oare de ce nu iese la voi?
RăspundețiȘtergereSteve, thanks
RăspundețiȘtergerePai nu iese ca nu avem cu ce sa il incepem- daca am avea macar un pic sa punem pe tarate, ar merge, dar nu am gasit si nu ne lasa astia sa le aducem din Romania prin vama.
RăspundețiȘtergereLove this soup:) Great ingredients!
RăspundețiȘtergerepreferata mea vara :)