Scroll down for English recipe
The first time I ate these biscuits, they were made by a 12 years old girl from New Zeeland. I liked them so much, so I did not resist asking her recipe. Thanks Taylor.Then I searched the origin of this recipe. These are very common biscuits for the New Zealand and Australia. The name comes from Anzac troops, from Australia and New Zeeland, who fought in World War I. Military wives send these cookies overseas, because they don't contain perishable ingredients and are easy to transport.
Prima oara cand am mancat biscuitii acestia, erau facuti de o copila de 12 ani din Noua Zeelanda. Mi-au placut asa de mult ca n-am rezistat sa nu-i cer reteta. Thanks Taylor.
Mai apoi am cautat pe net originea lor. Sunt cumva niste biscuiti de baza in Noua Zeelanda si Australia. Numele vine de la trupele ANZAC- din Australia si Noua Zeelanda care au luptat in Primul Razboi Mondial. Sotiile militarilor le trimeteau acesti biscuiti peste mari si tari, pentru ca nu contin ingrediente perisabile si se transporta foarte usor.
- 250 g faina
- 300 g zahar
- 200 g nuca de cocos (eu nu am avut alba, ci colorata, de aceea arata biscuitii putin colorati)
- 250 g fulgi de ovaz
- 200 g unt
- 3 linguri de miere (in reteta originala se foloseste Golden Syrup, dar n-am gasit)
- 1 lingurita bicarbonat de sodiu
- 4 linguri apa care fierbe
Amesteca faina, zaharul, nuca de cocos, ovazul intr-un castron incapator.
Topeste untul si mierea.
Dizolva bicarb. in apa fiarta. Pune-l in amestecul unt- miere. Ai grija ca o sa se umfle.
Toarna acest amestec in cel cu faina si amesteca bine sa se incorporeze tot.
Formeaza cu mana bile din compozitie, pune-le pe tavile acoperite cu foaie de copt si aplatizeaza-le. Lasa loc intre biscuiti, pentru ca mai cresc.
Coace 15-20 minute, nu mai mult, chiar daca vi se par moi. Se intaresc cand sunt reci.
English version
* 250 g flour
* 300 g sugar
* 200 g coconut (I did not have white, but colorful, therefore my biscuits are colored)
* 250 g of oat rolls
* 200 g butter
* 3 tablespoons honey (the original recipe uses Golden syrup, but I didn't find)
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 4 tablespoons boiling water1. Preheat oven to 180 C.2. Mix flour, coconut, oatmeal in a roomy bowl.3. Melt butter with honey.4. Dissolve the bicarb. in boiling water. Put it in the butter-honey mixture. Attention, because it will swell.5. Pour this mixture into the flour and mix well to incorporate everything.
* 250 g flour
* 300 g sugar
* 200 g coconut (I did not have white, but colorful, therefore my biscuits are colored)
* 250 g of oat rolls
* 200 g butter
* 3 tablespoons honey (the original recipe uses Golden syrup, but I didn't find)
* 1 teaspoon baking soda
* 4 tablespoons boiling water1. Preheat oven to 180 C.2. Mix flour, coconut, oatmeal in a roomy bowl.3. Melt butter with honey.4. Dissolve the bicarb. in boiling water. Put it in the butter-honey mixture. Attention, because it will swell.5. Pour this mixture into the flour and mix well to incorporate everything.
6. With your hand make small balls, put them on trays covered with baking paper and
flatten them. Leave room between cookies, because they will grow.
7. Bake
15-20 minutes, no more, even if they seem soft. Will harden when cold.
Sunt extraordinari....
RăspundețiȘtergerevai ce bine arata, n-am mancat pana acum dar ii pun pe lista de facut <3
RăspundețiȘtergereFoarte bine faci, Sabrina. Sa vezi ce buni sunt :)