Scroll down for English recipe
There are many recipes for homemade candies. I read a lot about this. So I took a LIL bit from here, a LIL bit from there, I added a lot from myself and here they are.
Am vazut pe multe bloguri retete de bomboane. Eu am facut un rezumat de la dana2dor, Miha, Ina (Lifestyle blog) si nu mai stiu de pe unde, am adaugat tenta mea speciala si iata ce a iesit.
- 200 g lapte praf
- 100 g zahar pudra
- 50 g + 50 g nuca cocos rasa
- 100 g unt moale
- 3 linguri smantana de cocos+ lapte de cocos
- 50 g ciocolata alba
- alune de padure, putin prajite
- 1 cana migdale crude, fara coaja
- 3 linguri suc portocale
- 150 g ciocolata neagra, bucati mici
- 4 linguri miere (sau mai multa, dupa gust)
- cacao, pentru ornat
Bomboane "ZI"
Topeste la baia de aburi ciocolata. Amesteca cu mixerul laptele praf, zaharul pudra, 50 g nuca cocos, untul, smantana si laptele de cocos, pana se obtine o compozitie cremoasa. Adauga ciocolata topita si amesteca. Pune la rece, sa se intareasca. Cu mana uda fa bilute din compozitie in mijlocul carora pui cate o aluna. Da-le prin nuca de cocos
Bomboane "NOAPTE"
Topeste ciocolata la baia de aburi. Pune migdalele intr-un blender mic si mixeaza-le pana se fac ca un unt. Daca nu reusesti (raman fainoase), pune sucul de portocale. Adauga mierea si mixeaza bine. Adauga ciocolata topita. Da la rece, sa se intareasca. Cand s-au intarit ia cu lingurita din compozitie si, cu mana umeda, fa bilute pe care le tavalesti prin cacao.
- Smantana de cocos se formeaza la suprafata laptelui de cocos. O vedeti de cate ori deschideti o cutie cu lapte de cocos. La mine a fost cam o lingura. Restul, am folosit lapte de cocos.
- Inainte sa le mancati, lasati bomboanele la rece, altfel sunt prea moi.
English version
For candy "DAY"
* 200 g of milk powder
* 100 g icing sugar
* 50 g + 50 g dry coconut flakes
* 100 g soft butter
* 2 tablespoons coconut milk + |1 tablespoon coconut cream
* 50 g white chocolate
* Hazelnuts, toasted a little For candy "NIGHT"
* 1 cup raw almonds, shelled
* 3 tablespoons orange juice
* 150 g dark chocolate, cut in small pieces
* 4 tablespoons honey (or to taste)
* Cocoa to decorateCandy 'DAY'Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Mix (with mixer) milk powder, powdered sugar, 50 g coconut flakes, butter, cream and coconut milk, to obtain a creamy composition. Add the melted chocolate and mix. Put the mixture in a refrigerator, to harden. With wet hands make balls of composition. Inside each ball insert a hazelnut.Roll them in coconutCandy 'NIGHT'Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Put almonds in a small blender and mix them up to make butter. If you can not (they stay flour), put orange juice. Add honey and mix well. Add melted chocolate. Put the mixture in a refrigerator, to harden. With wet hands, make balls and roll them in cocoa.
* 200 g of milk powder
* 100 g icing sugar
* 50 g + 50 g dry coconut flakes
* 100 g soft butter
* 2 tablespoons coconut milk + |1 tablespoon coconut cream
* 50 g white chocolate
* Hazelnuts, toasted a little For candy "NIGHT"
* 1 cup raw almonds, shelled
* 3 tablespoons orange juice
* 150 g dark chocolate, cut in small pieces
* 4 tablespoons honey (or to taste)
* Cocoa to decorateCandy 'DAY'Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Mix (with mixer) milk powder, powdered sugar, 50 g coconut flakes, butter, cream and coconut milk, to obtain a creamy composition. Add the melted chocolate and mix. Put the mixture in a refrigerator, to harden. With wet hands make balls of composition. Inside each ball insert a hazelnut.Roll them in coconutCandy 'NIGHT'Melt the chocolate in a double boiler. Put almonds in a small blender and mix them up to make butter. If you can not (they stay flour), put orange juice. Add honey and mix well. Add melted chocolate. Put the mixture in a refrigerator, to harden. With wet hands, make balls and roll them in cocoa.
* Before you eat, leave candies to cool, otherwise they are too soft.
Frumusele bombonele! ma faci sa ma tenteze si sunt la dieta! Am venit in dar cu un premiu, oferit din suflet. Rugamintea este sa-l ridici, daca-ti face placere, si sa-l oferi unor bloguri de suflet. O saptamana cu multe reusite!
RăspundețiȘtergereYami! Vreau si eu! :)
RăspundețiȘtergereJulie, iti trimit (virtual)din fiecare.
RăspundețiȘtergereeu nu vreau decat din cele albe, se poate
RăspundețiȘtergeresalvat reteta, poate chiar in weekend o fac, mersi
si mie tot alea albe mi-au placut.Pupi.
RăspundețiȘtergereI can certainly enjoy these day and night.
RăspundețiȘtergereThese look wonderful. Thanks for sharing your recipe!
RăspundețiȘtergereI like your night recipe. I may try it soon.
RăspundețiȘtergerePerfect! I adore these chocolates:)