Scroll down for English recipe
Pentru 3 portii mixeaza cu blenderul vertical cate o mana de: alune de padure, muguri de pin, migdale. Adauga apoi 2 catei de usturoi, o legatura de patrunjel si frunze de menta dupa gust. Adauga 2 linguri ulei de masline.
Fierbe pastele al dente in apa cu sare. Cand sunt gata scurge-le de apa si amesteca-le intr-un castron mare cu toppingul.
Cand le servesti, presara parmezan ras (poti renunta la el daca o faci in post) si coaja de portocala.
English version:
For 3 servings,
- Blend a handful of each: hazelnuts, pine nuts, almonds.
- Then add 2 cloves of garlic, a bunch of parsley and mint leaves to taste. Add 2 tablespoons olive oil. Blend until a paste is formed
- Boil pasta al dente in salted water. Drain and mix them in a large bowl with the nutty paste .
- When you serve, sprinkle with grated parmesan and orange peel.
- Serve hot
Brandusa, interesant toppingul! O sa-l testez si eu la pastele integrale, chiar si chestia cu aroma de portocala. Numai parmezan la paste nu pot sa pun (asta a fost una din durerile mele la aceasta dieta, dar m-am obisnuit!). Felicitari!
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