Scroll down for English recipe
N-as putea spune de ce este preferata mea. Poate pentru ca e dulce, dar si acrisoara. Poate pentru ca e cremoasa si aromata. Poate pentru ca are o culoare ce-mi aminteste de vara si vacanta. Supa de rosii e, pentru mine, cea mai tare inventie gastronomica. Si, pentru ca o fac destul de des, incerc sa o perfectionez. De data asta am incercat o reteta noua, in care rosiile nu se pun crude, ci coapte. A iesit cea mai buna versiune de pana acum a supei de rosii.
- 1 kg rosii
- 2 l apa
- 2 cepe mari
- 6 catei de usturoi
- 4 linguri ulei de masline
- frunze de oregano, pentru ornat
- sare, piper dupa gust
- 4 linguri de orez
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C.
- Spala rosiile si indeparteaza eventualele parti stricate. Taie rosiile in jumatati si pune-le cu partea taiata in jos intr-o tava. Stropeste-le cu uleiul de masline. Pune tava in cuptor pentru 20- 30 minute. In final, rosiile trebuie sa arate asa
- In timp ce rosiile se coc, pune apa la fiert impreuna cu ceapa si usturoiul. Lasa pana ce ceapa e bine fiarta.
- Rosiile, impreuna cu tot sucul din tava se dau prin masina de separat. Sucul obtinut se pune in apa fiarta si se lasa la fiert 5 minute.
- Se sareaza si se pipereaza supa, apoi se pune orezul si se fierbe la foc mic pana ce acesta e moale. Se inchide focul, se lasa supa acoperita 1/2 de ora (ca sa se umfle bine orezul), apoi se serveste presarata cu frunze de oregano.
English version
I don't know why is my favorite. Maybe because it's sweet, but also sour. Maybe because it's creamy and flavorful. Perhaps because it has a color that reminds me of summer vacation. Tomato soup is, for me, the ultimate gastronomic invention. And because I make it quite often, I'm trying to perfect it. This time I tried a new recipe, with roasted tomatoes, not raw. It came out the best version (so far) of a tomato soup.
- 1 kg tomatoes
- 2 l water
- 2 large onions
- 6 cloves garlic
- 4 tablespoons olive oil
- oregano leaves, for garnish
- salt and pepper to taste
- 4 tablespoons rice
- Preheat the oven to 200 C.
- Wash tomatoes and remove any damaged parts. Cut tomatoes in half and place them cut side down in pan. Drizzle them with olive oil. Put pan in oven for 20-30 minutes. Finally, the tomatoes should look a bit browny.
- While tomatoes bake, put water to boil with onion and garlic. Leave until the onion is well cooked.
- Use the special machine to separate the juice from seeds and skin. Pour the juice obtained in the boiled soup, and let boil 5 minutes.
- Add salt and pepper, then add rice and simmer until it is soft. Turn off the heat, let the soup covered half an hour (so the rice is well cooked), then serve sprinkled with oregano leaves.
Minunata!Si mie imi place supa de rosii, a ta cred ca e o bunatate!
RăspundețiȘtergereBrandusa, sa fie oare telepatie?! Ca de vorbit sigur nu ne-am vorbit ca sa pregatim aproape acelasi lucru :))
RăspundețiȘtergerein Pakistan se face un chutney din rosii coapte.imi place foarte mult aroma lor.cred ca supica aceasta este delicioasa.pupici
RăspundețiȘtergereTare mult imi place aceasta supa dar cu rosii coapte nu am facut niciodata.Buna idee.
RăspundețiȘtergereSeara frumoasa!
Great to know that roasted tomatoes makes one of my favorite soups even better! Yours is lovely~
RăspundețiȘtergereThis looks absolutely fantastic. My favorite way to have this soup is with a grilled cheese sandwich. It's awesome.
RăspundețiȘtergereI've buzzed and saved this one. I have a ton of tomatoes ripening on my counter from our garden and I was thinking of doing a soup. Perfect timing!
RăspundețiȘtergereSometimes a great bowl of soup is all you need to unwind from a long day. This does look delicious and this recipe has some ingredients that I will need to try. Looks delicious-yum!
RăspundețiȘtergereGrozaaaaaaaaaaaava.hanks for the recipe:)o ador deja
RăspundețiȘtergere:) sper s-o si incerci