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Pentru astazi am ceva foarte rapid si foarte gustos. E foarte bun si la dieta, pentru ca pestele cu legume este gatit la cuptor fara prea mult ulei. Crapul cel mai bun este cel de aproximativ 1kg, pentru ca are oasele mari si nu este gras. In acelasi fel se poate pregati salaul, somnul sau stiuca.
Ingrediente pentru 4 persoane:
- 2 kg crap, curatat si eviscerat
- 3 cepe, taiate solzi
- 2 capatani de usturoi, curatate
- 2 ardei
- 4 rosii
- 3 linguri cu ulei de masline
- 1/2 pahar vin alb sec
- sare, piper dupa gust
- 1 lamaie
- Mai intai incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C (mediu)
- Cresteaza pestele, usor, in diagonala.
- Pregateste legumele: Taie ceapa solzisori, ardeiul julienne (bastonase) si rosiile felii rotunde. Taie cateii de usturoi in jumatati.
- Pune in tava jumatate din legume. Stropeste-le cu uleiul si zeama de la 1/2 de lamaie. Presara putina sare si piper
- pune pestele peste legume si umple-l cu restul de legume. Poti pune si deaupra lui cateva. Toarna peste el vinul si zeama de la cealalta 1/2 de lamaie. Presara sare si piper.
- Acopera tava cu folie de aluminiu si pune-o in cuptorul incins, la 180 C, pentru 20 de minute. dupa acest timp scoate folia si mai lasa pestele cam 10 minute, ca sa e inroseasca putin.
English version
For today I have something very quick and very tasty. It's very good in many diets, because the fish and vegetables are roasted in the oven without too much oil. Best carp is about 1kg , because it has big bones is not fatty. In the same way you can prepare pike, catfish or other fish that you like.
Ingredients for 4 people:
Ingredients for 4 people:
- 2 kg carp, cleaned
- 3 onions
- 2 clove garlic, peeled
- 2 green peppers
- 4 tomatoes
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 / 2 cup dry white wine
- salt and black pepper to taste
- 1 lemon
- First heat the oven to 180 C (medium)
- Make some diagonal cuts on the fish.
- Prepare vegetables: roughly cut the onion, julienne the green peppers and slice the tomatoes.
- Put half the vegetables in a pan. Drizzle them with oil and juice from 1 / 2 lemon. Sprinkle some salt and pepper
- Put the fish over vegetables and fill it with remaining vegetables. You can put some on top of it. Pour wine and remaining lemon juice over it. Sprinkle salt and pepper.
- Cover the pan with aluminum foil and put it in the heated oven at 180 C for 20 minutes. After this time remove the foil and leave the fish 10 more minutes in the oven, or until it becomes golden.
Sending all my love,
Brindusa :)
Ce mult imi place mie pestele!
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