
14 iun. 2011

Salata cu patrunjel - Tabouleh (Parsley salad - Tabouleh)

Scroll down for English recipe

Cum mancarea libaneza e foarte indragita pe la noi, cred ca pana acum toata lumea a aflat de salata asta.  Este foarte vitaminizanta (patrunjelul si sucul de lamaie au multa vitamina C) si bine venita oricarei diete. Vara, pe caldurile alea mari e nemaipomenit de racoritoare, mai ales cand e mancata de la frigider. Salata originala se face cu menta, dar eu nu am asa ceva in gradina, asa ca am pus niste oregano :)

  • 3 legaturi mari de patrunjel
  • 2-3 rosii
  • 1- 2 cepe
  • 3 linguri grau zdrobit (bulgur)
  • 1 legatura menta (eu am folosit oregano)
  • sucul de la 1 lamaie
  • cateva linguri ulei de masline extravirgin
  • sare dupa gust
Cum se face: 
  • Graul zdrobit se gaseste la orice magazin arabesc. Daca nu gasesti, poti face salata si fara.
  • Amesteca bulgurul cu 4 linguri de apa calda si pune-l deoparte cam 15 minute, ca sa se inmoaie putin
  • Separa frunzele de patrunjel de codite. Toaca frunzele foarte marunt. Eu am folosit blenderul, dar manevra asta se face foarte usor manual, cu un cutit ascutit.
  • Toaca marunt rosiile, ceapa si frunzele de oregano
  • Intr-un castron incapator amesteca toate ingredientele. Pune sucul de lamaie, uleiul si potriveste de sare. Amesteca foarte bine.
  • Pune salata la frigider cel putin 2 ore inainte de a o manca. In felul asta graul absoarbe toate gusturile minunate si se inmoaie.

English version:

Lebanese food is very popular all over the world , so I think that by now everyone has heard of this salad. It is full of vitamins (parsley and lemon juice have vitamin C) and good in any diet. During hot summer days is incredibly refreshing, especially when it is eaten from the fridge. Original salad is made ​​with mint, but I didn't have in the garden, so I put some oregano:)


  •      3 bunches of fresh parsley
  •      2-3 tomatoes
  •      1-2 onions
  •      3 tablespoons bulghur
  •      1 bunch mint (I used oregano)
  •      juice of 1 lemon
  •      a few tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  •      salt to taste

How To:

*Bulghur is found in any Arabic store.
     Soak bulghur in 4 tablespoons of hot water and put it aside for about 15 minutes, to soften slightly
    Discard the parsley and mint stems. Finely chop the leaves. I used a blender, but it is very easy to do it manually with a sharp knife.
     Finely chop tomatoes and onion.
     In a bowl mix all ingredients. Put lemon juice, oil, salt to taste. Mix well.
     Put salad in the refrigerator at least 2 hours before eating it. In this way the bulghur absorbs all the wonderful juices and becomes soft.

5 comentarii:

  1. Buna si rapida si pe caldurile de afara e tot ce iti poti dori :) O saptamana frumoasa Brindusa!

  2. Mmmmm...I love tabbouleh, and I bet it's yummy with oregano!

  3. foarte foarte buna,o salata pentru meniu zilnic

  4. What a refreshing idea for a salad...beautiful!

  5. I have never tried this but it looks so good. My garden is full of mint so I think I will use it!!! Thanks :)


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