
2 mai 2011

Cartofi frantuzesti cu smantana (French scalloped potatoes)

Scroll down for English recipe

Orice s-ar spune, bucataria frantuzeasca e cea mai rafinata. Chiar si mancarurile "tzaranesti" sunt bogate in arome si texturi.  Uite, asa s-a intamplat si cu garnitura asta de cartofi. E atat de buna, incat poate fi un fel de mancare separat. Si nici nu e cine stie ce filozofie. Se face foarte usor.

Eu am folosit aceasta garnitura langa o friptura de vita. Pe asta v-o arat maine :)

  • 1 kg cartofi, curatati
  • 900 ml lapte
  • 30 g unt moale
  • 3 catei de usturoi, rasi fin
  • 1/2 lingurita nucsoara
  • 1 frunza de dafin
  • 50 ml smantana pentru gatit
  • sare si piper dupa gust
Cum se face:
  • Incalzeste cuptorul la 180 C. Taie cartofii in felii destul de subtiri.

  • Pune cartofii intr-o oala si acopera-i cu lapte. Adauga dafinul, nucsoara, sare si piper.

  • Fierbe cartofii la foc mic cam 15 minute, pana sunt jumatate fierti. 
  • Unge bine cu unt o tava si presara usturoiul ras pe fundul ei .

  • Folosind o paleta cu gauri transfera cartofii din oala in tava. Gusta laptele si mai adauga sare/piper daca e nevoie. Toarna laptele peste cartofi, doar atat cat sa-i cuprinda. Intinde smantana deasupra.
  • Coace cartofii in cuptor cam 1 ora, pana cand tot lichidul e absorbit. 

English version:

There is no doubt, French cuisine is the most refined. Even the "country" dishes are
 rich and have a distinctive flavor. This potato garnish is the best example. It's so good that it can be a separate dish. And it is so easy too.

I used it as a side dish, with a beef roast. This recipe, tomorrow:)


  •      1 kg potatoes, peeled
  •      900 ml milk
  •      30 g soft butter
  •      3 cloves garlic, finely grated
  •      1 / 2 teaspoon nutmeg
  •      1 bay leaf
  •      50 ml creme fraiche
  •      salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

How To:

  •      Preheat oven to 180 C. Cut the potatoes into fairly thin slices.
  •      Put the potatoes in a saucepan and cover them with milk. Add the bay leaf, nutmeg, salt and pepper. Simmer potatoes over low heat about 15 minutes, until half cooked.
  •      Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle the garlic over the base.
  •      Using a slotted spoon transfer potatoes from the pot into the baking dish. Taste the milk and add salt / pepper if needed. Pour milk over the potatoes, to come just to the surface, not to cover them. Spread cream over the surface.
  •      Bake potatoes in oven about 1 hour, until all liquid is absorbed.

8 comentarii:

  1. Such a tasty dish! I love French food, it is so rich! Fantastic side dish! :-)

  2. Arata super bine cartofii tai, ca de altfel tot ce faci tu in bucatarie :) Te astept la provocarea lunii mai "Dulce Romanie" la mine pe blog, daca ai timp si chef :) Pupici si o saptamana superba!

  3. It looks perfect. My mom makes her scalloped potatoes almost exactly like this (and she's Belgian). The nutmeg is the key that makes everyone wonder what's in it that makes it SO good.

  4. Eu am facut un gratin dauphinois asemanator cu al tau.Mi-a placut foarte mult.Uite aici :
    Si eu ador bucataria franceza si cea italiana :)

  5. The ultimate comfort food! Delish!

  6. azi la pranz si eu am facut reteta asta si chiar este super buna

  7. I love, love, love dauphinoise potatoes! I could eat them every day just by themselves :D

  8. Gratin dauphinois....bun, foarte bun!


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