
21 apr. 2011

Pasta alla bolognese

Scroll down for English recipe

 Si eu, ca marea majoritate a gospodinelor, ma trezesc vineri cu o dilema  existentiala:  Ce sa gatesc in weekend. Bineinteles ca imi intreb sotul ce ar manca. Si in 99 % din cazuri spune: "Ce vrei tu". Apoi imi intreb baiatul. Acelasi raspuns. Cum sa ma descurc fara nici un ajutor? De multe ori ma ajuta internetul, sau cartile mele de bucate {slavite fie ele :)}. De data aceasta, insa, nu mi-a placut nimic din ce am vazut. Vroiam ceva... asa... nu stiu cum... aromat... si usor de facut... Cine a mai vazut asa o reteta???? Prin urmare m-am intors la dragostea din tinerete, cand nu stiam sa fac prea multe in bucatarie, dar Sosul ragu alla bolognese imi iesea perfect.

Acest sos la baza se face cu pancetta in loc de ulei si are si lapte in compozitie. De data asta eu nu le-am folosit.

Ingrediente pentru 4 persoane:

  • 500 g carne vita, tocata
  • 1 morcov
  • 1 bucata telina
  • 1 ceapa mare
  • 4 linguri ulei de masline
  • 200 ml vin
  • 1 cutie mica pulpa de rosii
  • 1 lingurita maghiran, busuioc, oregano
  • sare, piper dupa gust
  • paste, fierte

Cum se face:
  • Toaca (sau da pe razatoarea mica) ceapa, morcovul si telina
  • Intr-o tigaie mare incalzeste uleiul. Pune legumele si lasa 2-3 minute sa se inmoaie

  •  Adauga carnea tocata 

  • Amesteca si lasa la foc mediu pana ce tot sucul s-a evaporat.

  • Pune vinul si ierburile uscate
  •  Amesteca si lasa la foc mic 7-8 minute (sa se evapore lichidul)
  • Adauga rosiile

  • Amesteca bine

  • Da focul foarte mic, pune un capac si gateste carnea 2-3ore.Stiu ca pare mult, dar acesta este secretul unui sos alla bolognese reusit. Daca sosul scade foarte mult, ca sa nu se arda poti pune putin vin sau apa. 
  • Spre sfarsit, pune pastele la fiert. 
  • Pune sare si piper dupa gust si serveste paste cu sosul de carne si o salata. Pofta buna.

English version:

In general I wake up Friday with an existential dilemma: What to cook on weekend. Of course I ask my husband what he wants to eat. And 99% of time he answers: "What you want, dear. " Then I ask my boy. Same answer. How to get along without any help? The Internet often helps me, or my recipe books give me an idea{thanks God they exist :)}. This time, though, I found nothing to like. I wanted something ... so ... good ... aromatic ... and easy to do ... Who has seen such a recipe?? Therefore I turned to my first love, from those times when I didn't know much in the kitchen, but ragou alla bolognese sauce used to come out perfect.

The original sauce is done with pancetta instead of oil and also with milk. This time I have not used them.

Ingredients for 4 people:
  •      500 g ground beef 
  •      1 carrot
  •      1 piece celery
  •      1 large onion
  •      4 tablespoons olive oil
  •      200 ml wine
  •      1 can tomato pulp
  •      1 teaspoon marjoram, basil, oregano
  •      salt and pepper to taste
  •      pasta, cooked

How To:

     Chop (or grate) onion, carrot and celery
     In a large skillet heat the oil. Put vegetables and let 2-3 minutes to soften
     Add ground meat. Mix and leave on medium heat until all the juices evaporated.
     Put the wine and dried herbs. Stir and let simmer 7-8 minutes (to evaporate the liquid)
     Add tomatoes and mix well. Lower the fire, put a lid and cook 2- 3 hours. I know that seems a lot, but this is the secret to a successful sauce alla bolognese. If the sauce reduces a lot, you can pour a little wine or water, not to burn it.
     Towards the end, put the pasta to boil.
     Put salt and pepper to taste and serve pasta with meat sauce and a salad.  

     Enjoy your meal.

9 comentarii:

  1. m-a amuzat introducerea si ma izbesc de acelasi lucru... :)) ce vreau eu :D si sotului meu ii plac mult bolognesele.te pup, o zi faina:P

  2. Your version with ground beef looks delicious!

  3. Diamond, data viitoare astept eu o idee de la tine :)) O zi buna si tie.

  4. My son just made a similiar verison we loved it... yours looks wonderful!

  5. Love the pasta....looks beautiful :)

  6. Sarbatoarea Sfanta a Invierii Domnului sa reverse asupra voastra sanatate, belsug si bucurii!


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