Scroll down for English recipe
In cautarea mea dupa noi retete de supa, am poposit zilele trecute pe blogul Alessandrei, de unde am imprumutat aceasta minunatie. Mi-a placut foarte mult ca ea nu a calit prazul si cartofii in oala, asa cum face toata lumea, ci le-a copt in cuptor unde au capatat un gust dulceag.
Ingrediente pentru 6 persoane:
- 2 fire mari de praz, spalate
- 5 cartofi medii, curatati de coaja
- 6 linguri cu ulei de porumb
- sare, piper dupa gust
- Incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C (tare)
- Taie partea alba a prazului in bucati de 5 cm.
- Frunzele verzi, tari, care nu pot fi mancate, separa-le si spala-le bine.
- Taie cartofii in bucati nu foarte mari.
- Pune cartofii si partea alba a prazului intr-o tava, pe hartie de copt
- Pune deasupra uleiul, sare si piper
- Coace in cuptor 30 - 45 minute
- In timpul asta fierbe frunzele verzi de praz, in 4 l de apa
- Cand totul e gata strecoara zeama de praz si pune in oala continutul tavii din aragaz, cu tot cu uleiul.
- Fierbe 20 de minute.
- Paseaza cu un blender, pana cand supa devine fina.
- Potriveste de sare si piper.
- Serveste cu crutoane de paine.
English version
In my quest for new soup recipes, I arrived a few days ago on Alessandra's blog, from where I borrowed this one. I really liked that she did not saute leeks and potatoes in the pot, as everyone does, but roasted them in the oven, so they got a sweet taste.
Ingredients for 6 persons:
* 2 large leeks, washed
* 5 medium potatoes, peeled
* 6 tablespoons corn oil
* salt and red pepper to taste
How To:
* Preheat oven to 200 C
* Cut the white part of leek into 5 cm pieces.
* Separate the green leaves, that can not be eaten, and wash them well.
* Cut the potatoes into pieces not too large.
* Put the potatoes and leeks in a roasting pan on parchment paper
* Add oil, salt and pepper
* Bake in oven 30-45 minute
* During this boil the green leaves of leek in 4 l water
* When everything is ready strain leek broth and add the content of the roasting pan (including oil)
* Simmer 20 minutes.
* Blend well with an immersion blender until soup is smooth.
* Add salt and pepper to taste
* Serve with bread croutons.
Ingredients for 6 persons:
* 2 large leeks, washed
* 5 medium potatoes, peeled
* 6 tablespoons corn oil
* salt and red pepper to taste
How To:
* Preheat oven to 200 C
* Cut the white part of leek into 5 cm pieces.
* Separate the green leaves, that can not be eaten, and wash them well.
* Cut the potatoes into pieces not too large.
* Put the potatoes and leeks in a roasting pan on parchment paper
* Add oil, salt and pepper
* Bake in oven 30-45 minute
* During this boil the green leaves of leek in 4 l water
* When everything is ready strain leek broth and add the content of the roasting pan (including oil)
* Simmer 20 minutes.
* Blend well with an immersion blender until soup is smooth.
* Add salt and pepper to taste
* Serve with bread croutons.
Imi plac mult cremele, supele, ciorbele. Orice idee e binevenita! Frumoase poze.
RăspundețiȘtergereI love the simplicity of this recipe, it sounds perfect!
RăspundețiȘtergereA beautifully simple, and simply beautiful, soup. Love it.
RăspundețiȘtergereI agree. I'm a huge fan of leek and potato soup but have never thought of roasting them. It would be delicious. I love the new header too!