Scroll down for English recipe
O salata de primavara. Cu multa verdeata. Si cu leurda. Pentru cine nu e familiarizat, leurda este o planta care apare primavara si are un gust de usturoi. De aceea se mai numeste si usturoi salbatic. Are multe proprietati terapeutice, printre care si cel depurativ. De aceeea primavara e recomandata o cura de 4 saptamani cu leurda proaspata. Cea uscata nu mai are aceleasi proprietati.
Leurda arata asa
- 1 salata verde
- 1 legatura leurda
- 3 ridichi
- 2 fire ceapa verde
- 2 linguri ulei de masline
- zeama de la 1/2 de lamaie
- sare dupa gust
- 1 lingurita seminte de nigella
- Se spala bine toate verdeturile
- Salata verde si leurda se taie (sau se rup cu mana).
- Ridichiile si ceapa se taie felii
- Se amesteca toate cu sarea, uleiul si zeama de lamaie
- In final se presara semintele de nigella
English version
Today I made a spring salad. With wild garlic. Who is not familiar, wild garlic (also known as ramsons or bear's garlic) is a herb that appears in spring and taste of garlic. The leaves are edible, and can be used as salad, herb, boiled as a vegetable, in soup, or as an ingredient for pesto. It is known for its spring tonic qualities. For best results, in spring is recommended to eat it for 4 weeks, fresh, because the dried one loses its properties.
- 1 lettuce
- wild garlic 1 bunch
- 3 radishes
- 2 green onions
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- juice from half lemon
- salt to taste
- 1 teaspoon nigella seeds
- Wash all herbs well
- Cut lettuce and wild garlic (or tear by hand).
- Slice radish and onion
- Mix all with salt, oil and lemon juice
- Finally sprinkle the seeds of nigella
Looks lovely! I made a wild garlic custard tart last week. I love the Spring, don't you?!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a wonderful tasty healthy salad! Thank you for sharing! have a great weekend :)