Scroll down for English recipe
Astept primavara. Am obosit sa indur iarna, zapada, frigul, bocancii... M-am gandit ca niste mazare verde ar fi tocmai buna ca sa aduca un damf de primavara. De data asta am facut ceva mai deosebit: Am pus niste menta. Ii multumesc lui Mary pentru aceasta idee.
Ingrediente pentru 4 portii:
- 400 g piept de pui, taiat cuburi mai mari
- 500 g mazare verde, congelata
- 2 cepe mari, tocate
- 3 linguri ulei de porumb
- 1 lingurita menta uscata sau 2 lingurite menta proaspata
- 200 ml apa
- 50 ml vin alb
- sare, piper dupa gust
- Incalzeste uleiul intr-o cratita. Pune carnea si prajeste-o putin pe toate partile.
- Adauga ceapa, Amesteca
- Lasa 3-4 minute la foc mediu, ca sa se inmoaie ceapa.
- Adauga mazarea congelata si amesteca putin
- Pune sare, piper, menta uscata (daca folosesti proaspata, se pune la sfarsit) si apa. Pune capacul si fierbe la foc mic 15 minute.
- Adauga vinul si mai fierbe 5 minute. Daca folosesti menta proaspata, pune-o acum
- Potriveste de sare si piper.
- Serveste mancarea calda, cu salata de castraveti in saramura.
English version
Ingredients for 4 servings:
* 400 g chicken breast, cut in pieces
* 500 g green peas, frozen
* 2 large onions, chopped
* 3 tablespoons corn oil
* 1 teaspoon dried mint or 2 teaspoons fresh mint
* 200 ml water
* 50 ml white wine
* salt and pepper to taste
How To:
* Heat oil in a skillet. Put meat inside and fry on all sides.
* Add onion, mix
* Leave on medium heat 3-4 minutes, to soften onion.
* Add frozen peas and stir slightly
* Put salt, pepper, dried mint (if using fresh, put it at the end) and water. Put the lid and simmer 15 minutes.
* Add wine, simmer 5 more minutes. If using fresh mint, put it now
* Serve hot, with a cucumbers in brine salad.
Thank you for the English version of your posts! I love peas, but that is one of the only things my husband hates, so I will have to make this for myself!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis looks like home cooking. Brings back good memories. Many thanks for sharing the recipe.