Scroll down for English recipe
Iar am facut paine. Bineinteles, am incercat ceva nou. Am vazut reteta asta pe blogul Roxanei mai de mult si de atunci ma bantuie. Era musai sa fac si eu!. Sunt extraordinare alaturi de o mancarica cu sos, un curry sau o fasole batuta. Nu trebuie framantata si nici nu dureaza mult.
- 500 g faina de paine
- 350 ml apa calduta
- 25 g drojdie proaspata,
- 2 cepe rosii, taiate marunt
- 4 linguri de ulei de masline
- 1 lingurita sare
- 1/2lingurita piper
- Amesteca drojdia cu putina apa pana ce se dizolva
- Incalzeste uleiul intr-o tigaie si caleste ceapa la foc mic, pana ce se inmoaie
- Pune faina intr-un castron, adauga ceapa si amesteca putin
- Adauga drojdia, restul de apa si sarea. Amesteca bine cu o lingura, cam 5 minut. Coca trebuie sa fie moale. Daca nu este, mai adauga putina apa.
- Pune coca intr-un castron curat, uns cu ulei. Lasa la crescut 1 ora, sau pana ce isi dubleaza volumul
- Scoate coca din castron cu ajutorul unei palete pe masa data cu faina.
- Imparte coca in 12 ( sau 14) bucati si formeaza bile din ele. Pune-le intr-o tava, pe hartie de copt
- Lasa la crescut pana ce isi dubleaza volumul
- In timpul acesta incalzeste cuptorul la 200 C (foarte tare)
- Cand painicile au crescut, fa cate o taietura pe fiecare si pune-le in cuptor
- Coace 20 de minute. Lasa la racit.
English version
And I baked bread. Again. Of course, I tried something new. I saw this recipe on Roxana's blog and it haunted me since then. It was obligatory to bake it! These rolls are great with a sauce, a curry or beans. No need to knead.
* 500 g bread flour
* 350 ml lukewarm water
* 25 g fresh yeast
* 2 red onions, finely chopped
* 4 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, grounded
How To
* Mix yeast with water until it dissolves
* Heat oil in a skillet and cook onion over low heat until softened
* Put the flour into a bowl, add onion and stir slightly
* Add yeast, remaining water and salt. Mix well with a spoon, about 5 minutes. Dough should be soft. If not, add some water.
* Put the dough in a oiled clean bowl . Let rise for 1 hour or until double in size
* Remove the dough from the bowl on floured surface.
* Divide dough into 12 (or 14) pieces and form balls from them. Put them in a tray on parchment paper
* Let it rise until double in size
* During this time, heat the oven to 200 C (high)
* When the rolls raised, make one cut on each and put them in the oven
* Bake 20 minutes. Leave to cool.
* 500 g bread flour
* 350 ml lukewarm water
* 25 g fresh yeast
* 2 red onions, finely chopped
* 4 tablespoons olive oil
* 1 teaspoon salt
* 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, grounded
How To
* Mix yeast with water until it dissolves
* Heat oil in a skillet and cook onion over low heat until softened
* Put the flour into a bowl, add onion and stir slightly
* Add yeast, remaining water and salt. Mix well with a spoon, about 5 minutes. Dough should be soft. If not, add some water.
* Put the dough in a oiled clean bowl . Let rise for 1 hour or until double in size
* Remove the dough from the bowl on floured surface.
* Divide dough into 12 (or 14) pieces and form balls from them. Put them in a tray on parchment paper
* Let it rise until double in size
* During this time, heat the oven to 200 C (high)
* When the rolls raised, make one cut on each and put them in the oven
* Bake 20 minutes. Leave to cool.
Da' crezi ca eu nu fac? super fain ti-au iesit!!!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a beautiful crumb on this the look of it, and I bet it's delicious!
RăspundețiȘtergerema bucur ca ai avut incredere in reteta mea si ai facut chiflele. foarte frumoase ti-au iesit.
RăspundețiȘtergeresa va fie de bine :)
Yum! I think that I will be making this bread this weekend. I've always shied away from making proper breads with yeast, but this one sounds really easy and delicious. Thanks for sharing!
RăspundețiȘtergereCe-as musca si eu dintr-o bucata...
RăspundețiȘtergereO zi spendida de 8 Martie, LA multi ani!
mmmm,deja simt mirosul
RăspundețiȘtergereLA MULTI ANI
de 8 martie,petrecere frumoasa
This bread sounds great! I love the addition of the red onion!
RăspundețiȘtergereThat bread looks gorgeous! I love the recipe!
RăspundețiȘtergereWhat a nice recipe!
RăspundețiȘtergereThis is a great recipe.
RăspundețiȘtergereAnything with the words easy and bread in the same sentence has to be good. I don't have a lot of luck with yeast but these do actually sound easy and I love the onion!!
RăspundețiȘtergerebuna buna painica! am copt si eu acum doua zile paine "plata" cu seminte de ceapa si susan, pudrata cu za'tar :D am mancat-o toata :))