Scroll down for English recipe
Cand eram copil imi doream cu ardoare sa cresc mare. Sa nu-mi mai spuna mama ce sa fac, sa pot merge unde vreau, sa-mi cumpar tot ce-mi place. Uite ca am ajuns si aici. Dar acum, bineinteles, imi doresc sa mai fiu copil! Ce ti-e si cu oamenii astia, nu stiu ce vor.
Cand ma apuca amocul asa dupa zilele de mult trecute, mainile mele creeaza o mancare a copilariei. Astazi am facut Colarezi. Asa se numeste desertul acesta in zona noastra (Muntenia). Prin alte zone ale tarii se mai numesc frecatei sau razalai.
Colarezi e un desert simplu, chiar foarte simplu. Ingredientele sunt putine: faina, lapte, zahar si vanilie. Dar ce combinatie minunata iese.
- 1l lapte
- 3/4 cana de faina
- 10 linguri de apa
- 6 linguri de zahar
- un praf mic de sare
- 1 lingura esenta de vanilie
- Amesteca laptele cu zaharul, sarea si pune-l la fiert
- Pune faina intr-un castron si amestec-o cu apa cu mana. Freaca Coca formata intre degete si formeaza bucatele de coca.
- Poti pune mai multa sau mai putina apa, in functie de cat de mari vrei sa fie bucatile de coca
- Cand laptele clocoteste, pune in el bucatile de coca, amesteca si lasa la fiert cam 10 minute.
- Pune esenta de vanilie si lasa putin la racit.
- Se mananca cald
English version:
When I was a child I passionately wanted to grow up. So I don't have to do what my mother tell me to do, I can go where I want to and buy whatever I like. But now, of course, I wish I be a kid again! OMG these people do not know what they want.
When I feel blue like this, my hands have to create a childhood food. Today I cooked COLAREZI (ko-la-rae-dzee). It is a Romanian dessert loved by children. It is simple, very simple. It contains few ingredients: flour, milk, sugar and vanilla. But what comes out is a wonderful combination.
* 1l milk
* 3 / 4 cup flour
* 10 tablespoons water
* 6 tablespoons sugar
* a small pinch of salt
* 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
How To
* Mix the milk with sugar, salt and put it to boil
* Put the flour into a bowl and mix it with water by hand. Rub between fingers and form pieces of dough.
* You can put more or less water, depending on how big you want to be pieces of dough
* When the milk boils, put the pieces of dough in it, stir and let boil for about 10 minutes.
* Put a little vanilla and let cool.
* Eat hot
When I feel blue like this, my hands have to create a childhood food. Today I cooked COLAREZI (ko-la-rae-dzee). It is a Romanian dessert loved by children. It is simple, very simple. It contains few ingredients: flour, milk, sugar and vanilla. But what comes out is a wonderful combination.
* 1l milk
* 3 / 4 cup flour
* 10 tablespoons water
* 6 tablespoons sugar
* a small pinch of salt
* 1 tablespoon vanilla extract
How To
* Mix the milk with sugar, salt and put it to boil
* Put the flour into a bowl and mix it with water by hand. Rub between fingers and form pieces of dough.
* You can put more or less water, depending on how big you want to be pieces of dough
* When the milk boils, put the pieces of dough in it, stir and let boil for about 10 minutes.
* Put a little vanilla and let cool.
* Eat hot
That certainly looks like great nursery food, no matter how old you are! Warm and comforting. We all could use a little of that now and then.
RăspundețiȘtergereI'd never heard of making these little flour noodles in milk, only broth. A lid's delight!
I think we all have childhood comfort fun to hear of yours! I think mine is spinach souffle...kind of weird, I know :)
RăspundețiȘtergereThat looks so good, I love the star shaped bowl you used too! I can definitely see my son loving this!
RăspundețiȘtergereDa,da..........colarezi=copilarie.Ce frumos, ce frumos.
RăspundețiȘtergereEu nu am facut niciodata dar mama si acuma mai face din cand in cand.
Frumoasa reteta si mult mai frumoase sunt amintirile pe care ti le trezeste :) Am observat noul look al blogului, e super fain, imi place tare mult! weekend frumos iti doresc!
RăspundețiȘtergerepentru mine orezul cu lapte e desertul copilariei.
RăspundețiȘtergerecolarezul tau arata foarte bine
I've never had this before! Looks very comforting!
RăspundețiȘtergerefoarte bun,secretul e la formatul colorezilor sa nu iasa tari