
7 feb. 2011

Briose cu rozmarin si lamaie (Cupcakes with rosemary and lemon)

Scroll down for English recipe

O combinatie care pare ciudata, dar va garantez ca rozmarinul merge tare bine cu lamaia

  • 200 g unt moale, taiat cuburi
  • 200 g zahar
  • 250 g faina
  • 1 lingurita praf de copt
  • 3 oua
  • coaja de la o lamaie
  • zeama de la o lamaie
  • 1 lingurita rozmarin praf
  • 1/4 lingurita scortisoara praf (optional, dar merge si fara)

Cum se face:

  • Amesteca zaharul cu untul, pana ce se omogenizeaza bine (cam 5 minute)
  • Adauga ouale unul cate unul, amestecand dupa fiecare
  • Adauga coaja si zeama de la lamaie. Amesteca.
  • Adauga rozmarinul, scortisoara, praful de copt si faina. Amesteca bine
  • Pune compozitia in forme de briose. Coace 15- 20 minute la 190 C.

English version

A combination that sounds odd, but I guarantee you that rosemary works very well with lemon


     * 200 g soft butter, diced
     * 200 g sugar
     * 250 g flour
     * 1 teaspoon baking powder
     * 3 eggs
     * zest from a lemon
     * juice from one lemon
     * 1 teaspoon powder rosemary
     * 1 / 4 teaspoon cinnamon powder (optional, but it is better without)

How To:

     * Mix sugar with butter until well blended (about 5 minutes)
     * Add eggs one at a time, stirring after each
     * Add lemon peel and juice. Mix.
     * Add cinnamon, baking powder and flour. Mix well
     * Put batter in muffin form. Bake 15-20 minutes at 190 C.

12 comentarii:

  1. Your cupcakes are lovely with delicate flavors. I love lemon in anything!

  2. You are cupcake fan, I can tell:)
    These are nice looking too.. rosemary must be very tasty combo...great recipe:)

  3. Bune si parfumate trebuie sa fie!

    Lepse si premii te asteapta la noi pe blog!

  4. These look delicious! I really love this combo, what a great recipe!

  5. What a lovely flavour combination for cupcakes!

  6. I love the combination of lemon and rosemary. Just recently have I become aware of the use of rosemary in sweet desserts. It is a wonderful thing. I made a rosemary apple pie a few months ago that was just incredible. I need to try these!

  7. Cât de frumoase sunt.
    Ce-mi place că pui şi versiunea în engleză. Suuuper idee. Poate fur şi eu ideea ta. hihihi

  8. love the combo of these cupcakes, and again, love the cupcake papers :))
    have a wonderful day Brandusa

  9. foarte dragute si mai ales combinatia de arome mi-a starnit curiozitatea. N-ai vrea sa le inscrii in concursul meu de CUPCAKES?

  10. vai ce frumusete !!! si ce combinatie !!!!


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